Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 161: Star 5 sword

   There is no doubt that this woman in a white dress is Yun Yao!

   Ji Tianxing never expected that Yun Yao, who had clearly escaped from the magic cave, would come back!

   "Master sister! You... why are you back again?"

   Yunyao's cold worried expression eased when he saw that he was safe and sound.

   "I'll come back to rescue you!" She didn't have time to explain anything, she only said five words, and pulled Ji Tianxing out of the secret room.

   Ji Tianxing's body shook, and a warm current flowed in his heart.

   Both he and Yun Yao know how dangerous this magic cave is.

   Yunyao had clearly escaped the clutches, and was wounded all over, seriously injured.

   In this situation, Yun Yao still desperately came back to save him.

   How can he not be moved by such a deep friendship?

   He couldn't believe that he was so important in Yun Yao's heart that it was worth her to risk her life to rescue him.

   He followed Yun Yao out of the cell and shuttled through the dark passage, and he did not forget to thank Yun Yao sincerely.

   "Master sister, thank you!"

   Yunyao said calmly: "I asked you to help me complete the task, of course I will not leave you behind."

  In a moment, the two rushed out of the dark passage and entered the huge cave.

   Yunyao discerned the direction, and was about to run towards the exit with Ji Tianxing.

   Just then, a stone gate not far away opened.

   The Princess Blood Moon and the high priest in black robe walked out of the stone gate.

   They were going to the cell where Ji Tianxing was imprisoned, but suddenly they saw Yun Yao and Ji Tianxing.

   The expressions of the two suddenly changed, and their eyes flashed cold and murderous.

   "Damn bastard, how dare you come back and save someone? Looking for death!"

   The high priest yelled in anger, his figure turned into a black mist, and he rushed towards Yun Yao and Ji Tianxing.

   Princess Blood Moon also followed, turning into a black shadow, rushing to Ji Tianxing as fast as lightning.

   "Boy, you want to escape after entering the magic cave? Dreaming!"

   She wanted to put Ji Tianxing to death. Now that she knows that Ji Tianxing is related to the Sky Star Pearl, it is even more impossible to let Ji Tianxing go.

   "Wh! Wh!"

   In the blink of an eye, the high priest and the Princess Blood Moon rushed in front of Yun Yao and Ji Tianxing, and launched an attack by using the magical secret method.

   Yunyao and Ji Tianxing's faces also became extremely ugly, their eyes solemn.

   At the critical juncture, Yun Yao pushed Ji Tianxing away with a palm without hesitation, pushing him to the exit of the magic cave.

   "I block them, you go!"

   As she spoke, she swung her sword to cut out the sky full of sword lights, and sprinkled them on the high priest and the blood moon princess like a goddess.

   Seven or seventy-nine sword beams with flickering cold light, illuminating a radius of tens of meters, stirred up a terrifying hurricane.

   The high priest released the black snake whip around his waist, and danced out the black light blade, blocking all the forty-nine sword lights.

  The black light blade collided with the sword light, bursting out a series of "bang bang bang" loud noises, which violently echoed in the empty cave.

   Ji Tianxing was pushed to the exit of the magic cave by Yun Yao, but he turned around and rushed back to her without hesitation.

   "Master sister, let's go together!"

   "You will not leave me, and I will never abandon you and run away!"

   After that, he drew out the black dragon sword with a ‘chung’, and slashed towards the Lord of the Blood Moon with a full sword.


   The three-meter-long snow-white sword light, carrying the overbearing power, cut off from the head of the head of the **** moon.

   Blood Moon Princess condensed a pair of huge blood hands with the blood demon way secret method, fully resisted this blow.


   Xuebai Jianguang collapsed, and her pair of **** hands were also cut to pieces.

   But she was unscathed, performed magic skills again, gathered a pair of **** hands, and slapped Ji Tianxing hard.

   Ji Tianxing quickly used a shadowless step to retreat, while swinging the black dragon sword to launch a counterattack.

   Not far away, Yun Yao was fighting fiercely with the high priest, and he also fought and retreated.

   She didn't fight head-on with the high priest, and tried her best to avoid the attack of the high priest. When she couldn't avoid it, she resisted it with all her strength.

   After just ten breaths, Yun Yao and Ji Tianxing were about to retreat to the exit of the magic cave.

   At this time, Yun Yao pinched the sword tactics with her left hand, and swung a cold sword like autumn water with her right hand, and abruptly cut out five huge sword lights.

   Each sword light is more than five meters long, carrying the terrifying power of breaking the sky and the earth, and slashed to the high priest and the blood moon princess.

When    used this sword technique, her skill was urged to the limit, and her white dress was windless and she was hunting and dancing.

   Her pale, paper-like pretty face also showed an unusual flush of red.

   Obviously, this is her ultimate skill to press the bottom of the box. After using it, her skill will drop, so she never uses it easily.

   "Five Swords of the Sky Star!"

   Five shocking sword lights cut through the gloomy night sky, like five thunder and lightning, powerful and violent.

   Princess Blood Moon didn't dare to take it hard, so he immediately backed away and avoided.

   Even the strongest high priest, with solemn eyes, wielded the black snake whip with all his strength, hitting hundreds of black sword lights, and tried his best to resist.

   "Boom boom boom boom!"

   Countless black sword lights were smashed into pieces, bursting into black fog, causing the black fog to roll within ten meters.

   Shocking Sword Mang slashed on the ground, cutting the rocky ground into a ravine more than ten meters long and half a meter wide, splashing dust and gravel!

   Yunyao did not expect that the Five Swords of the Sky Star could defeat the high priest and the county lord of Blood Moon, but only wanted to force them back temporarily and win a chance to escape.


   While the high priest resisted the sword light~www.ltnovel.com~, she immediately pulled Ji Tianxing into the entrance and exit, and ran fast in the dark passage.

   Both of them exploded to their final potential and rushed through the tunnel at the fastest speed towards the entrance of the cave outside the mountain.

   Within a quarter of an hour, Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao rushed out of the dark cave and returned to the jungle at the foot of the mountain.

   However, as soon as the two of them rushed out of the magic hole, the high priest and Princess Blood Moon chased them out.

   "Little beast! You never want to escape!"

   The high priest took the lead to catch up with Ji Tianxing, waved the black snake whip in his hand, and hit hundreds of black light sharp blades, which enveloped Ji Tianxing.

   Seeing this scene, Yun Yao rushed to Ji Tianxing without hesitation and waved his sword to help him resist the attack.

   "Boom boom boom!"

   With a muffled sound, Yun Yao was blasted out, vomiting blood and fell into the grass ten meters away.

   She was already seriously injured, and just now she lost three successes to use the five stars of the sky.

   Now she is at the end of the strong crossbow, extremely weak, even the high priest's attack can not stop.

   The high priest blasted Yun Yao with one move, and again brandished the black snake whip, killing Xiang Ji Tianxing extremely fiercely.

   Princess Blood Moon also rushed over, raised a pair of huge **** hands, Chao Ji Tianxing took a photo.

   Facing the siege of two great Yuandan realm powerhouses, with Ji Tianxing's strength, there was no resistance at all.

   At the critical moment of life and death, his heart is full of grief, indignation and unwillingness, as well as monstrous murderous aura!

   He exploded his life's strength, exerting his shadowless steps with all his might, backing and dodge.

   Even if this is futile, he will never give up resistance.

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