Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 181: The confidence of the enchanting genius

   While several disciples were talking about it, Lu Mingyang also walked out of the crowd.

  He stepped forward two steps, bowed his hand to Han Qiaosheng, and said in a sonorous tone: "Deacon Han, the disciple is willing to represent his own school!"

   Han Qiaosheng nodded slightly and didn't say anything. This was what he had expected.

   Among the ten disciples of Fengyun Academy, Lu Mingyang is the strongest. If he doesn't even play, there will be no one to use in Fengyun Academy.

   Lu Mingyang glanced at Ji Tianxing beside him, and said with contempt: "Ji Tianxing, only I can deal with the disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect."

   "You are nothing but the strength of the True Element Realm, so don't stand up and be embarrassed."

   Although, in the Son-Mother Profound Formation, he was tortured by Ji Tianxing.

   He knew very well that even if Ji Tianxing had only the strength of the True Origin Realm, he could defeat a master of the Tongxuan Realm.

   However, only he and Ji Tianxing knew about that.

   Now in front of the two deacons and the disciples, of course he has to take the opportunity to taunt Ji Tianxing.

   When several disciples heard Lu Mingyang's words, they nodded in agreement.

   "Yes, Lu Mingyang has the strength of the Profound Realm, and he alone has the chance to defeat the disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect."

   "Ji Tianxing is certainly courageous, but the ending will be bleak."

   "This matter is very important, and Ji Tianxing is too messy."

   Ji Tianxing ignored the discussion of several disciples, looked at Lu Mingyang indifferently, and a playful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

   "Lu Mingyang, are you healed and forget the pain, right?"

   Lu Mingyang's complexion suddenly changed, and the corners of his mouth twitched a few times. He was full of anger and wanted to attack, but he suppressed it.

   Ji Tianxing looked at Han Qiaosheng again, and said with a serious face: "Deacon Han, just last night, the disciple successfully broke through the Tongxuan Realm!"

   Han Qiaosheng has been thinking seriously, but he has never spoken to make a conclusion.

   At this moment, when he heard Ji Tianxing's words, his expression eased a lot, and a touch of relief flashed in his eyes.

   "Very good!"

   The disciples suddenly looked surprised, and made incredible exclamations and comments.

   "What? Ji Tianxing actually reached the Tongxuan Realm?"

   "How is this possible? When he started, he was obviously only at the Five Levels of the True Element Realm!"

   "In less than two months, he broke through from the fifth level of the True Element Realm to the Profound Profound Realm. Isn't this incredible?"

   "I don't believe this is true. How can there be a genius with such rapid progress in strength?"

   "Ji Tianxing, are you lying and swollen face to fill the fat man?"

   Everyone was shocked and incredible, but also a little skeptical.

   Ji Tianxing was too lazy to explain, turned and walked towards the psychic stone pillar in the corner of the hall, and stretched out his palm to press on the stone pillar.

   With the majestic essence pouring out of his palm, the black lines on the stone pillar immediately lit up with a golden light.

   Everyone turned their heads to look at the psychic stone pillar, and when they saw the golden light, their complexions immediately changed.

   "It really is the first layer of the Tongxuan Realm!"

   "It's incredible! Ji Tianxing, this guy is really abnormal!"

   "The Dan Dao and Array Dao assessments are the first, and even the speed of the strength improvement is incredible. This guy is really a monster!"

   "Hey, we are still desperately attacking the Tongxuan Realm, working hard for the inner gate assessment four months later, he has already reached the goal ahead of schedule!"

   Facts have proved that Ji Tianxing has indeed broken through the Tongxuan Realm, becoming one of the two strongest disciples in Fengyun Academy.

   Lu Mingyang's face was a bit ugly, he secretly clenched his fists, pressed his lips tightly, and said nothing.

   The disciples no longer question Ji Tianxing, but are full of envy and admiration for him.

  From all aspects, Ji Tianxing's talents and aptitude far exceed them, so they can only look up!

   Several disciples discussed for a while, and then gradually calmed down.

   Han Qiaosheng glanced at Ji Tianxing and Lu Mingyang, then looked at the remaining eight disciples, and asked in a deep voice, "Are they only Ji Tianxing and Lu Mingyang participating in the war?"

   "It takes three people to participate in the Longshan Competition. Who else wants to stand up?"

   Several disciples look at me and I look at you, all with hesitant expressions on their faces.

   After a while, no one took the initiative to stand up.

   Han Qiaosheng frowned, and asked in a deep voice: "There are only two disciples participating in the war. Isn't this making the Heavenly Sword Sect laugh at our Fengyun Academy?"

   All the disciples showed their faces full of shame, and they hated the Sky Sword Sect more and more in their hearts.

   Nie Hao saluted Han Qiaosheng, and said solemnly: "To enlighten Deacon Han, it's not that we are timid and fearful of war, but it is indeed the shamelessness of the Heavenly Sword Sect that caught me by surprise."

   "Moreover, this Longshan Grand Competition is very important, not only related to Longshan's right to belong, but also related to the face and honor of the door."

   "We think we are inferior to the masters of the Tongxuan Realm, so we dare not rush into the battle, so as not to lose the game by then, not only will we lose Longshan, but we will also be ashamed."

   Nie Hao’s remarks made sense, and they were also from the hearts of other disciples.

   Everyone nodded in agreement, and agreed with what he said.

   Du Wu frowned for a moment, and tentatively asked Han Qiaosheng.

   "Brother Han, since the Heavenly Sword Sect is despicable and shameless, why don't we ask the headmaster for instructions, and also transfer one or two disciples from the inner sect to Fengyunyuan to represent this sect?"

   Du Wu's proposal was immediately approved by several disciples.

   Han Qiaosheng thought about it, but shook his head in denial.

   "Although the Heavenly Sword Sect is despicable and insidious, the three disciples are indeed new beginner disciples~www.ltnovel.com~ They did this, leaving the sect with nothing to say."

   "However, if the inner sect disciple pretends to be the outer sect disciple, to represent this sect, he will surely be ridiculed by the Heavenly Sword Sect and even use it to make a fuss... this is not a problem!"

   Du Wu asked anxiously, "What should we do then? Are we really going to let Ji Tianxing and Lu Mingyang fight against the three talented disciples of Heavenly Sword Sect?"

   "The three of them have the strength of the second and third levels of the Tongxuan realm. The strongest Hang Chen is said to have reached the fifth level of the Tongxuan realm!"

   Just now, Han Qiaosheng did not explain the true strength of the disciple of the Heavenly Sword Sect.

   Now, when everyone heard that among the three disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect, there was actually a five-tier master of the Profound Realm, his color suddenly changed.

   "There are even experts with the fifth level of the Profound Realm?"

   "Gosh! How can I fight this?"

   "With the strength of Ji Tianxing and Lu Mingyang, I'm afraid they can't stop them with a single move, right?"

   "The five-tiered master of the Profound Realm is still staying at the outer door... The Heavenly Sword Sect is really shameless!"

   "Lu Mingyang and Ji Tianxing are both the first level of the Tongxuan realm. This battle will undoubtedly lose, and Longshan will lose again!"

   Not only the faces of the disciples were depressed, even Lu Mingyang also had an ugly face, and his heart was full of worries.

   Only Ji Tianxing did not change his face, his expression still calm and calm.

   He held a fist to Han Qiaosheng, and said in a sonorous and loud voice: "Deacon Han, the Heavenly Sword Sect is despicable and shameless, but he can't learn from them, so he must act honestly."

   "Please don't worry, Deacon Han, although the three disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect are strong, I am not afraid. Even if I face the three of them alone, I will definitely be able to win!"

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