Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 189: Reading more books is good!

  Under the suspicion of everyone, Ji Tianxing spoke.

  He has a calm face, and said with a certain tone: "The human body is a treasure, and martial arts practice is to draw the power of heaven and earth and discover the mysteries of this treasure."

   "People in the world only know that dantian is used to store true yuan, but they don't know that some people who have lost dantian can condense the pill with true yuan to replace the role of dantian."

   "In addition, the meridians and acupuncture points can also store true yuan, and it is faster and more convenient than Dantian when used, and the power of true yuan is more powerful!"

   "There is only one dantian, but the human body has seventy-two acupoints. If the real yuan is stored in the acupuncture points, it is bound to be able to contain more magnificent real yuan."

   "Furthermore, after the acupoints are tempered and strengthened by the true essence, the meridians will be further strengthened. The strength of the martial artist will also be greatly improved, and the combat power far exceeds all the martial artists of the same level!

   Upon hearing Ji Tianxing's words, the disciples of the two schools in the hall opened their eyes wide in surprise and showed incredible expressions.

   Even the hundreds of outside disciples in the yard uttered unbelievable exclamations and whispered.

   "Is this true? Why have I never heard of such remarks?"

   "Using Zhenyuan Condensing Tire Pills instead of Dantian? Using meridians and acupoints to store Zhenyuan? Isn't this incredible?"

   "Although Ji Tianxing's remarks are amazing, I think what he said has some truth, maybe it can really be successful?"

   "Yes, looking at Ji Tianxing's tone of voice, he doesn't seem to be making up."

   "But this is too against common sense? If there is such a cultivation method in the world, why don't we know?"

   In the hall, Hang Chen and Yin Feiyang also sneered, frowning in thought.

   Ji Tianxing’s words forced them to think seriously about whether this kind of remarks can hold up?

   A moment later, Yin Feiyang said, "Junior Brother Ji, although you are methodical, it sounds reasonable."

   "But this really violates the common sense of martial arts, please forgive us for not believing it unless you can show evidence!"

   Ran Donglai also nodded in agreement: "If there is no evidence, even if you say that the sky is falling in disorder, it is useless!"

   Several Fengyunyuan disciples also looked at Ji Tianxing, showing expectant eyes, wanting to see how he could prove his words.

   Ji Tianxing said with a solemn expression: "Of course there is evidence. The cultivation method I just mentioned was created by a certain martial artist thousands of years ago."

   "Also, that martial arts sage became a powerful man by this method. He once set foot in the Tianchen domain, and left a martial arts legend here."

   "It's just that you may not have heard of the legend a thousand years ago."

   "And you are all pubic healthy people, and you don't pay attention to this legend."

   "Plus, Brother Yin, you all come from Yong'an Domain, and you haven't heard the legend circulating in Tianchen Domain. It's normal."

   Hearing this, many people frowned in confusion, secretly thinking about who he was talking about the martial arts sage.

   It's a pity that almost everyone has never heard the legends thousands of years ago, let alone who the mighty man is.

   Hang Chen and Yin Feiyang are also at a loss. It is difficult to tell whether Ji Tianxing's words are true or not.

   Even Shi Jingcheng, Lu Mingyang and others were so confused that they could not help but talk in a low voice.

   The disciples of the two factions in the hall and the disciples of the outer sect in the courtyard all had doubts about what Ji Tianxing said.

   No one can refute him, but no one really believes and agrees with him.

   Yin Fei raised his brows and thought for a moment, then shook his head, and said solemnly: "Junior Brother Ji, although you said you have noses and eyes, it seems to be true."

   "But you can't even tell who the martial sage is, and no one has heard the legend."

   "So, your words are not enough to be believed and cannot be used as evidence."

   Ji Tianxing stared at him indifferently, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, but he had no plans to explain.

   Of course he knows who the martial sage is, and he can produce very conclusive evidence.

   After all, he is the person whose pubic field was deposed.

   But he didn't want to say the name of the sword god, let alone tell the public that his dantian was abolished.

   Seeing, the disciples on both sides are in a stalemate.

   At this moment, a thin figure in a black robe walked into the hall from outside.

   "Flying, Donglai, what this disciple said is true, and that legend is true!"

   "It's just that you have a superficial knowledge and have never heard of that ancient legend. In fact, that ancient legend is only known to a handful of powerful people."

  The person here is just Deacon Qi of the Heavenly Sword Sect.

   Hang Chen and Yin Feiyang saw him enter the hall, and immediately got up and saluted.

   Deacon Qi looked at Ji Tianxing with scorching eyes, and sincerely admired: "Just now I heard this disciple's debate. It is truly wonderful and exciting."

   "You have such a wide range of insights at a young age. Not only do you understand the ancient legends thousands of years ago, but you can also say the remarks that shocked the martial arts world. It is really amazing!"

   "In this martial arts exchange meeting, our Heavenly Sword Sect has surrendered, and the experience and experience of this disciple is indeed inferior to the noble genius!"

   Deacon Qi nodded slightly to Ji Tianxing, showing an encouraging smile, and said with a serious face: "With your outstanding knowledge and aptitude, you will definitely be among the best on the star list in the future!"

   He looked at the three of Hang Chen~www.ltnovel.com~ with a majestic expression: "This is the end of this martial arts exchange meeting. I hope you can broaden your horizons and gain something."

   "Hang Chen, Feiyang, let's go."

   After speaking, Deacon Qi took the three of Hang Chen and left the hall and walked out of Fengyun Academy.

   Many outside disciples in the yard were immersed in shock, and they haven't recovered.

   Even the disciples of Fengyunyuan in the main hall were surprised, still thinking about Deacon Qi's words.

   No one thought that the result of this martial arts exchange meeting was actually like this.

   Originally, the three disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect were so powerful that the disciples of Fengyun Academy couldn't lift their heads, and they were embarrassed twice.

  In the end, Ji Tianxing made some shocking martial arts remarks, which not only shocked the three of Hang Chen, but also made Deacon Qi of the Sky Sword Sect full of admiration and admiration.

   This shocked many disciples, and the look in Ji Tianxing's eyes became extremely complicated.

   Many disciples are full of admiration, envy and curiosity for Ji Tianxing.

   After a long time, the hundreds of outside disciples in the yard dispersed. When they left Fengyun Academy, they were still discussing the matter in groups.

  When the Fengyun Academy calmed down, several disciples of Fengyun Academy calmed down and asked Ji Tianxing: "Ji Tianxing, how do you know those legends and cultivation methods?"

   "Brother Ji, did you get an advice from an expert?"

  Ji Tianxing looked at everyone's puzzled expressions, couldn't help showing a smile, and calmly said: "What I have seen in the historical books, it is good for everyone to read more when it is fine."

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