Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 261: A big win

Ji Tianxing, Yun Yao, Feng Min and others converged on the grass outside the entrance of the magic cave.

   Everyone looked at each other a few times, and they were relieved to see that each other was only slightly injured.

   "I don't know the four disciples, have you completed the task at this moment?"

   "This is a great opportunity. Let's join hands to pursue the high priest and the witch, and maybe we can kill them today!"

   "Let’s follow up and see, we can’t let them escape!"

   Hao Meng, Feng Min, and Wu Yu discussed a few words, and they were all eager, wanting to rush into the magic cave to pursue the high priest and the witch.

   And just at this moment, two signal arrows screamed suddenly in the sky above the jungle, a kilometer away from everyone.

   Everyone turned their heads and looked into the sky, and when they saw the two signal arrows rising up into the sky, they all smiled with relief.


   "They have completed their mission and evacuated the magic hole from other exits!"

   "The four teams all evacuated the magic hole and returned to the meeting point we agreed upon."

   Feng Min, Wu Yu and others were all in a spirit of shock, showing a look of joy.

   Yunyao frowned and thought about it, and ordered in a deep voice: "We are not in a hurry to pursue the high priest and the witch, first go to meet the disciples of the various sects and understand the battle situation in the magic cave!"

   Everyone had no objections, so they followed her through the jungle and rushed to the agreed meeting point.

   After a while, Ji Tianxing and others arrived in a clearing at the foot of the mountain.

   The four disciples were waiting in the open space. Seeing Yun Yao and the others arrived, two of them rushed up to report the situation.

   "Sister Yunyao, we have completed the mission and withdrew successfully!"

   "Fortunately, we have wiped out all the demon guards in the magic cave. Even if there are a few fish that slip through the net, they are either injured or injured..."

   Upon hearing the news reported by the two disciples, Ji Tianxing, Hao Meng and others were all refreshed and smiled with relief.

   However, the two disciples continued to report: "Senior Sister Yun Yao, just now we fought **** and killed hundreds of demon guards."

   "However, we also suffered heavy casualties. Almost everyone suffered serious injuries."

   "There are six junior brothers and junior sisters who died in this battle, and we brought their bodies out."

   Ji Tianxing, Yun Yao and others' complexions changed slightly, and they quickly looked at the four disciples.

   I saw that the more than 30 surviving disciples were all covered in blood and they looked like disheveled.

  Many people's white robes are in tatters, dyed dark red with blood.

   Every disciple suffered serious injuries. Several disciples had their arms or legs severed. The injuries were very miserable, and they kept moaning in pain.

   On the grass behind the disciples, there were six cold corpses lying side by side. They were the disciples who died in this operation.

   Among the six disciples who died, one belonged to Qingtian Sect, one belonged to Xinyue Sect, and Liuhe Sect and Danding Sect each had two.

   Seeing this scene, Yun Yao, Ji Tianxing and others' hearts became heavy, and their joys were greatly diluted.

   However, the four disciples wiped out hundreds of demon guards in the Demon Cave at this level of casualties.

   This is definitely an inspiring victory, a real victory!

   Yunyao saw that everyone was seriously injured and urgently needed to find a place to heal them, so she said solemnly: "You brothers and sisters, thank you for your help!"

   "Everyone has been seriously injured, so you can't delay time here. Let's rush back to the foothold on the opposite mountain and deal with the injuries as soon as possible!"

   "The next thing is left to the five of us."

The two disciples led by    gave Yunyao a fist, and then followed her order and left with more than 30 disciples.

   Everyone helped each other, took the bodies of six disciples, crossed the canyon between the two mountains, and returned to the opposite peak.

   When the disciples left, Yun Yao, Ji Tianxing and others rushed into the entrance of the magic cave and continued to pursue the high priest and the Lord of the Blood Moon.

   After a quarter of an hour, everyone passed through the dark tortuous passage and entered the magic hole.

   As soon as he entered the magic cave, it was an empty and dark cave.

   The crowd held their swords and walked through the cave on guard, looking around with keen eyes, searching for the traces of the high priest and the Blood Moon Princess.

   The cave was filled with thick blood, and on the ground were the bodies of many demon guards.

   Ji Tianxing counted silently, there were more than 80 demon guard corpses in the cave alone.

   However, everyone looked around in the cave, but they did not find the High Priest and Blood Moon Princess.

   Yunyao frowned, looked at the stone gates around the cave, and said in a deep voice, "There are several stone gates there, and there are many passages and secret rooms behind the gates."

   "We divided into two groups to search, and once we found the traces of the high priest and the witch, we immediately signaled each other."

   Everyone immediately nodded their heads in agreement, and split into two teams to search.

   Yunyao and Feng Min act together, Ji Tianxing, Hao Meng and Wu Yu team.

   Everyone opened the stone gate around the cave, entered the passage and the secret room behind the gate, and searched carefully.

   Three quarters of an hour later, Ji Tianxing, Yun Yao and others carefully searched the passages and rooms behind several stone gates.

   Everyone returned to the cave to gather and exchange messages.

   Hao Meng said to everyone: "The two stone gates on the left. Junior Brother Ji and I have checked ~www.ltnovel.com~ We didn't find the high priest and the witch. We killed some of the fish that slipped through the net."

   Fengmin immediately said: "We also checked on the right, but we didn't find the high priest and the witch."

   Yunyao frowned slightly, looked at the largest stone gate in front, and said: "Only the stone gate has not been checked."

   "If I remember correctly, only the high priest and the witch can enter and exit that door. It should be the secret center of the magic cave."

   After that, she led Ji Tianxing and others to the tallest stone gate.

   The stone gate was closed tightly, shining with a dark red light.

   is engraved with pattern lines and symbols on the door frame, which is obviously protected by the pattern.

   Yunyao, Feng Min and Wu Yu joined forces, and it only took a hundred breaths of time to crack the formation on Shimen.

   After opening the stone gate, everyone clenched their swords, stepped cautiously over the stone gate, and carefully searched the rooms and secret rooms.

   Soon, a quarter of an hour passed.

   The people searched six rooms and secret rooms in a row, but did not find the high priest and the witch.

   Yunyao led everyone into the last secret room.

   This secret room is relatively large, like a place of worship.

   There is an altar and a huge blood pool in the room.

   A statue of a demon **** stands in the blood pool, which is extremely hideous and terrifying under the light of blood.

   There are stone tables, stools and cabinets in the secret room, and hidden compartments for storage are excavated on the surrounding walls.

   However, the high priest and the witch are not in this secret room.

   Everyone searched every corner of the secret room, even the blood pool was searched, but nothing was found.

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