Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 287: Go and die!

Thousands of black crows covering the sky densely, like large black clouds.

   The figures of Ji Tianxing and Qianyue were submerged, and they were being frantically besieged by countless black crows.

   Even though they fought back desperately and tried their best to resist the black crow's onslaught, they couldn't stop it at all.

   Qianyue's size is relatively large, making him the primary target of the ravens.

   Within a short period of time, it was bitten by the sharp beaks and sharp claws of the crows, blood stained all over, and the ice blue feathers continued to fall off.

   "Ah! Damn crow! How dare you peck this king's hair? Get out of here!"

   Qianyue roared angrily, swiping his claws desperately to shoot out the blue icy bloom, and blast the crows in front of him.


   icy blue lights pierced through countless black crows like sharp arrows, tearing them to pieces.

   But its attack, compared to the crowd of crows, is really insignificant and insignificant.

   The number of black crows pouring in from all directions has not decreased, and the number has increased.

   After many black crows were bombarded and torn apart, they turned into blood and pieces of meat, falling from the sky.

   Many inverted black crows desperately rushed to eat, opened their machete-like beaks, and devoured the flesh and blood of their kind.

   Under the stimulation of blood and death, the crows became more manic and bloodthirsty, and they besieged Ji Tianxing and Qianyue more desperately.

   Qianyue was screamed by the crows, Ji Tianxing was also a little embarrassed, his face solemn.

   Seeing, the black crows swarming around are getting denser, and more crows are constantly rushing out of the caves on both sides of the cliffs.

   Ji Tianxing's brows were twisted together, and he thought to himself: "A lot of ants kill elephants, so many black crows with inverted bones will soon tear me and Qianyue to pieces!"

   "I can't go on like this! I have to find a way to get rid of the crows!"

   He made up his mind, slowly raised his left hand, and accumulated his running skills in his left hand.

   Suddenly, his entire left arm turned red like a fire, like a magma arm, and a red flame was also surging in his left palm.

   "Damn black crow, go to death!"

   He gave a sharp low voice, suddenly lifted his left palm, and patted forward.

   A giant flame palm condensed by red firelight appeared in front of him out of thin air and slapped the black crow fiercely.

   This giant flame palm is twenty meters wide and thirty meters long, which is huge and terrifying.


   At that instant, at least hundreds of black crows were hit by the giant palm of the flame on the spot, and exploded in the fierce red fire, turning into a mass of black coke!

  The black cloud covering the sky and the sun was immediately blasted out of a gap. Hundreds of black charcoal fell like dumplings, and smashed into the billowing river with "puff and puff".

   Ji Tianxing killed hundreds of black crows with one palm, but he didn't have the slightest excitement or excitement.

   He waved his left palm again, manipulating the giant flame palm, and swept away towards the crows beside him.

   The crimson giant palm of the flame spewed out the crimson fire light that covered the sky and the sun, covering a radius of 100 meters.

   Suddenly, hundreds of other black crows were bombarded and killed on the spot, turned into pieces of coke, and fell into the big river'thump thump thump thump thump'.

   Qianyue saw this scene, and his eyes suddenly showed thick surprise and shock.

   While it released the ice cold light blade to kill the crows in seconds, it transmitted voice to Ji Tianxing and asked: "Old Ji! You can manipulate the power of the flame? God, when did you control the flame?"

   Before, Ji Tianxing briefly talked to it about the magma ocean, and did not explain how he controlled the flame power after swallowing the magma ocean.

   Ji Tianxing smiled silently, without explaining anything, and continued to wave his left hand, constantly patting the crowd of crows in all directions.

   "Boom boom boom!"

   The giant flame palm flew up and down, constantly shooting the flames that covered the sky and the sun, and blasted the black crows that attacked around.

   In just a few hundred breaths, tens of thousands of black crows were bombarded by the giant palm of the flame, turned into coke and fell into the river.

   The sound of falling into the water is endless, and the number of black crows in the sky is also decreasing sharply.

   After a quarter of an hour, the sky was finally clear and the crows were all killed by Ji Tianxing.

   In the cave on the cliffs on both sides, there are still groups of black crows circling at the entrance of the cave, making strange and unpleasant sounds.

   But they can only hover at the entrance of the cave, looking at Qianyue and Ji Tianxing from a distance, and never dared to attack again.

   Qianyue and Ji Tianxing escaped the danger, speeding up and flying forward.

   The big river in front turned a bend. The bend was very wide and the water flow was relatively slow.

On the banks of both sides of   , there are also huge black stones.

   Qianyue flies over the bend of the river, surging with ice blue brilliance, silently repairing his injuries.

   At this moment, a huge vortex suddenly appeared in the wide river bend below!

   The dark vortex is spinning at an extremely fast speed, growing and expanding rapidly, like a huge black abyss, looking mysterious and terrifying.

   Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing frowned immediately and shouted in a deep voice: "Qianyue! Be careful!"

   As soon as his voice fell, a huge black shadow appeared in the deep vortex, flying up to the sky at a speed like lightning.


   When the huge black shadow broke through the water surface and rushed out of the whirlpool, it brought up huge waves and splashes of water, and made a deafening noise.

   In an instant, Ji Tianxing saw clearly that the huge black shadow was actually a giant snake hundreds of meters long!

   The giant snake is dark all over ~www.ltnovel.com~ is covered with fine scales, shining with a cold light.

   Its body is at least more than 400 meters long, its upper body stands in mid-air, and its tail is still hidden under a huge vortex.

   When Ji Tianxing saw it clearly, his pupils suddenly shrank, and a flash of surprise flashed under his eyes.

   It's just because that black snake has nine heads!

   The heads of each snake are basically the same size, and they are all glowing with icy cold light. They open their mouths in the blood basin and keep spitting out scarlet snakes.

   "What kind of monster is this? It is so huge, and it has nine heads?"

   "Could it be...this is the legendary Hydra?"

   Ji Tianxing stared at Hydra with solemn eyes, and secretly clenched his fists, his body kept accumulating majestic true essence.

   Qianyue also stopped in time, suspended in mid-air, staring at the Hydra carefully.

   Hydra straightened up and stood on the surface of the river, with nine pairs of dark green eyes, staring at Qian Yue and Ji Tianxing, and his pupils revealed a cold bloodthirsty taste.

   There is no doubt that this turbulent river is its territory.

   The movement of Ji Tianxing and countless black crows fighting against the bones awakened it hiding in the river bottom.

   Qianyue and Hydra were two hundred meters away, facing each other quietly and silently. No one attacked first, as if the air had frozen.

   However, the icy cold aura from Hydra's whole body, as well as invisible toxins, is spreading quietly in midair.

   The sixth update is here, there will be an update tonight, brothers please wait a moment.

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