Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 224: Treasures delivered to your door

After hearing Funian's answer, Ji Tianxing couldn't help frowning and slandered secretly.

   "Senior Buried Heaven, you just need to tell me whether there is any relationship between the Great Demon and the Sword God."

   "You said a lot of non-marginal and illusory things, but you actually said nothing!"

   Of course he knew that Funeral's words had a different meaning, and he needed to figure it out.

   But he just wanted to solve the doubts in his happiness, and wanted a clear answer.

   Ke Zangtian seemed to fall into a deep sleep again, not paying attention to him anymore.

   Ji Tianxing had to withdraw from the tomb of the Sword God, secretly pondering what it said.

   He tried to figure it out for a long time, and he had an answer vaguely in his mind, but he couldn't be sure.

   Moreover, based on this answer, more doubts and conjectures appeared in his mind.

   Various doubts and conjectures entangled in his mind, making him unable to meditate for a long time.

   In the end, he simply pressed these thoughts to the bottom of his heart and ignored them.

   "If you don't want to say at the funeral, let it go."

   "Perhaps as it says, when the time comes, I will naturally understand."

   Thinking of this, his heart calmed down and he began to practice exercises.


   Five days later, Heavenly Sword Sect.

   Early in the morning, in front of the mountain gate of the Heavenly Sword Sect, an old man with white beard and hair, immortal wind and bones came.

   The old man wore a white robe, tall and burly, with long hair, eyebrows and long beards all over his jaws, all of white color.

   He has a ruddy complexion, his eyes are clear and gleaming, he is obviously extraordinary.

   He was holding a whisk with a gold handle and silver thread in both hands, standing calmly in front of the mountain gate, and naming him to visit the Sect Master of the Heavenly Sword.

   The guards guarding the mountain gate, although they didn't know who the old man was, they didn't dare to neglect him when they saw his masterful posture. They spoke with respect.

   "This senior, you are going to visit the Sect Master. Please also sign up for a taboo or honorable title, otherwise the younger generation will not be able to report to the Sect Master."

   The captain of the guard respectfully saluted and said cautiously.

   The white-haired old man took a look at the guard captain with arrogance, and said blankly: "This seat is named Tianjizi, the juniors in the martial arts world, all respectfully call this seat the Tianji real person.

   The name ‘real person’, ordinary strong never dare to use it.

   The captain of the guard suddenly became more respectful, and his waist was lowered. "Thank you, the junior dare to ask, why did you visit the main master of this door?"

   The real man of Tianji raised his brows, and a touch of anger appeared between the two white eyebrows.

   "You only need to say the five words'Nine Dragon Spirit Vessel Map' to your suzerain, and your suzerain will definitely come to welcome this seat yourself!"

   The captain of the guard did not understand what the "Nine Dragon Spiritual Vessel Map" was.

   But seeing that Tianji is really strong and unhappy, he dared not talk nonsense.

   "Please wait here for the real person." The captain of the guard dropped this sentence and quickly turned around and entered the sect to report the news.

   Tianji real man turned his back to the mountain gate, and put his eyes closed, quietly waiting for the Heavenly Sword Sect Master to welcome him personally.

   The facts did not surprise him. About half an hour later, a blue light and shadow flew out of the Sky Sword Sect.

   Heavenly Sword Sect Master condensed into a pair of wings with the cyan true essence, rushed to the gate of the mountain, and landed on the ground.

   There is no expression fluctuation on his face, but there is a touch of surprise and expectation in his eyes.

After    landed, he stared at the back of the real Tianji, and secretly looked at it.

  The guards under the mountain gate bowed and saluted when the Heavenly Sword Sovereign was approaching.

  Tianji Zhenren knew that the Heavenly Sword Sovereign was coming, but he turned a deaf ear to the salutes of the guards, still closed his eyes and calmed his mind, with a proud posture.

   Seeing this scene, the Heavenly Sword Sect Master feels that this heavenly secret is really extraordinary.

  He hurriedly walked behind the real person Tianji, bowed and saluted, "The Sect Master of Heavenly Sword is here, pay respect to the real person Tianji!"

  Tianji Zhenren turned around slowly, looked at him blankly, and said indifferently: "Sect Master Shao Li."

   Heavenly Sword Sect Master just got up, made a'please' gesture, smiled and said: "Tianji, please sit down in the hall, and we will talk about it later."

   "That's what I meant." Tianji Zhenren smiled slightly, and crossed the mountain gate first and entered the Heavenly Sword Sect.

   It didn't take long for the two to enter the hospitality hall of the Heavenly Sword Sect.

   In the wide and luxuriously furnished hall, only the short and chubby Huangfu Keqing was present.

   After the two parties met, they exchanged greetings and flattering, and then they sat down to drink tea.

  Even though, the Heavenly Sword Sect Master and Huangfu Keqing have never heard of the title of Tianji Zhenren.

   But when they saw that Tianji was really popular, and they mentioned the five words "Nine Dragon Spiritual Vessels", they respected him.

   After the three of them talked a few words, the Heavenly Sword Sect Master became irritated and asked about business.

   "The real man of Tianji, just now you asked the guard of the mountain gate to report the news and mentioned the Nine Dragon Spiritual Map. I don't know what the real man meant?"

   Tianji Real Man put down the tea cup slowly, glanced at Huangfu Keqing, and showed a smile.

   "This matter is related to the secrets of heaven, it is inconvenient for us to disclose it here."

   Hearing what he said, the Heavenly Sword Sect Master and Huangfu Keqing immediately understood what he meant.

   Huangfu Keqing stood up very wittily, and bowed his hand in a salute: "Since the suzerain has important matters to discuss with the real person, it is inconvenient for the subordinates to bother, so I quit."

   After that, Huangfu Keqing turned and left.

   There were only two people left in the main hall, and the real man of Tianji said slowly: "For nearly a hundred years, this seat has been traveling in the Profound Sky Continent, gaining insight into the secrets of the sky, and monitoring the world."

   "In the past few years, this seat has been wandering in the Tianchen domain, and I have observed that there is a heavenly heart and decree here. It is just at the time when the golden scales are about to be born."

   Although the real man Tianji said cryptically, the Heavenly Sword Sect Master frowned and thought for a moment before guessing what he meant.

   "Tianji Zhenren, do you mean... Tianchen Domain is now in the midst of the situation, and the time for Shenlong to come out?"

   The real Tianji nodded slightly, and said with a serious face: "Yes, the pattern of the Tianchen domain has not changed for thousands of years. This situation is unnatural."

   "The avenue that I have built all my life~www.ltnovel.com~ is the avenue of heavenly secrets. Naturally, it must be above the body and heaven, and the bottom will be in line with people's hearts."

   "According to Tianxin Yizhi, the pattern of Tianchen Domain should change!"

   Heavenly Sword Sect Master’s eyes suddenly flashed a gleam, vaguely understood something.

   He quickly asked: "What the real man said is extremely true, the situation in Tianchen Domain should have changed!"

   "I just don't know, what the real person said, who is the imminent dragon?"

   The real Tianji turned his head and looked at him, with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth, "I came to Guizong and talked to you about this. Who is the dragon that will change the pattern of Tianchen Domain?"

   This sentence confirmed the supremacy of the Heavenly Sword Sect Master, and made him secretly happy.

   He asked with a smile: "I don't know, how can a real person teach me? How should I turn into a dragon and change the pattern of Tianchen Domain?"

   Tianji Real Man showed a mysterious smile, took out a set of scrolls from his robe sleeves and placed it in front of him.

   "This image of the Nine Dragons Spiritual Vessels will surely allow you to take advantage of the situation and turn into a dragon!"

   Sky Sword Sect Master’s heart flashed with shock, staring at the scroll in disbelief, and for a moment he dared not pick it up.

   He knew very well that if the scroll was really the Nine Dragon Spirit Vessels, he could successfully destroy the Nine Dragon Soul Veins of the Great Sky School, causing its sect to decline and shatter.

   But the Nine Dragons Spirit Vessel Map is a treasure that he has deliberately deliberated and tried to achieve.

   A real celestial person who emerged from nowhere, suddenly came to the door and placed this treasure in front of him.

   If the real man Tianji had no purpose, he would not believe it!

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