Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 162: This trick again

   Seeing, the high priest and the Blood Moon Princess will kill Ji Tianxing on the spot.

   At this critical moment, a black light burst out of Ji Tianxing's body.

   The black light contained the aura of death and was very mysterious, forming a huge black hole, covering both the high priest and the Blood Moon Princess.

   Both of their attacks were blocked by the mysterious black hole, and the black hole burst out with powerful devouring power, quickly devouring the skill of the two.

   The High Priest and the Blood Moon Princess were stunned, and when they saw the mysterious black hole reappearing, their faces were full of horror and fear.

   "Damn bastard, it turned out to be this black hole again!"

   Princess Blood Moon cursed in horror, apparently he hadn't forgotten the fear of being swallowed by Six Success Forces last time.

   "The ancient aura has appeared again, and it really resembles the aura of the Sky Star Pearl!"

   Although the high priest was full of jealousy, he felt the ancient atmosphere in the black hole again, and he was a little excited.

   Within just a few breaths, the skills of the Blood Moon Princess and the High Priest were swallowed a lot.

   The two struggled desperately, trying to break free from the shackles of the black hole.

   Ji Tianxing looked at the black hole in front of him, and looked at the high priest and the blood moon princess who were stuck in a quagmire and unable to move. He was also shocked and incredible.

   When the mysterious black hole appeared before, it was after he was in a coma, he had not seen it personally.

   He just heard Qian Yue say that the mysterious black hole is very terrifying. It has swallowed Qian Yue's lifelong cultivation base, and he just made it from a small hill to a pitiful cat.

   At this moment, Ji Tianxing saw the mysterious black hole with his own eyes. How could he be dissatisfied and shocked?

   finally escaped, his hanging heart let go, secretly said a fluke.

   Three more breaths passed, and both the high priest and the blood moon princess were swallowed with five successful powers.

   If this continues, I am afraid their realm of strength will fall, and even if they practice for half a year, they will not be able to recover.

   At this time, in order to escape the engulfing of the black hole, the high priest resorted to a magic trick.

   "Magic explosion!"

   He gave a low cry, slammed the black snake whip into the black hole with a face full of dismay, and waved his hands to cast out the black light magic energy, and used the secret technique.

   Under his control, the black snake whip exploded with a bang in the black hole.

   Amidst the earth-shaking loud noise, the black snake whip turned into red and dazzling blood, bursting out with unparalleled impact.


   The impact of the detonation of the black snake whip temporarily blocked the engulfment of the black hole.

   At that moment, the high priest and the Princess Blood Moon seized the opportunity and instantly escaped from the envelope of the black hole, retreating to the distance at a rapid speed.

   The two stood thirty meters away in shock, staring at the mysterious black hole with complex expressions.

   The high priest sacrificed a black snake whip, his angry face was distorted, and his distress was extremely distressed.

   "Damn it! The magical artifact that this seat has been cultivated with 30 years of blood and essence is gone!"

   Blood Moon Princess also gritted his teeth and yelled: "Damn reptiles, actually swallowed another 50% of my newly recovered skill!"

   This is the second time she has been swallowed by a mysterious black hole.

   She also knew more clearly how terrifying the mysterious black hole was, leaving her with no room for resistance.

   At the same time, the mysterious black hole suddenly disappeared.

   Ji Tianxing came back to his senses, without hesitation, turned around and ran away.

   The high priest and the Princess Blood Moon immediately turned into black mist, chasing them as fast as lightning.

   The speed of the two was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye they rushed to a place ten meters behind Ji Tianxing, and wanted to use a secret method to attack.

   At this time, Yun Yao had managed to suppress the injury and rushed out of the jungle to come to Ji Tianxing's side.

   She sacrificed the mysterious pagoda, manipulated the mysterious pagoda with secret methods, released a dazzling golden light, forming a golden light shield, covering her and Ji Tianxing.

   "Tian Xing Brother, go!"

   Yunyao let out a low cry, manipulated the mysterious pagoda to burst out a powerful and mysterious power, and took Ji Tianxing into the sky.


   The golden light shield of the mysterious pagoda, wrapping her and Ji Tianxing, instantly flew out of the jungle and flew into the distant sky.

   Within a few breaths, the mysterious pagoda took them across the mountains and valleys and disappeared into the gloomy sky.

   The high priest and the Princess Blood Moon were unwilling to do so, and they rushed to chase them for a while, but they couldn't catch up at all, so they had no choice but to give up the pursuit.

   The two cursed a few furiously before turning around and returning to the magic cave.



  The golden light shield of the mysterious pagoda, like a meteor, cuts through the night sky, bringing Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao, landing on a mountain.

   After the two of them landed, the golden shield of the mysterious pagoda disappeared, turned dull and shrunk to the size of a palm.

   Yunyao's injuries were already extremely serious. Just now he manipulated the mysterious pagoda and finally consumed the last trace of true essence in his body.

   After landing on her feet, she fell on the grass as soon as she weakened and fell into a coma.

   "Master sister! What happened to you?"

   Ji Tianxing hurriedly hugged her in his arms and yelled worriedly.

   But Yunyao closed her eyes tightly and was in a coma with severe injuries, completely unconscious.

   Ji Tianxing quickly took out a healing pill from the Hundred Treasure Pack and gently put it into her mouth.

   He put his palm against Yun Yao's palm again, transporting the true essence into her body to help her refine the medicine.

   After doing this, he can only pray silently, Yun Yao must not be okay, and must wake up as soon as possible.

   He looked up at the sky, it was the darkest hour before dawn.

   "The sky is about to dawn, I have to take the elder sister to leave here as soon as possible, otherwise the people of the demons will chase us and we will be dead!"

   Thinking of this, he hurriedly carried Yun Yao behind him, shuttled through the jungle on the mountain top, looking for the whereabouts of Linghe.

   He clearly remembered that Yun Yao and Bai Wuchen had left Linghe and Silver Moon Wolf on this mountain before.

   The Silver Moon Wolf may have been ridden away by Bai Wuchen, but Linghe may still stay here.

   However, he looked for a circle on the top of the mountain, but did not find Linghe.

   "Presumably, Linghe has already flown away, right?"

   "Even if I drive with my feet, I have to carry the master sister back to the sect!"

   Ji Tianxing made up his mind and carried Yun Yao on his back ~www.ltnovel.com~ and ran wildly in the mountains and forests, and returned to the direction of Qingtianzong.

   It didn't take long for the darkness between heaven and earth to dissipate, and a hint of whiteness appeared in the sky.

  A new day is coming, and the sun is about to rise.

   Although Yun Yao is not serious, Ji Tianxing also suffered a serious injury, and there is not much true essence in his body.

   He carried Yun Yao on his back as he ran across the mountains, still panting with fatigue, his eyes dim.

   But he clenched his teeth and insisted, even if he was sweating, he would not stop, and he continued to run in the mountains and forests.

   It wasn't until an hour later that he climbed over several mountains and moved away from the magic hole, before stopping to rest for a while.

   He ate two spirit fruits that regained his true essence. Only then did he recover a little physical strength, and then carried Yun Yao on his back.

   From knowing Yun Yao until now, he has never been so close to Yun Yao.

   Yunyao unconsciously lay on his back, closely fitting with his body.

   He can clearly feel Yun Yao's slender figure, and he can smell the natural fragrance of her body.

   This made him feel a strange feeling in his heart, and he thought to himself: "Apart from me, I am afraid that no one has been so close to Yun Yao, right?"

   Soon, another hour passed, and the morning sun had risen to the sky.

   Ji Tianxing is galloping in the vast mountains, over a mountain of thousands of feet.

   When he first arrived at the foot of the mountain, he met two young men in white robes on a piece of grass.

   The two young men are all very handsome, with the same style of white robe, and carrying a sword behind them, exuding the self-confidence and arrogance unique to the sect disciple.


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