Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 183: Dominate the scene

   The three disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect, on the first day they came to Qingtian Sect, they dared to be so arrogant.

   Fengyun Academy is the signboard and facade of the outer gate. The actions of the three Tianjian Sect disciples are undoubtedly provoking the Fengyun Academy.

   It is about the honor of Fengyun Academy. Several disciples were filled with outrage and decided to visit the square together.

   Ji Tianxing and Lu Mingyang are now the backbone of Fengyun Academy. Several disciples crowded them and rushed towards the outer square together.

   After a while, everyone rushed to the outer square.

   was still on the edge of the square, and Ji Tianxing and others saw the center of the square. Nearly two hundred outer disciples gathered in a crowded circle.

   An area was vacated in the crowd, about 20 meters in radius.

   Ji Tianxing and others walked to the middle of the square, only to see three young men in cyan robes in the clearing.

   The robes of the three people are different from those of the outer disciples of the Great Sky School. There is also a sword embroidered on the chest.

   Obviously, these three are the disciples sent by the Sky Sword Sect to Qingtian Sect to communicate.

   Both of them are long and suave, they are talented, and they exude a confident vigor.

   The two of them held swords in their forehands and performed their swordsmanship.

   The cloud and flowing swordsmanship, the splendid sword light, and the fluttering clothes and handsome posture of the two men provoked many outside disciples to applaud.

   Most of the outer disciples don’t know about Longshan Great Competition.

   They only know that the geniuses of the Heavenly Sword Sect come to the Sky Sect to communicate, and they learn from each other.

   Seeing the two disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect, they are indeed extraordinary, with superb kendo attainments, and quite a master demeanor. Of course they can see the flag of their hearts swaying and admire them.

   Only a few disciples realized that something was wrong, they were cold-eyed and indifferent to the two sword-dancing disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect, and whispered whispered.

  The three disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect, two of them are swinging their swords against each other and practicing.

   The third person stood proudly in the field, the most noticeable.

   This person is tall and burly, with a pair of copper bells and big eyes, his skin is dark red, and his body exudes an aura of aggressiveness and dominance.

   He is carrying a huge scarlet epee, his arms are on his chest, and he stands proudly.

   The blood-red epee was about 1.5 meters long, and it was as wide as a bench. From the surface, it was very powerful and powerful.

   This person neither uses swordsmanship nor speaks.

   Even, he didn't even have the interest to look at other people, and he looked indifferent and proud.

   Ji Tianxing, Lu Mingyang and others immediately guessed that this person is most likely Hang Chen, a genius of the five-tiered Tong Xuan realm.

   After a while, the two disciples who were discussing and practicing swordsmanship stopped at the same time.

   The two put away their swords, bowed their hands to the disciples who were watching around, and said with a smile: "Ran Donglai in the next step, I am bold to show my ugliness."

   "In the next Yin Feiyang, everyone laughed."

   The two of them got together, then inserted the sword back into the scabbard behind.

  Ran Donglai smiled and said: "Brothers and sisters, what I and Yin did just now is one of the unique kendo skills of this school, called the Seven Kills Sword Art."

   "This time I am here to communicate with Senior Brother Yin and Senior Brother Hang to Guizong under the command of the teacher. This is to visit the No. 1 Sect of Tianchen Domain and exchange ideas with the senior brothers of the Millennium Ancient Sect."

   "I am incompetent with Senior Brother Yin. It took only two months to get started. This seven-kill sword technique barely got started. Please give your advice!"

   Although Ran Donglai said that everyone would advise, his tone and posture were very humble and courteous.

   However, Ji Tianxing and others can see that there is a touch of arrogance in Ran Donglai's eyes.

   He and Yin Feiyang confronted each other and practiced the seven kills swordsmanship. The main purpose is not to communicate with the outer disciples!

  The disciples onlookers in the field are basically the strength below the seventh level of the True Origin Realm. Who is qualified to teach Ran Donglai and Yin Feiyang?

   Sure enough, after hearing Ran Donglai's words, the disciples onlookers started talking.

   "Sure enough, he is a genius disciple of the Heavenly Sword Sect, and he looks like a big disciple!"

   "The swordsmanship of these two seniors is so exquisite, and the attitude is so humble. It is really admirable!"

   "Senior Brother Ran is too humble. Your kendo attainments are beyond our reach. It's too late to admire. Who can give pointers?"

   Most of the disciples were impressed by the charm of Ran Donglai and Yin Feiyang. They felt that they were not only powerful, exquisite swordsmanship, and very humble and kind.

   But there are also a few disciples who are secretly discussing that these two disciples are obviously showing off.

Yin Feiyang looked at everyone with a smile. After waiting for a while, when no one came out to discuss and exchange, he said: "My fellow apprentices, we are here mainly to communicate with the disciples of the Guizong and enhance the friendship between the two factions. "

   "Since everyone doesn't want to learn from each other, so as not to hurt the harmony, let's talk freely and exchange ideas about martial arts, how about?"

   "A few years older than you fools in Xia, if you have any confusion in your practice, you might as well say it, maybe Xia can help you?"

   Hearing this, many disciples immediately understood that Yin Feiyang wanted to give you some guidance.

   Many disciples of Bailuyuan and Jiangliuyuan suddenly asked questions~www.ltnovel.com~ to get Yin Feiyang's advice.

   Yin Feiyang and Ran Donglai were both willing to answer everyone’s questions in turn, winning the gratitude of many disciples.

   In a short moment, the two of them have gotten closer with many disciples, and they are in harmony.

   Seeing this scene, the disciples of Fengyunyuan all had their faces cold, and their eyes filled with anger.

   At this time, a disciple suddenly saw Ji Tianxing and the others, and immediately shouted.

   "Hey, isn't that senior from Fengyun Academy?"

   "Look, everyone, brothers from Fengyun Academy are here!"

After   's words spread, many disciples turned their heads to look at Ji Tianxing and the others, showing expressions of expectation.

   The ten disciples of Fengyun Academy are the most outstanding geniuses in the outer sect of Qingtianzong.

   Many disciples of the outer sects are wondering, the genius of this sect competes with the disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect, who is strong and who is weak?

   Ji Tianxing, Lu Mingyang and others immediately became the focus of attention.

   Yin Feiyang and Ran Donglai also turned their heads to look at Ji Tianxing and the others, showing a smile.

   Even Hang Chen, who has always been indifferent and arrogant, gave Ji Tianxing and the others a cold glance.

   Ji Tianxing led Lu Mingyang and others, through the crowd of onlookers, and walked towards the Hang Chen trio in the square.

  Since they showed up, they should go and say hello to the disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect, and they must not weaken the reputation of Fengyun Academy.

   Ji Tian walked into the field, looked at Yin Feiyang blankly, and asked: "Brother Yin Feiyang, I have a question next."

   "If someone is arrogant in front of you, how will you respond?"

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