Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 190: Outer door man

Deacon Qi led the three of Hang Chen and quickly left the Fengyun Academy.

   After returning to Qingsong Courtyard, everyone entered the secret room, obviously there was something to discuss.

   Just now Deacon Qi was in the Fengyun Academy and conceded to Ji Tianxing in public, which made the three of Hang Chen unconvinced.

  As soon as he entered the secret room, Yin Feiyang asked, "My deacon, you deliberately conceded just now. Are you afraid that our popularity will be too high and the Fengyunyuan will be too much to raise our head and anger Qingtianzong?"

   Deacon Qi shook his head, and said solemnly: "I didn't deliberately admit defeat. That kid named Ji Tianxing has extraordinary experience and knowledge, and it's really not easy."

   Yin Feiyang frowned slightly, was silent for a moment, then nodded in agreement: "My deacon is right."

   "I have secretly observed and investigated. Among the ten disciples of Fengyun Academy, Ji Tianxing should be the most outstanding and outstanding."

   "In the Dragon Mountain Competition in a few days, this person will participate in the battle on behalf of the Great Sky School."

   Deacon Qi nodded slightly, and said in a harsh tone: "In this way, Ji Tianxing should have been cultivated by the Supreme Sect, and he is very likely to become an elite genius of the Supreme Sect in the future."

   "In this Longshan competition, the three of you will keep an eye on him. If there is a chance to abolish him, of course it will be better!"

   "Otherwise, this son will grow into a strong one in the future, it will be a stumbling block to this door!"

   Hang Chen grinned and showed a sneer sneer, "Hehe, I meant it for a long time. Since the deacon has ordered, then I can rest assured!"

   At this time, Ran Donglai asked again: "Deacon Qi, there are still three days left before the Dragon Mountain Competition. We have also communicated with each other and have found out the details of Fengyun Academy. Should we go back?"

   Deacon Qi waved his hand and said in a deep voice, "Don't worry, we will go back when the seven-day deadline is up."

   "The task of this seat has not been completed yet, we need to hurry up and investigate."

   "In the past few days, I have traveled to the nine peaks of the Great Heaven Sect, and I have a preliminary understanding of this Nine Dragon Spirit Vessel."

   "Hehe, it's no wonder that Qingtianzong can stand on top of the Tianchen Region, prosperous for thousands of years."

   "The ancestor of the mountain, the nine peaks lay down a large array, forming a Nine Dragon Spirit Vessel, which not only gathers the spiritual energy of half of the ancient star realm, but also accumulates the majestic luck of the Qingtian School."

   "With this kind of luck and countless resource treasures, why is the Great Sky School not strong?"

   Hang Chen and Yin Feiyang all understand that if a sect force wants to be prosperous, it needs not only strong support and protection, but also great luck and abundant resources.

   The most important thing is that the sect can continue to absorb fresh blood and have a lot of talent reserves, so that the strong in the sect can emerge in large numbers and truly prosper.

   Although the Sky Sword Sect has grown rapidly in recent years, the Sky Sword Sect has only been established for a few hundred years after all, which is far less profound than the Qingtian Sect.

   Even the gates and patterns of the Heavenly Sword Sect are not as lofty and domineering as those of the Qingtian Sect.

   The gap between the two factions is not only the difference in the number of strong, but also the huge difference in the number of talented disciples.

   Deacon Qi frowned, and said in a low voice: "The people of Qingtianzong have been staring at us in secret."

   "Every time I act in the daytime, there are experts who follow in secret, only at night I have a chance. But no matter how concealed my actions are, it still makes Dynamite Sect suspicious."

   "In the next few days, you will stay in the Qingsong Courtyard and don't go out to scorn."

   "After I finish the mission, we will leave the Great Sky School as soon as possible."

   Hang Chen did not ask Deacon Qi what they were doing these days.

   They all know that Deacon Qi is performing the task entrusted by the overlord and needs to be extremely confidential.


   In the next three days, Fengyun Academy was finally quiet.

   After the small martial arts exchange meeting, the three disciples of the Sky Sword Sect never came out and jumped.

   Ji Tianxing, Lu Mingyang and others have been working hard to improve their strength silently.

   It is the Bailuyuan and Jiangliuyuan at the outer gate, which are still lively and noisy these days.

   News about the martial arts exchange meeting spread between the two houses, causing countless disciples to argue.

   The shocking remarks made by Ji Tianxing shocked and opened the eyes of more than a thousand outside disciples.

   For a time, Ji Tianxing became a figure in the outer door, everyone knows.

  Many disciples were curious about him and asked about his deeds everywhere.

   So, Ji Tianxing entered the sect for a few days and was punished to sweep the floor. He was also framed and detained for half a month, which soon spread through the outer door.

   Of course, his deeds that he won the first place in the alchemy assessment and the first in the formation assessment were also spread.

   His bizarre twists and turns, and his turbulent experience naturally aroused many topics.

   This also made many outside disciples even more interested in him, a troubled and talented genius!

   Soon, the news came to the outer door, and even the inner disciples knew about it.

   There are not many disciples in the inner sect, there are only more than a hundred, but all of them are masters in the Profound Realm.

   On weekdays, the inner disciples don't pay much attention to the outer sect.

   However, it was the first time that a disciple of the Heavenly Sword Sect came to Qingtian Sect to communicate, so it attracted the attention of inner disciples.

   For three consecutive days, many inner disciples were also discussing Ji Tianxing.

   What everyone discusses most is the remarks he said in public.

   Even ~www.ltnovel.com~ Some disciples held their own opinions. In order to argue about this matter, they went to the deacons and elders to verify the truth.

   In short, Ji Tianxing has now become a topical figure in the Sky High School.

   Three days passed quickly.

   This evening, the assembly bell rang in Fengyunyuan.

   Ji Tianxing finished his training and hurried to the hall.

   After a while, all ten disciples arrived.

   Han Qiaosheng walked into the main hall and declared solemnly: "Everyone, today is the last day of the end of the month, and the Longshan Competition will begin tomorrow."

   "Please make all preparations tonight, and tomorrow morning, we will take everyone to Longshan to cheer for you!"

   The eight disciples who did not need to participate in the war also showed expectant eyes.

   Han Qiaosheng looked at Ji Tianxing and Lu Mingyang, and asked in a deep voice, "You have been practicing in retreat these days. The big competition will start tomorrow. How are you preparing?"

   Ji Tianxing has been practicing in retreat for the past few days, and has been comprehending the fourth level of Jianxin Dao, and pondering the matter of tempering the acupuncture points.

   He has just reached the first level of the Tongxuan Realm, and it is difficult to improve his strength in a short period of time. A few days of retreat is just to stabilize the martial art realm.

   He nodded calmly and said: "The disciple is ready, please don't worry, Deacon Han."

   Han Qiaosheng looked at Lu Mingyang again, and Lu Mingyang immediately showed a confident smile.

   "Tell Deacon Han, the disciple has already reached the top level of the Tongxuan Realm. Since deciding to participate in the Longshan Grand Competition, he has felt more pressure and dare not slacken his efforts."

   "Fortunately, the disciples have been practicing hard in retreat these days, and finally broke through the realm and successfully reached the second stage of the Tongxuan realm!"

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