Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 191: Tonight's contrast, Longshan miserable scene

   Lu Mingyang's words gave Han Qiaosheng a look of relief.

  Even though, Lu Mingyang, who is at the second level of the Tong Xuan Realm, still cannot be Hang Chen's opponent.

   But his strength increased by one level, at least a few points to increase the hope of winning.

   Several disciples also looked at Lu's fame, with an expression of admiration, whispering.

   "Senior Brother Lu was the first level of the Profound Profound Realm when he started, and now only two months have passed, he has reached the second level of the Profound Profound Realm!"

   "The Profound Realm martial artist wants to raise the first realm, which is several times more difficult than the true original realm. It is incredible that he can raise the first realm in two months!"

   "The genius Ji Tianxing out of this hospital has already put us under a lot of pressure. I didn't expect Lu Mingyang to be so strong... Let's work hard!"

   Lu Mingyang heard everyone's discussion, and his heart became more and more contented.

   He turned his head and looked at Ji Tianxing, with a smug look in his eyes.

   He is looking forward to it, what is Ji Tianxing's expression at the moment?

   is jealous? envy? Still vigilant?

   However, Ji Tianxing's expression was as calm as ever, and there was no wave of waves in his eyes, and he seemed to be indifferent to this matter.

   Lu Mingyang was a little disappointed, frowned, and withdrew his proud gaze.

   Han Qiaosheng encouraged the people a few words, and then asked them to retreat and gather here early tomorrow morning.

   Everyone left the hall and returned to their residences.

   After Ji Tianxing returned to the room, he continued his exercises and tried to temper his acupuncture points.

  Although, Lu Mingyang successfully broke through to the second layer of the Tongxuan Realm.

   But in his opinion, this is useless, Lu Mingyang is still no match for the disciple of the Heavenly Sword Sect.

   Not to mention Hang Chen from the fifth level of the Profound Realm and Yin Feiyang from the third level of the Tong Xuan realm, they are connected to Ran Donglai of the second level of the Profound Realm, and Lu Mingyang cannot defeat it.

   Ji Tianxing's gaze was like a torch, he had already seen that Ran Donglai had reached the second level of the Tongxuan realm for a long time, and was about to break through to the third level of the Tongxuan realm.

   If you want to win the Dragon Mountain Competition for the Great Heaven Sect, and regain the Dragon Mountain and honor, Lu Mingyang is definitely unreliable.

   When the time comes, only he can accomplish such an important task!


   The next morning, a new day came, and a new month began.

   The disciples had already prepared well and rushed to the hall.

   Han Qiaosheng and Du Wu had already arrived, waiting for everyone in the hall.

  After seeing everyone here, Han Qiaosheng announced loudly: "Today, the three-year Longshan Competition is about to be held. The time for our honor has arrived!"

   "The Spirit Beast Hall has prepared a mount for us. Later this seat will lead everyone to Longshan together."

   "In addition, the two elders of this sect will also go to supervise the battle, and hope that the two participating disciples will fight for the honor of this sect!"

  Han Qiaosheng only used three short sentences to arouse everyone's blood and make them motivated.

   Then, Han Qiaosheng and Du Wu led everyone out of the Fengyun Academy.

   Outside the gate, the disciples of the Spirit Beast Hall brought twelve horses chasing the wind, and they were waiting quietly.

   Those middle-level monsters that chase the wind horses are raised, they are larger than ordinary horses, faster, and have more physical strength.

  Han Qiaosheng led everyone on the horse chasing the wind, walked out of Qingtian Peak along the mountain path, and ran north.

  Longshan is located three hundred miles north of Qingtianzong, at the junction of Qingtianzong and Tianjianzong.

   Of course, Longshan is closer to Qingtianzong, more than five hundred miles away from Tianjianzong.

   Before Longshan was owned by Qingtianzong, Qingtianzong invested a lot of manpower to build Longshan into a medicine garden with beautiful scenery and beautiful scenery.

   It's a pity that later conflicts and contradictions occurred between the two factions, and they had to use the form of arenas to determine the identity of Longshan.

   Ji Tianxing and the disciples have been discussing Longshan recently, but they have never seen Longshan in person.

  On the way to Longshan, everyone is still fantasizing, what exactly is Longshan, which has caused the two factions to compete?

   Chasing the wind and horses on their way is extremely fast, rushing across the mountains against the rising sun, as fast as an arrow from a string.

   Within an hour, everyone arrived at the foot of Longshan.

   When everyone dismounted their horses and stood on the grass and looked at Longshan closely, they all showed complicated and weird expressions.

   The 3,000-meter-high, majestic mountain range in front of you is not like the green and verdant that most people imagine.

   There are only a few sporadic towering trees on the big mountain, a few useless jungles, and many messy waste grasslands.

   In most places, dark brown ground and rock layers are exposed.

   There are only a few places where some seedlings of medicinal materials are planted, but they are still dying, with no sense of vitality.

   At the foot of Longshan Mountain, there is a big river winding along the foot of the mountain.

   The water in that big river was turbid, full of yellow|colored sand.

   There are many places in the river course, which are blocked by huge rocks, and many dark brown ore and gravel are scattered on the banks of the river.

   Everyone can see that this is obviously the Tianjianzong's over-exploitation of the veins in Longshan.

   Furthermore, after the Tianjianzong tapped the veins, in order to save time and manpower, he dumped rocks and waste ore into the river near the foot of the mountain.

   The expressions of Han Qiaosheng and Du Wu immediately became a little ugly~www.ltnovel.com~ The eyes were full of anger.

   "Damn Heavenly Sword Sect! What a bunch of **** and robbers!"

   "When the main gate managed Longshan back then, everything was in order. The beautiful scenery and beautiful scenery created by Longshan."

   "Yes, when we came to Longshan to supervise the work, there were towering trees all over the mountains, and the medicinal gardens filled with flowers and plants, and the air was fresh and sweet."

   "The big river at the foot of the mountain is as bright as a pearl jade belt, the river is crystal clear, and many fish are clearly visible..."

   "In just three years, the Heavenly Sword Sect actually destroyed Longshan in such a terrible state! It is conceivable how they looted Longshan's resources frantically during these three years!

   All the disciples heard the discussion between Han Qiaosheng and Du Wu, and then looked at the tragedy of Longshan today. They all looked gloomy and filled with anger.

   Lu Mingyang frowned, and tentatively asked: "Deacon Han, Longshan has been destroyed by the Heavenly Sword Sect in this way, and the resources must have been looted. Is there still a need to fight for this?"

  Han Qiaosheng and Du Wu frowned upon hearing his words.

   After a moment of silence, Han Qiaosheng said in a deep voice, "Even if Longshan is destroyed in such a tragic situation, you still have to do your best today."

   "After all, this Longshan Competition is not only determining Longshan's ownership, but also a chance to wash away the shame and regain honor!"

   Lu Mingyang nodded silently without saying much, but he was obviously disappointed.

   Everyone stopped for a while at the foot of the mountain, and under the leadership of Han Qiaosheng, they ran to the top of the mountain.

   Every Longshan Competition is held on the Wanglongtai on the top of the mountain.

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