Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 289: Ancient Alien

A moment ago, the ferocious and ferocious Hydra was eaten by tens of thousands of black crows.

   There is not even a bit of flesh left on the white Sensen's snake skeleton.

   The bloodthirsty and brutality of the Black Crow is evident.

   When the skeleton of the Hydra fell into the river, the crow flocks that covered the sky gradually dispersed and returned to the caves on the cliff.

   Soon, Qianyue flew over the wide river bend with Ji Tianxing, and his figure disappeared above the river.

   Next, all the way is smooth and safe, and no more accidents happen.

   About two hours later, Ji Tianxing and Qianyue finally arrived at the source of the river.

   A towering mountain with a height of more than 4,000 meters stands at the end of the river.

   There are a few golden sunsets, through the layers of mist in the sky, reflecting on this mountain peak, making the mountain covered with a light golden light, making it more mysterious and magnificent.

   There is a huge black hole at the foot of the mountain, and the billowing river water emerges from the huge black hole.

   Ji Tianxing and Qianyue crossed the lofty peaks and continued to fly forward.

   He stared at the front with scorching eyes, with a look of expectation on his face.

   "Great! I finally left the Manya Mountain area and will soon enter the Moon Lake!"

   He silently wondered, what does Mochizuki Lake look like?

   How should he look for clues to the Sky Star Pearl in the lake?

   Just as he was thinking secretly, Qianyue carried him across the majestic mountain.

A huge wasteland appeared in front of   , and the ground appeared dark yellow|color, exuding an aura of desolation and solitude.

  Ji Tianxing looked down from the sky, and saw that the wasteland was covered with dark yellow sand and scattered with many boulders, and there was almost no green and plants.

   Blocks of boulders were mostly buried by yellow sand, and the exposed parts had been severely weathered and became rough.

   As a gust of wind blew through the wasteland, yellow sand all over the ground was swept up into the sky, and the boulders continued to peel off debris and scattered in the sand.

  In the wasteland farther away, huge gullies were cracked on the ground, densely connected, like a spider web.

   Even if the wind blows up the dust in the sky, it cannot fill the crisscross gully after years of blowing it.

   This area, between the wasteland and the desert, is not only dry, but also lifeless. It only makes people feel the breath of ancient vicissitudes.

  Ji Tianxing frowned when he saw the boundless and vast wasteland.

  While he looked around, he whispered inwardly, full of doubts: "According to the mark on the map, this should be Lake Mochizuki."

   "But there is not even a drop of water here, how can there be any lake?"

   He was puzzled and a little unsure.

  He hovered and danced over the wasteland for a whole day, carefully observing the terrain around the wasteland, and took out the map to compare it several times.

   In the end he had to admit that this is indeed Lake Mochizuki!

   It’s just that, for some reason, the Lake Mochizuki disappeared, or dried up, and turned into a wasteland full of cracks!

   This result made Ji Tianxing feel a little heavy, his eyebrows frowned.

   He braved the risk of nine deaths, passing through the forest of death, the sea of ​​fire, and Manya Mountain, and came here after hardships. How could he give up easily?

   Even if Mochizuki Lake disappeared and turned into a vast wasteland, he would continue to investigate, and he was about to find a clue to the Sky Star Orb.

   He is driving Qianyue, flying continuously in the wasteland, inspecting the situation along the way, and not letting go of any clues.

   When he entered the depths of the wasteland, the violent wind in the sky became more and more frenzied, rolling up the ground with yellow sand and dust, covering the sky.

   He and Qianyue braved the sky with sandstorms and hurricanes, persevering through the wasteland, looking for clues that might exist.

   Time passed, and one, two, and three days passed quickly.

   In three days, Ji Tianxing and Qianyue flew more than a dozen times around the wasteland, and walked almost everywhere in the wasteland.

   Qianyue's power has been exhausted, and she can only retract to the size of a kitten, and fall asleep in the treasure bag.

   Ji Tianxing trek through the wasteland alone, walking on foot for a whole day, continuing to explore clues.

   He was advancing against sandstorms and hurricanes, covered with yellow sand and dust, and almost turned into a native.

   But even so, he still refuses to give up, and there is still a glimmer of hope in his heart.

   Soon, the fourth day passed.

   Ji Tianxing still failed to find any clues, and his disappointment grew stronger.

   He couldn't help but wondered whether it was the clue in the mysterious ancient book or the map of the misty mountain range.

  Four consecutive days of endless searching, made him almost exhausted, and he was extremely tired and exhausted.

   That night, he found a small rock cave in the wasteland, then went into the cave to avoid the storm, and exercised his breath to recover his strength.

   After a long night, at dawn, the violent hurricanes and sandstorms gradually ceased.

   The whistling wind outside the stone cave gradually disappeared, and the yellow sand that covered the sky and sun gradually disappeared.

   The sky gradually returned to clearness, and the wasteland became quiet.

   When dawn came, Ji Tianxing finished his Yungong practice.

   After a night of recuperation and adjustment, he became energetic and full of energy.

   Seeing that the sky outside the cave was bright and the storm stopped, he couldn't help showing a smile of relief ~www.ltnovel.com~ Great, the storm that lasted for several days and nights finally stopped! "

   He quickly walked out of the cave, ready to continue on his way and look for clues.

   However, when he walked to the entrance of the cave, he suddenly showed a surprised expression.

   The mouth of the cave was mostly buried by yellow sand.

  At this moment, the yellow sand at the entrance of the cave disappeared, exposing large tracts of dark brown rocks.

   The yellow sand ground outside the cave has sunk more than 30 meters.

   Ji Tianxing jumped from the entrance of the cave, drew an arc in mid-air, and landed in the yellow sand below.

   He turned his head subconsciously, glanced at the stone cave entrance, and was stunned on the spot.

   I saw a black stone sculpture tens of meters high, standing in front of him.

   This black stone sculpture, after many years of vicissitudes, has long been etched rough and blurred by wind and frost, peeling off countless stone chips.

   The stone sculpture was mostly submerged by yellow sand, and only the upper body was exposed. It was vaguely visible that it was carved with a strangely shaped and extremely ferocious monster.

   Ji Tianxing stared at the stone carving carefully for a long time, and finally recognized that the giant beast carved by the stone carving seemed to be the strange animal Lu Wu in ancient legends!

   The "stone cave" where he rested last night is actually the big mouth of Lu Wu's stone sculpture!

   "It looks like this stone sculpture was buried in the yellow sand before, and the sky is not visible."

   "The violent storm blew away the yellow sand that buried the stone sculptures before it was revealed."

   "How can stone sculptures of ancient alien beasts appear in this wasteland? Does it have anything to do with the disappearing Lake Mochizuki?"

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