Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 222: Do you have today?

   Hearing what Chu Tiansheng said, Ji Tianxing was also full of enthusiasm and anticipation.

   He did not hesitate to pinch his fingertips, his energy was forced out of his heart, dripping into the formation under him.

   A drop of red blood dripped on the formation plate, and immediately spread out along the groove pattern.

  The colorful brilliance on the array plate is still dazzling, and the whole altar seems to have not changed.

   Both Chu Tiansheng and Xiang Wuji were clutching their hearts, their eyes fixed on the formation, hoping that there would be a wonderful change in the formation.

   The second drop of red blood, gushing from Ji Tianxing's fingertips, dripped onto the formation plate.

   The dark red blood continues to spread outward and expand along the lines of the array.

  The colorful rays of light that lit up in the array finally changed a little, and dyed a layer of blood.

   The power of the entire altar seems to have increased a little, becoming more and more radiant.

   When the third drop of blood fell on the formation, the formation finally took a wonderful transformation.

The lines and patterns on the    array plate are changing with accelerated motion, unexpectedly intertwined and twisted.

   The formations in the entire altar also speed up, intertwining and overlapping each other, resulting in very mysterious changes.

   All three of them can clearly feel that the power of the altar is rapidly increasing, and in just a few breaths, it has nearly doubled!


   The formation inside the altar speeded up, and a mighty force burst out, causing the whole altar to tremble slightly.

   The nine divine dragons around the altar also faintly lit up with colorful brilliance, emitting powerful fluctuations of power.

   Seeing this scene, Chu Tiansheng and Xiang Wuji looked at each other, and both eyes showed deep joy.

   "Great! Ji Tianxing's blood is really useful!"

   "It's finally going to succeed!"

   The two were refreshed, staring at the formation with scorching eyes, and secretly clenched their fists.

   Ji Tianxing was also happy in his heart, but he did not dare to relax at all, and continued to force a fourth drop of blood on the formation plate.

  The changes on the array plate are getting faster and faster, shining with colorful brilliance, and constantly condensing into huge seal characters and array symbols.

   The nine dragons around the altar have become more and more dazzling, becoming lifelike and extremely powerful.

   With the passage of time, the Nine Dragons Demon Array gradually opened up, exuding an overwhelming and overwhelming atmosphere that suppressed everything.

   The invisible aura enveloped the entire demon cave, and the power of the big formation covered the entire demon cave, and it was constantly strengthening the seal.

   The Geishi Demon who was sealed under the Great Formation also sensed the powerful aura of the Nine Dragons Enemy Demon Formation, and seemed a little panicked.

   The demon was struggling violently, constantly roaring and roaring.

   A large group of black mist gushed out from under the altar, and there was a sharp scream full of spite.

   Under the magic sound, Ji Tianxing's face was pale and his consciousness was a little fuzzy.

  Xiang Wuji and Chu Tiansheng, both of them hurriedly protected him with exercises to prevent him from being hurt by the demon's sound.

   Finally, the formation of the nine dragons was completely activated, exuding the atmosphere of suppressing the world.

   Nine dragon statues are connected to the nine peaks of the Supreme Sect, and the power of the nine peaks is invisibly gathered.

   The so-called Nine Dragons Demon Formation is to use the power of the nine peaks of the Great Sect to form a large formation to suppress the demons of the world.

   As long as the Heavenly Sect is prosperous and the Nine Dragon Spirit Vessels are not destroyed, this Nine Dragon Devil Array will be able to survive and suppress the demon forever.

   At this time, Ji Tianxing's profound sword bloodline power had already activated the Nine Dragons Entrapped Demons.

   The altar releases a dazzling multicolored light curtain, which continues to extend in all directions, condensed into an array mask with a radius of one thousand meters.

   Once the formation mask is formed, the Nine Dragon Devil Array is fully activated and you are done.

   At this time, the great demon in the seal formation was also extremely angry and mad.

   Endless black mist magic energy, frantically gushing out from under the altar, and condensed into large black clouds in the magic cave.

   The violent and unparalleled impact force slammed the ground of the devil's cave severely, shaking the entire devil's cave.

   The muffled sound of "rumbling" continued to be heard from the ground, and huge gaps were cracked in the ground.

   Suddenly, the great demon sensed Ji Tianxing's breath, and was stunned.

   Its angry roar stopped abruptly, and the trembling ground calmed down.

   After the great demon was silent for a while, a sharp and stern sound burst out, full of shock and anger.

   The howling sound is the language of the demons, and the voice is a bit hoarse and hard to distinguish.

   However, the resentment and murderousness in it made Ji Tianxing hear clearly.

   He can even feel that the howl of the demon is aimed at him!

   After a few short breaths, the colorful light curtain completely enveloped the magic cave, forming a semicircular array mask.

   This great formation brought together the power of the entire Great Sky School, firmly suppressing the demon.

   The demon of the world lost its sound and movement, and even the black mist demon energy and death chill could not be released.

   Calm down in the magic cave.

   Xiang Wuji is proficient in the language of the demon, and he has understood the howl.

   He glanced at Ji Tianxing with a weird look, and a strange light flashed under his eyes, vaguely wondering what.

   Ji Tianxing asked with a face full of doubts: "Head, senior, what did the great demon just say?"

   Chu Tiansheng didn't understand the demon's words, so he asked Xiang Wuji with his eyes.

   Xiang Wuji said with a solemn expression: "The demon's sentence is only a few words."

   "It turned out to be you? You have today too?!"

   Hearing these words ~www.ltnovel.com~Ji Tianxing frowned suddenly and became more confused.

   Intuitively told him that the demon's words were spoken to him.

   But he can't figure it out, what does this sentence mean?

   At this time, Chu Tiansheng smiled relievedly, and said: "We successfully activated the Nine Dragons Demon Array, and finally strengthened the Seal Array, and we can win a century of peace for this door!"

   "Ji Tianxing, this time you have made a great contribution to this sect. I have to think carefully about how to reward you!"

   "Let's go, let's get out of here first!"

   Chu Tiansheng was in a very good mood. After speaking, he walked down the altar with Ji Tian.

   At the same time, nine huge mountain-like dragon ghosts appeared in the dark night sky above the Great Sky School.

   Nine divine dragon ghosts are shining with dazzling colorful brilliance, illuminating the night sky hundreds of miles in a radius, and exuding an unparalleled and domineering atmosphere.

   Countless disciples of the Great Heaven Sect were all awakened by this vision of heaven and earth, and they showed expressions of surprise and amazement.

   The two sects separated from Qingtianzong about a thousand miles also saw the ghost of the dragon in the sky, and were shocked by the earth-shattering vision.

   In the magic cave thousands of miles away from the Great Sky School, the high priest and the Blood Moon Princess also saw the heaven and earth vision in the night sky.

   The two looked at the ghost of the dragon in the night sky, their faces became extremely ugly, and their eyes were full of anger and murder.


   The mixed-race female anchor forgot to turn off the camera after the live broadcast. The life video was exposed! Please follow the WeChat public account to watch online: meinvmei222!!  

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