Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 223: There is providence

After a long time, the nine phantom dragons in the night sky gradually disappeared.

   Everything is calm, and the night is still dark, as if nothing happened.

   On the mountain where the magic cave is located.

   Blood Moon Princess and the high priest stood side by side on the top of the mountain, facing the night breeze, looking at the direction of Qingtianzong, his eyes were full of hatred.

   After a long time, the Lord of the Blood Moon cursed in a low voice: "Damn the Sky Sect! Those reptilians of the human race who have sinned!"

   "They actually activated a new seal formation and completely suppressed His Majesty the Demon Emperor!"

   The high priest squinted his eyes, his eyes filled with cold light.

   He said in a low tone: "Unexpectedly, the Great Skyzong moved so fast. Our action last night failed. Tonight they restarted the Kowloon Array."

   "Fortunately, we have a smoke umbrella, otherwise we will die under Chu Tiansheng's sword last night."

   While talking, he subconsciously touched his left chest.

   There was a long and narrow sword mark, with deep bones visible. The skin and flesh of the wound were burnt as black as carbon, making the wound unable to heal.

   Only a little, that sword can penetrate his heart and kill him.

   Princess Blood Moon is wearing a loose black robe and a cloak, only showing a pair of blood red eyes.

   Hearing the words of the high priest, there was a strong hatred in her eyes.

   During the action last night, her soul was possessed by Shulan.

   After being seen through by Chu Tiansheng, she struck a sword in her heart and throat in the fight with Chu Tiansheng.

   However, the person killed was Shulan.

   Her primordial spirit escaped from Shulan's corpse, and with the rescue of the high priest, she managed to escape from the Great Heaven Sect.

   Thinking of the dangerous fight last night and the more than 30 demon guards killed by Chu Tiansheng, she hated Qingtianzong more and more.

   After a moment of silence, she turned to look at the high priest beside her, and asked: "High priest, now the Great Heaven Sect has restarted a large seal formation."

   "In the short term, His Majesty the Devil Emperor will definitely not be able to break through that big formation, and we will not be able to sneak into the Great Sky School and destroy that big formation."

   "Next, what shall we do?"

   The high priest frowned and thought for a moment, then a sneer appeared in his eyes, obviously he had an idea.

   He said in a playful tone: "You know, the princess, the human race is the most hypocritical, cunning, and greedy race. For profit, they will intrigue and even fight to death."

   "We want to deal with the Great Sky School, but we don't necessarily need to act personally."

   "When appropriate, we can use the power of other human clan sects, Jie Jie Jie Jie..."

   At this point, the high priest sneered sadly.

   Blood Moon Princess frowned, and asked with some doubts: "High Priest, do you already have a plan? How do you use the power of other sects?"

   "Hehe, of course I have a better plan."

   The high priest had a confident posture, and said in a confident tone: "Princess, you can rest in the cave during this period of time."

   "In a while, I will let you enjoy a good show of human internal fighting!"

   Hearing this, the Blood Moon Princess became more and more confused and curious, "High Priest, do you mean...can use Heavenly Sword Sect?"

   The high priest deliberately sold Guanzi and nodded with a smile.


   At dawn, Ji Tianxing returned to Fengyunyuan.

When    left the underground magic cave, Chu Tiansheng took out two jade pill and gave it to him to help restore his vitality.

   After all, he spent four drops of his heart and blood in order to restart the Nine Dragons Entrapment Array.

   The essence and blood of the heart is different from ordinary blood. It is the essence of blood condensed, and it is formed by the concentration of true essence power. It has a powerful effect.

   Every time a warrior loses a drop of blood, his vitality will be damaged.

   If you lose too much energy and blood, it will also affect the realm of strength and cause serious consequences.

   Tonight, Ji Tianxing not only consumed his mind and blood, but also concentrated on manipulating the Nine Dragons Demon Array, which was physically and mentally exhausted.

   When he returned to the room, he was still pale and his breath was vacant and unstable.

   He hurriedly entered the secret room, took the Yulu Pill given by Chu Tiansheng, and quickly regained his vitality.

   Unknowingly, one day passed.

   In the early morning of the next day, he finally refined the efficacy of Yulu Pills and finally returned to normal.

   After finishing his practice, he did not leave the secret room.

   Recalling the words of the Geisha, his heart is still full of doubts and doubts.

   There were some suspicions in his mind, but he was not sure.

   So, he decided to ask Sword Soul Burial Heaven.

   He concentrated his consciousness in the black hole of dantian, and "唰" entered the tomb of the sword god.

   Flying across the gloomy sky and the cold and desolate wasteland, he soon came under the indomitable sword monument.

   "Senior Burial, I want to ask for something!" Ji Tianxing bowed his hand at the sword monument and shouted.

   After a while, the deep voice of the funeral sky came from the towering vicissitudes of the sword monument.

   "Boy, what can you do?"

   Ji Tianxing quickly explained: "Senior Funeral, this is how things are."

   "In the depths of the Chixiao Peak of the main gate, a demon of the world was suppressed. According to the headmaster, a thousand years ago, the demon of the world slaughtered in the ancient land of stars and was defeated by an expert..."

   He explained the legend of the Geisha, and what happened in the Demon Cave the night before, briefly and concisely.

   After he finished speaking, the tone of Soul Sword Funeral changed a bit~www.ltnovel.com~ seemed to become a bit subtle.

   "Boy, after you started the seal formation, the great demon screamed at you, seeming to hate and kill you?"

   "Are you sure that the demon's whistling sound is aimed at you?"

   Ji Tianxing nodded solemnly, "Senior Funeral, I trust my intuition!"

   Funeral sky was silent for a moment, not knowing what he was thinking.

   After a while, it asked again: "What did the geisha say to you?"

   Ji Tianxing replied truthfully: "The demon head speaks the language of the demon race, I don't understand."

   "But the elder Taishang in this sect told me that what the demon was talking about-turned out to be you? You have today too?!

   Hearing this, Funeral Tian was silent again and said nothing.

   Ji Tianxing asked with a puzzled face: "Senior Burial, I'm just a 17-year-old from a secular kingdom. I have absolutely nothing to do with the demon of the world that was thousands of years ago."

   "The words of the great demon must have nothing to do with me."

   "So I guess, is there any connection between the Great Demon and the Sword God? Did that sentence speak to the Sword God?"

   Funeral Tian is still silent, as if thinking about how to answer.

   Ji Tianxing waited patiently for a long time, only to hear the vicissitudes of its voice, and said indifferently: "There is providence in the dark, and many things seem to be accidental coincidences, but they are actually providence."

   "The ordinary people try to speculate on the secrets, always want to understand everything and explore all the unknowns. But in the end, they often fail to die well.

   "Don't ask what you shouldn't know, you should know, when the time comes, you will naturally understand."

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