Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 262: Mysterious ancient book

   Everyone walked to the stone table helplessly and gathered together to discuss countermeasures.

   Fengmin looked at Yun Yao, and asked in a low tone: "Senior Sister Yun Yao, we searched the magic cave but did not find the high priest and the witch, what should we do next?"

   Wu Yu clenched his fists in indignation, and cursed: "Damn the high priest and the witch, they must have escaped long ago. It's a pity that I couldn't kill them!"

   Yunyao embroidered her eyebrows tightly, thought for a moment, then said in a deep voice: "Sister Fengmin, Junior Brother Wu Yu, the high priest and the witch must have escaped from other exits."

   "They already have magical treasures to protect them, even if we find them, it is impossible to kill them."

   "Since they have escaped, let's end this operation."

   Feng Min and Wu Yu are a little unwilling, but they also know that Yun Yao's words are reasonable, so they can only give up.

   Yunyao looked at them and said sternly: "Sister Feng Min, Junior Brother Wu Yu, you two leave the magic cave as soon as possible, go back to our foothold, and take care of the injured disciples."

   Feng Min asked suspiciously: "Senior Sister Yunyao, what about you three? Don't you come out of the magic cave with us?"

   Yunyao gently shook her head, and said solemnly: "The demon guards were annihilated, the high priest and the witch have escaped, and we have to completely destroy this magic cave before this operation is considered to be a successful conclusion."

   Feng Min and Wu Yu both nodded and agreed.

   The two did not delay any more time, they said goodbye to Yunyao and Ji Tianxing, then left the secret room and evacuated the magic cave.

   In the dimly lit room, only Yun Yao, Ji Tianxing and Hao Meng remained.

   Yunyao looked around and said in a deep voice: "Junior Brother Hao and Junior Brother Ji, this secret room is the core of the magic cave. Maybe there are any secrets and clues, let's look for it carefully."

   Ji Tianxing and Hao Meng also understood this, and immediately began to move, carefully searching every corner and the hidden cells on the wall.

   About half an hour later, the three of them searched the secret room and found a lot of scattered things.

   The three people piled these things on the ground in the middle of the secret room, and they turned into a hill.

  In the chaotic hill, there are dozens of books such as exercises and secrets, and dozens of ancient and thick ancient books.

   There are also some turtle shells with inscriptions, as well as fragmentary mysterious equipment, compasses, and medicine materials.

   In addition, Hao Meng also found a few strands of gray-white chain beads. After careful observation, he discovered that the bone chains were actually made of human bones.

   After the search was over, the three people gathered around the "hill", frowning to observe and identify.

   After roughly looking at the pile of things, the three of them all showed disappointment.

   These things may be useful to the demons, but not much use to the humans.

   Those dozens of exercise secrets and ancient books were all written in Mozu characters, and none of them could understand.

   Those profound equipment, pills and various materials are also things that can only be used by the demons.

   But even so, Yun Yao will not let go of the clues that may appear, and said in a deep voice: "Let's check these things and maybe we will find something."

   Hao Meng nodded, and went through the old books with her, trying to identify the contents of the books.

   Ji Tianxing flipped through a few ancient books at random, and saw the densely packed Mozu characters like tadpoles. He felt dizzy and lost the interest to continue reading.

   He continued to search the secret room, tapping the wall lightly around the corner, looking for the hidden compartment hidden in the wall.

   It didn't take long for him to find a hidden compartment.

   After he managed to open the secret compartment, he found a black book in it.

   Originally, he didn't care about this booklet, thinking that it was the Mozu characters he couldn't understand.

   But he turned two pages casually, but was surprised to find that the text in this book turned out to be human text.

   Ji Tianxing was taken aback for a moment, and he thought to himself, full of doubts: "This secret room is the most secret important place in the magic cave. How can there be ancient human books? Is it so hidden by the high priest?"

   He flipped through the booklet quickly and glanced at the contents of the book quickly.

   Suddenly, he caught a glimpse of the word ‘Sword God’ appearing in the book, his pupils suddenly shrank, and he looked down carefully.

   I saw in the book it was written: "The name of the sword **** spread across the mainland, drawing the jealousy of the three imperial courts, and the various races retreat after hearing his name..."

   "In the year of Gengzi, the month of Gengchen, the sword **** set foot in the Tianchen domain, somewhere in the secret territory of this domain, he defeated the emperor-level powerhouse with a sword, and his name moved everywhere, attracting the people of this domain to worship.

   "The sword **** has been in the Tianchen domain for ten days. His whereabouts are unknown, and the cause is unknown."

   "A few years later, news came out from within the Tianchen domain that those with great opportunities will be guided by the sword god, and their skills will be good fortune."

   "The Sword God left a Sky Star Orb in the ancient realm. It is the most shocking treasure and can pass through the gods..."

   "Of course, the Sky Star Bead has never appeared in the world. It is difficult to tell whether this news is true or false, or it may be a false statement."

   Ji Tianxing read the book carefully, and read all the contents of the book about the sword **** in the book.

   This book is already thin, and the last few pages were torn off.

   As soon as he saw the news about the Sky Star Orb, there was no more information, and he was immediately full of anxiety and doubts.

   However, in the last few pages of the book, there is a sheet of yellowed paper with a picture of a smog-shrouded mountain.

   Ji Tianxing took a closer look, only to see that in this painting, it was a mountain and a jungle, covered with layers of thick fog.

   In addition, there is no text in the painting, and there is no clue.

   He closed the booklet, and thought to himself: "~www.ltnovel.com~ The Demon Race has been looking for the Sky Star Orb for nearly a hundred years."

   "The contents recorded in this book are related to the Sword God and the Sky Star Orb, and it seems that there are clues about the Sky Star Orb."

   "No wonder there will be human books here, and they have been solemnly preserved by the high priest."

   Thinking of this, he secretly glanced at Yun Yao and Hao Meng.

   Seeing that the two of them were looking through the ancient books intently, he quietly put the black book into the space ring.

   Then, he walked to the stone table casually and helped the two of them count their things and look for clues.

   An hour passed quickly.

   The three of them checked everything, but they did not find any valuable clues.

  The only clue that may be useful is those dozens of ancient books.

   It's a pity that the three of them couldn't understand the Mozu characters in the ancient books, so they could only bring them back to Qingtianzong and hand them over to the sect.

   Yunyao opened the space ring and put a lot of things on the stone table into the space ring.

   "Junior Brother Ji and Junior Brother Hao, I want to take these things back to the sect and return to the master master."

   "We have searched the magic hole, now it is time to destroy this evil magic hole."

   Hao Meng nodded, grinning with a smile.

   "Don't worry, big sister, I'm already ready."

   "In the past few years, I have completed many sect missions, and the head and elders have rewarded me with a few Explosive Talisman."

   "I kept it and didn't want to use it all the time, and it's finally available today."

   "Later, I will stick the blazing talisman around the magic cave. After detonating those charms, I will surely blow up the entire magic cave!"

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