Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 288: The real red dragon flash

The nine large flat mouths of Hydra opened and closed silently, revealing sharp dark yellow fangs.

   A drop of dark green saliva dripped from the corner of its mouth, turned into green smoke in mid-air, and spread quietly.

   Its nine pairs of gloomy and cold eyes stared at Qian Yue and Ji Tianxing, and the breath of the whole body became colder and colder.

   It is not eager to attack immediately, it has enough patience, waiting for Qian Yue and Ji Tianxing to be poisoned quietly, paralyzed and ulcerated all over.

   At that time, it will catch the prey without much effort and can enjoy the dinner to its fullest.

   Ji Tianxing frowned, his eyes filled with cold light.

   On the surface, he didn't make a difference, but he accumulated majestic essence in secret, and suddenly launched an attack.

   "Wind and lightning strike!"

   With a low cry, he spurred two golden sword lights, and slashed towards the Hydra.

   The two golden sword beams were both two meters long, carrying a fierce and domineering force, and instantly slammed in front of Hydra.

   Hydra reacted immediately, shrinking its body, and leaning its head by nine, it was about to escape the sword light's attack.

   However, its body was too large, and there were too many heads and necks. After all, it could not escape the blow.


   The dazzling golden light mixed with the violent hurricane, turned into a powerful golden thunder, and it severely smashed a Hydra in the neck.

   A loud and deafening noise echoed between the cliffs on both sides.

   The golden thunder burst suddenly, exploded into golden light fragments, and scattered in the river.

   A long, narrow white mark was left on the neck of the Hydra, and dozens of palm-sized snake scales were chopped up.

   But it only received a slight injury, no flesh, muscles or bones at all, and only a trace of blood leaked from the wound.

   Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing's face immediately became gloomy and his eyes became very solemn.

   Qianyue also widened his eyes, revealing anxious eyes, and quickly said to Ji Tianxing through a voice transmission: "Old Ji! We are in a big trouble now! This Hydra is a great monster of Yuandan realm!"

   "I can't fight, let's find a way to escape!"

   It turned a pair of eyeballs steadily, racking its brains to find a way.

   Hydra was enraged, opened its blood basin and let out a low growl of ‘hissing’, spraying out more than a dozen batches of dark green venom, Chao Ji Tianxing and Qian Yue smashed over.

   Seeing this, Ji Tianxing promptly shouted in a low voice: "Qianyue! Go back! Let's go back to Manya Mountain!"

   Qianyue flapped his wings desperately, retreated as fast as he could, and escaped the venom attack dangerously and dangerously.

   It turned around and fled to Manya Mountain, and asked anxiously: "Old Ji, are you crazy? We finally escaped from Manya Mountain, and now we are going back. Aren’t we going to die?"

   "A hydra is enough for us to have a headache. We will be besieged by those **** stinky crows later, we will both be torn to pieces!"

   Ji Tianxing said solemnly: "Qianyue, I don't have time to explain so much, you can just do it!"

   "If we want to kill Hydra, we have only one way!"

   Qianyue, of course, believed him, so he stopped asking more questions and flew towards Manya Mountain desperately.

   Hydra twisted its huge body, hurriedly chased and killed it, and continuously opened its mouth to spray out black water arrows, shooting at Qianyue and Ji Tianxing.

   Qianyue tried his best to dodge, and the figure flickered from side to side, dodge one after another with extreme thrills.

   After a while, it flew back to Manya Mountain with Ji Tianxing and returned to the place where they fought with the crows.

   There was not a single black crow in the sky, all the black crows hid back into the cave on the cliff.

   At this time, Hydra has chased up aggressively, only tens of meters away from Qianyue.

   At the critical moment, Ji Tianxing went all out to use the Flying Star Sword Art, spurring a huge golden sword light.

   This sword light is three meters long and contains a sharp sword intent and power.

   Originally he wanted to use the Chilong Flash, this sword light was the ultimate power he could reach.

   However, he urged the skill of his left hand again, and the whole arm immediately turned crimson, like magma.

   After he used the Chi Yan real fire, the three-meter-long golden sword light immediately expanded violently and grew to a full ten meters long!

   The huge sword glow rose up with blazing flames, exuding an extremely violent and domineering atmosphere.

   "Red Dragon Flash!"

   Ji Tianxing no longer hesitated, and with a murderous growl, he urged the flame sword light to blast towards the Hydra.

   At that moment, the crimson sword glow burst into a monstrous flame, forming a vivid red fire dragon shadow!

   This sword became a real red dragon flash, and its power reached an extremely terrifying level!


   Just for an instant, Chilong flash blasted out several tens of meters, and hit one of Hydra's neck severely.

   Only a muffled sound of "boom" was heard, and the neck and head of the Hydra were drowned in the fire.

   Its sturdy neck was cut off by Chilong flash on the spot, attached to a huge snake head, and plunged into the rolling river.

   In the fractured part of the neck, there are dense bones exposed, and dark red blood is gushing out, like a pouring rain, falling into the sky.

   The very smelly **** air immediately spread over the river.

   Hydra was chopped off a neck and head, and he roared in pain, and shook his huge body violently ~www.ltnovel.com~ and slammed it towards Qianyue.

   Qianyue had been prepared for a long time, and hurriedly fled to escape, and escaped the culling of Hydra in a thrilling manner.

   Hydra became more and more angry, tumbling frantically in the surging river, twisting its huge snake's tail, and flapping a huge wave.

  Even the cliffs on the left and right sides were blasted out of cracks by a huge snake's tail, and countless huge stones broke out.

   The crows hiding in the cave were startled. They smelled the strong **** smell in the air, so they rushed out of the cave desperately, and rushed towards the Hydra in groups.

   Suddenly, dozens of black clouds flew out in all directions, covering the sky.

   Thousands of inverted black crows circled and danced around the Hydra, constantly making piercing and strange noises, desperately pecking at its wounds.

   Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing quickly let Qian Yue take the opportunity to escape.

   Qianyue immediately understood, burst out at the fastest speed, turned into an icy blue streamer, and flew up the river.

   After just 30 breaths, it and Ji Tianxing escaped from the crowd of crows, quickly moved away from Manya Mountain, and finally out of danger.

   Ji Tianxing turned his head and looked back, and saw that Hydra was still fluttering violently in the river, constantly twisting and struggling.

   Around the Hydra, there were densely dense black crows, at least tens of thousands, completely obscuring the sky over the river.

   Tens of thousands of black crows frantically besieged and pecked the Hydra, splashing blood and pieces of meat.

   After a short period of a few hundred breaths, the Hydra, which was several hundred meters long, was eaten by the crows. Only a white skeleton remained and fell into the river.

  Chapter 7 is here. I ask for recommendation tickets and rewards. Please everyone!

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