Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 182: Provocation

   Hearing Ji Tianxing's confident words, the expressions of all the disciples were a bit complicated.

   If it were before, everyone would sneer at him, and they would mock him with disdain on the spot.

   Although he has shown the talents of alchemy, formation and martial arts, the disciples have to admire him.

   But these words of him are still too arrogant to everyone.

   Several disciples frowned, shook their heads secretly, and started talking in a low voice.

   "Even if Ji Tianxing's talent is outstanding, I have to admire him, but he is too arrogant?"

   "Yes! He has just broken through the Profound Realm, and the masters of the second and third levels of the Profound Realm can't beat him. How can he beat the masters of the fifth level of the Tong Xuan realm?

   "Even if he is a genius, with the first level of the Tongxuan realm, he can leapfrog the second level master, or even the third level master, but he will never leapfrog the fifth level master!"

   "Beat the opponent across four levels? I have never heard of such a thing. If he can do it, it will be a miracle!"

   "Hehe, create miracles? How can it be so easy? Unless he is a super genius like Master Yun Yao!"

   Ji Tianxing ignored everyone's comments and strange eyes, and looked at Han Qiaosheng calmly.

   Han Qiaosheng thought for a moment, then raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

  He has a solemn expression and solemnly announced the final decision: "This seat now announces that for this Longshan competition, Ji Tianxing and Lu Mingyang will represent this team!"

   "This is the end of the matter, the foreign enemy is now, please put aside your doubts and prejudices, and work together to face this challenge!"

  When the disciples heard this, their expressions were unnatural, and their eyes showed shame and self-blame.

   It is true that the disciple of the Heavenly Sword Sect has arrived, and he lives in the Qingsong Courtyard at the outer gate, waiting to see the jokes of Fengyun Courtyard.

   They dare not stand up and fight for the sect, but they still have to question and ridicule Ji Tianxing, who has come forward. This kind of latent behavior is the most despised!

   Han Qiaosheng looked at Ji Tianxing and Lu Mingyang, and said with a solemn expression: "Ji Tianxing and Lu Mingyang, as long as you work hard and have a clear conscience!"

   "Regardless of the final result, you can stand up at the critical moment, it is the pride of this school, and this seat is proud of you!"

  The other eight disciples suddenly looked solemn, staring at Ji Tianxing and Lu Mingyang with complicated eyes.

   There is no doubt that the victory and defeat of the Longshan competition, the ownership of Longshan, and the honor and disgrace of the sect are all given to them!

   "Okay, it's so decided, everyone, please withdraw."

   After Han Qiaosheng announced the result, he waved for everyone to leave.

   Several disciples withdrew from the main hall one after another, and walked into the courtyard in twos and threes, still whispering.

   Ji Tianxing also walked out of the hall and walked to his room.

   At this moment, Lu Mingyang followed and stopped him under the big banyan tree in the courtyard.

   "Ji Tianxing, wait a minute."

   Ji Tianxing stopped, turned to look at Lu Mingyang, and said blankly: "What's the matter?"

   Lu Mingyang's expression was a bit complicated. After hesitating for a while, he said in a serious tone, "I have something to say, I want to talk to you."

   Hearing this, Ji Tianxing couldn't help raising his eyebrows, "What can we talk about?"

   Lu Mingyang was a little embarrassed, but he had been mentally prepared for a long time, and said without changing his face: "Yes, we are incompatible with each other. There is indeed nothing to say."

   "But that is a matter between us. In the future, there will be opportunities to end our grievances. If the disciples of the Sword Sect are here today, and the enemy is now, I think we must let go of our prejudices and unite."

   Ji Tianxing remained expressionless, and asked, "What then?"

   Lu Mingyang said with a stern face: "We only participated in the battle in this sect, but there are three in the Heavenly Sword Sect, and they are stronger than us. Especially that Hang Chen, one hand can crush us both."

   "In any case, we will not be able to win. At that time, we will lose miserably, become a laughingstock, and become sinners in our own way! This is well known to everyone."

   "What are you trying to say?" Of course, Ji Tianxing could see that Lu Mingyang must have something else.

   Sure enough, after Lu Mingyang looked around for a few times, he saw that there was no one around, and then said in a low voice: "Ji Tianxing, if you don't want to be a laughingstock and become a sinner who loses the honor of Longshan and Zongmen, then you might as well listen to me."

   "Let's go to the Outer Sect Elder, let Elder Chu find a way to give us some powerful equipment, or a panacea to quickly increase our strength level..."

   "Now we are the hope of the outer door. The victory and defeat of this competition and the honor and disgrace of the sect are all tied to us."

   "We took this opportunity to make a request to Elder Chu. He will definitely understand and will certainly not refuse!"

After    finished speaking, Lu Mingyang stared at Ji Tianxing with scorching eyes, expectation in his eyes.

  He believes that Ji Tianxing will not let go of such an excellent opportunity to ask for treasure resources from the sect.

   However, Ji Tianxing showed a playful smile, and his tone was a bit playful.

   "Hehe, he really deserves to be the prince of the Changfeng Kingdom. He was born in the royal family and was born good at exploiting cleverness and taking advantage of opportunities."

   "Taking this opportunity to ask Elder Chu for treasures, how is this different from taking advantage of the fire?"

   Seeing that Lu Mingyang's expression was unnatural, he shouted again in a deep voice: "Lu Mingyang, if you want to take advantage of the fire, go there, no one is stopping you."

   "But I would never do this kind of thing~www.ltnovel.com~ and I don't need it at all!"

   "Even if you are greedy for life, fear of death, fear and cowardice, I can complete the competition alone, and I can still retake Longshan and save the face of the sect!"

   After leaving these two sentences, Ji Tianxing turned around and was about to leave.

   Lu Mingyang looked at his back, his face turned cold with anger, and his fists creaked.

   "Ji Tianxing! You are too arrogant! You will regret it!"

   Ji Tianxing ignored him at all, walked to the door of the room, and was about to enter.

   But at this moment, Yi Mo suddenly ran into the yard from the gate, his face was a little ugly and shouted: "Brothers, come out soon, something has happened!"

   Suddenly heard Yi Mo's shout, the disciples who had just returned to the room opened the door and ran out.

   Ji Tianxing and Lu Mingyang also turned to look at Yi Mo, not knowing what happened.

   Soon, six or seven disciples came to the courtyard, surrounded Yi Mo, and asked him what happened.

   Yi Mo quickly explained: "I passed the outer square just now and saw many outer disciples surrounding the square. I thought something was wrong, so I leaned closer to see."

   "As a result, it was the three disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect who went to the square to practice swords early in the morning, which attracted many disciples to watch."

   At this point, he was a little bit angry, and shouted angrily, "The disciple of the Heavenly Sword Sect is too much!"

   "They only entered the gate today, and they performed martial arts in public in the square, and they also put on a gesture of pointing the country."

   "This is definitely a brave, naked|naked|naked provocation to our Fengyun Academy!"

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