Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 260: How did he do that?

   Princess Blood Moon looked down at his right palm, a look of doubt flashed in his eyes.

   She couldn't believe that Ji Tianxing was clearly hit by her bloodthirsty clutch, why was he only slightly injured?

   In anger, she ignored that much, and rushed to Ji Tianxing again, launching a fierce attack.

   "Little beast, take your life!"

   A pair of **** hands of Princess Blood Moon descended from the sky and slapped Xiang Ji Tianxing on the head.

   But at this moment, a roar suddenly came from the side, and a three-meter-long flame sword light burst.

   "Witch! Your opponent is me!"

   Obviously, Hao Meng arrived in time and slashed with all his strength to intercept Princess Blood Moon.

   If the Lord Blood Moon doesn't stop, he will definitely suffer the sword of Hao Meng.

   In desperation, she could only end her hate, give up chasing Ji Tianxing, and instead face Hao Meng.


   She waved a pair of **** hands, shot the flame giant sword from the side, shook the giant sword sideways, and slashed it to the ground.

   With a loud bang, the grass was chopped out by the giant sword into a trench more than three meters long and nearly half a meter wide, splashing out countless scorched earth.

   Hao Menghu roared, holding the giant sword in both hands, and slashed at Princess Blood Moon again.

   Princess Blood Moon was entangled by him, and he had to resort to all his best to resist his attack.

   The two of you who came and went to fight each other, they made a bang, and the ground trembled.

   There was another mess in the 20-meter radius, and the debris of earth and wood splashed and flew.

   Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ji Tianxing used the Flying Star Sword Art again, launching an attack on Princess Blood Moon not far away.

   "Red Dragon Flash!"

   He used his life's skills to condense a two-meter-long golden sword light in his palm.

   The sword glow burst out with a fiercely rising golden flame, transforming into a divine dragon embryo, rushing towards the Lord of the Blood Moon like an aurora.

   The Blood Moon Princess was fighting fiercely with Hao Meng, he suddenly noticed the red dragon flashing, his complexion changed drastically, and he hurriedly backed away to avoid.

   But she was still a step slower, unable to escape Chilong Flash's bombardment.

   He only heard a muffled sound of "Boom", Chilong blitzed her back, and blasted her seven or eight meters away on the spot.

   Princess Blood Moon rolled and fell on the grass, sprinkling a purple blood stain.

   When she got up from the ground, her long hair was messy, her face was fierce, and her body burst out with blood-red killing intent.

   The leather armor on her back exploded, exposing large areas of purple skin and a huge wound with deep bones.

   The skin and flesh of the wound was rolling, and dark purple blood was constantly pouring out, dripping down the leather armor to the ground.

   The green grass on the ground was covered with dark purple blood, and immediately withered and turned black.

   Princess Blood Moon glared at Ji Tianxing, trembling with anger, his face distorted.

   "Ji! God! OK!"

   "How dare you hurt me! I'm going to cramp your skin and thwart your bones!"

   She roared word by word, almost irrational.

   Before that, she had never faced Ji Tianxing squarely, and only regarded him as a small and weak reptile, an ant that could be crushed to death with one finger.

   However, this "ant" severely wounded her, and the wound was so miserable.

   This is simply a huge insult and mockery!

   She only feels that she is the pride of being the demon princess, and the nobility of the demon blood is trampled on.

   If Ji Tianxing is not broken into pieces, how can she wash away the shame and dispel the hatred in her heart?

   Hao Meng was also taken aback on the spot when he saw the injury of Princess Bloody Moon.

   He glanced at the back of Princess Blood Moon, then glanced at Ji Tianxing with weird eyes, filled with surprise and shock.

   "This kid... who obviously only has the strength of the Tongxuan Realm, can he wound the witch like this?"

   "I'm a good boy! I can't beat the witch, let alone hurt the witch seriously, how did he do it?"

   For a long time, Hao Meng thought he knew Ji Tianxing fairly well.

   But now, he found that Ji Tianxing was a little strange, so he couldn't understand it at all.

   He also suddenly understood, no wonder Ji Tianxing dared to speak to Bai Wuchen under the battle book, that's why!

   No matter how strong Bai Wuchen is, his strength is much weaker than that of Witch.

   Ji Tianxing can wound the witch like this, and naturally has the strength to defeat Bai Wuchen!

   Thinking of this, Hao Meng glanced at Ji Tianxing deeply, already praying for Bai Wuchen in his heart.

   "Brother Bai, Brother Bai, I just hope you won't lose too badly by then! There is nothing wrong with a year of handyman. It is a blessing not to be disabled in a duel."

   At the same time, Princess Blood Moon rushed to Ji Tianxing again and launched a crazy attack.

   Ji Tianxing suddenly fell into a crisis, and could be severely injured by a **** hand at any time.

   He had to run desperately, using shadowless steps to flee around, avoiding the onslaught of Princess Blood Moon.

   Hao Meng came back to his senses, rushed over to relieve Ji Tianxing, and attacked the Lord of Blood Moon with all his strength.

   The three of them fought in the jungle again, shaking the world and rumbling.

   During this period, Ji Tianxing was attacked and killed by the Blood Moon Princess and could only evade and resist desperately.

   He has always been in a dangerous situation of life and death, and he can only explode his life potential and use his strength to the limit.

   Unknowingly, several of the orifice points of his second sword vein were punched open by the majestic and turbulent true essence, and the tempering was completed quickly.

   The three of them chased each other in the jungle for half an hour, and Ji Tianxing had continuously refined five acupuncture points in such a short time!

  When the power of the Blood Moon Princess gradually weakened and the offensive became slower and slower, his pressure was greatly reduced~www.ltnovel.com~ and finally he was relieved.

   And at this time, he suddenly discovered that the eight acupoints of the second sword vein had been tempered.

   He actually broke through the second stage of the Tongxuan realm, advanced in the life and death struggle, and reached the third stage of the Tongxuan realm!

   Although Ji Tianxing suffered several injuries all over, he was full of surprises, and he didn't feel any pain.

   At this moment, in the jungle not far away, there was a deep and powerful roar.

   "Princess! Go back to the magic cave! This is a plan to move the tiger away from the mountain. They are slaughtering our warriors!"

   This is the voice of the high priest, speaking in the language of the demons, and the tone is extremely sad and angry.

   Princess Blood Moon immediately changed his complexion, and a thick hatred flashed in his eyes.

   She gave Ji Tianxing and Hao Meng a bitter look in her eyes, and immediately turned and ran towards the magic cave.

   Ji Tianxing and Hao Meng saw that Blood Moon County was mainly fleeing, but their expressions changed and they hurriedly followed.

   "Hurry up! We must hold her back!"

   "Never let her escape! Give others time!"

   Ji Tianxing and Hao Meng ran wildly in the jungle, catching up with them at the fastest speed.

   However, the Blood Moon Princess turned into a **** light, which kept flashing in the jungle, at an incredible speed.

   After a short period of time, when Ji Tianxing and Hao Meng rushed out of the jungle and rushed to the entrance of the magic cave, they saw the Princess Blood Moon and the high priest just rushing into the magic cave.

   Immediately afterwards, Yun Yao, Feng Min, and Wu Yu also rushed to the entrance, apparently also chasing and killing the high priest.

   All three were also injured, but the injuries were not serious and did not endanger their lives.

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