Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 163: Good dog is not in the way

   Two young men blocked Ji Tianxing's way, and looked at Ji Tianxing with playful eyes.

   Ji Tianxing frowned, his face indifferent, after taking a look at the two of them, he wanted to go around and leave.

   However, two young men stopped him one by one, with a playful sneer on their faces.

   "Oh, this kid is a disciple of Sky High School, right?"

   "This kid is wearing a green robe, he should be an outer disciple of the Great Sky School."

   "What a coincidence, we actually met a disciple of the Great Sky School here!"

   "Hey, look at this kid still carrying a female disciple... oh, what a beautiful female disciple, it's a pity that she was seriously injured and she was unconscious."

   "Boy, you are so Yanfu, are you in a hurry to find a bridal chamber while carrying a female disciple in such a hurry?"

   The ridicule of two white-robed youths who sang a harmony, Ji Tianxing, his tone and expression were very wretched.

   Ji Tianxing was anxious at first, and just wanted to take Yunyao back to the sect for treatment as soon as possible.

   was inexplicably stopped by the two white-robed youths, and was also unscrupulously ridiculed by the other party. His heart surged with anger and his face became gloomy.

   "No matter who you are, good dogs don't stand in the way, get out of me right away!"

   Ji Tianxing yelled in a sharp tone, and rushed forward carrying Yun Yao on his back.

   The expressions of the two young men in white robes changed abruptly, and their faces were full of anger.

   "Hehe, your kid is crazy, you really don't know how to live or die!"

   "A very small disciple of the outer sect of the Great Sky School, dare to speak to us like this, the people of the Great Sky School are really getting more and more defiant!"

   Both sneered and pulled out the sword behind them, holding the sword to stop Ji Tianxing.

   "Boy, it looks like you are a new beginner, right? You don't even know anyone from our Heavenly Sword Sect!"

   "We are the inner disciples of the Sky Sword Sect, how dare you insult us! If you don't give you a severe lesson today, won't others think that our Sky Sword Sect is afraid of you holding the Sky Sect?"

   The two white-robed youths both had an angry expression. After reporting their identity, they approached Ji Tianxing with their swords in their hands, and they wanted to attack.

   Ji Tianxing immediately looked cold, his eyes filled with anger.

   "It seems that you two are sincerely looking for trouble?"

   Although he doesn't know, why the opponent is hostile to the Qingtianzong disciple.

   But the other party obviously has bad intentions and deliberately wants to target and make things difficult for him. He will naturally not bear it.

   He gently placed the unconscious Yun Yao on the grass, holding the black dragon sword in his hand, and walking towards the two disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect with a serious expression.

   When the two disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect saw him react like this, they suddenly sneered with disdain.

   "Heh, the people of the Sky High School are really arrogant, even a small disciple of the outer door dare to be arrogant?"

   "Boy, your Heavenly Sect is only holding the prestige of a thousand-year-old sect, and only controls the Tianchen domain. It won't be long before our Heavenly Sword Sect will take its place!"

   "Today we will give you a lesson that you will never forget. Your kid will remember it later. Anyone who sees our Heavenly Sword Sect must walk around!"

When   's words fell, two disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect simultaneously waved their swords, cutting out a few flashing sword lights, and flanking them towards the sky.

   Seeing the two drew their swords, Ji Tianxing saw the clue.

   These two inner disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect are only about the third level of the Tong Xuan Realm in strength.

   He sneered disdainfully, drew out the black dragon sword with a ‘cang’, and swung the sword horizontally.


   The black dragon sword turned into a three-meter-long snow-white sword light, with an incomparably sharp and domineering aura, sweeping towards the two disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect.

   As the snow-white sword light lit up, there was also a translucent phantom of the dragon, flaring its teeth and claws into the sky.


   In the dull loud noise, the sword light displayed by two disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect was instantly smashed by the Black Dragon Sword.

   The violent power of the black dragon sword, the huge and horrifying snow-white sword light, and the phantom of the dragon flying into the sky, suddenly scared the two of them and retreated in panic.

   But the speed of the black dragon sword was too fast, and the two realized that it was not good, and it was too late to retreat.

   Only two muffled sounds of "Boom" were heard, and the two disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect were chopped by the sword light, vomiting blood, flew back, and smashed into the grass ten meters away.

   The two rolled around in the grass for a few laps before stopping, lying on the ground and shaking like chaff, their faces pale.

   The red blood poured out from the two people and dripped on their white robe, which was particularly shocking in the sunlight.

   Both of them lowered their heads and looked at their abdomen incredibly.

   I saw that both of them had a deep sword wound on their abdomen, and blood continuously poured out from the wound.

   Both of them were originally wearing mysterious-level treasure armor, but they were both cut open by a crack in the black dragon sword, and the treasure armor was almost scrapped.

   This result, which neither of them had expected, filled their hearts with horror.

   They couldn't believe that an outer disciple of Qingtianzong had such a terrifying strength, and they both severely wounded with one sword!

   If it hadn't had a mysterious armor body, they had been cut into two pieces by a sword just now.

   "Sha Sha Sha..."

   Ji Tianxing held the Black Dragon Sword and stepped forward with a stern face, his feet stepped on the soft grass, making a slight noise.

   His face was cold, and his body was filled with a strong chill and murderous intent.

   Two disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect, sitting sullenly on the grass, watching him approaching step by step, both showed panic and panic expressions.

   "Boy! What do you want to do? Don't you dare to kill us?"

   "We are the inner disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect. If you dare to kill us, this sect will definitely defeat the Great Sky Sect and seek justice for us!"

   Obviously, the two were defeated by Ji Tianxing with a single sword, and both lost their fighting spirit and spirit, and their hearts were full of fear.

   This is a remote deserted mountain, if Ji Tianxing really killed them, they would also die in vain.

   However, Ji Tian walked in front of them and did not immediately kill anyone.

   He looked at the two condescendingly, with a deep sneer on his face.

   "Hehe, I thought the disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect were so outstanding and brave."

   "Unexpectedly, the two inner sect disciples joined forces, but I couldn't even catch my sword! It can be seen how unbearable your Heavenly Sword Sect is, it's just rubbish!"

   "You two rubbish, keep trying to teach me, now? I will give you a chance to survive~www.ltnovel.com~ Kneel down to admit your mistakes and apologize!"

   Ji Tianxing stood with his sword, and let out a cold cry with a solemn expression.

   The two disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect were immediately furious, and they had to draw their swords to fight back.

   However, Ji Tianxing slashed out with a sword, and once again slashed the two of them upside down. His injuries were even more serious, and he vomited blood on the grass.

   "Kneel down to apologize! Or die!"

   Ji Tianxing gave a cold tone, with murderous intent in his eyes.

   The two disciples of the Sky Sword Sect were completely shocked by him.

   They don't know Ji Tianxing, let alone his nature.

   Looking at Ji Tianxing's posture, the two have no doubt that if they dare to resist, there will be only a dead end!

   After hesitating for a while, the two disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect were threatened with death, but they could only endure the humiliation and knelt on the ground to apologize to Ji Tianxing.

   "We have eyes and no beads, so we should not offend you!"

   "Please raise your hands high, please spare our lives!"

   Ji Tianxing watched them kneel down to apologize for humiliation, and sneered even more contemptuously: "Hehe, you two are so greedy for life and fear of death, in order to survive, you kneel down and beg for mercy!"

   "You two cowardly trash, who are greedy for life and fear of death, do you still have the face to claim to be a disciple of the Heavenly Sword Sect? The Heavenly Sword Sect actually accepts **** like you?"

   The two disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect vomited blood suddenly, their faces were blue, and they were shaking all over.

   If they don't kneel down to apologize, they will be beheaded by Ji Tianxing on the spot.

   Now they kneel down to apologize, but they are so insulted by Ji Tianxing.

   Both of them are full of regrets. If they knew this before, they might as well fight to the death!

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