Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 135: Blood debt must be paid in blood

   Ji Ling, Jian Yu and Lu Mingyang all knelt down and pleaded guilty.

   Chu Tiansheng had no expression on his face, and announced the result of the disposal in a majestic tone.

   "Lu Mingyang, together with Ji Ling and Jian Yu, conspired to murder the same sect and maliciously framed the same sect, and violated the third commandment of this sect..."

   "The main idea is that you are an accomplice and have a better attitude toward confession, depriving you of your inner disciple status, demoting you to the outer door, and detaining you for half a year!"

   Lu Mingyang was only an accessory, and he did not attack Ji Tianxing and Ji Ke, so he committed a relatively minor crime.

   Therefore, Chu Tiansheng's punishment for him was reasonable.

   Although it is shameful to be deprived of his inner disciple status, Lu Mingyang had no objection and immediately bowed his head in salute.

   "Thank you for your forgiveness, the disciple is willing to be punished, and I will regret it in the future!"

  Chu Tiansheng nodded, and continued to announce: "Jian Yu, and Ji Ling conspired to murder the same junior and junior sister, and violated this sect..."

   "I thought you were an accomplice, this seat punishes you into the Batu Caves for half a year, thinks over the wall, and deducts a year's monthly bill!"

   Jian Yu heard the words ‘Black Wind Cave’, and his body was shocked, and deep grief and anger surged in his heart.

   Of course he knows how bitter cold there is in Batu Caves, and he will be confined in Batu Caves for half a year, and he does not know what he will be tortured by then.

   But he knew very well that Chu Tiansheng's punishment for him was reasonable and reasonable, and he could only lead the crime with a bow.

   "Disciple Jian Yu, willing to be punished, he will definitely think about it!"

   Finally, Chu Tiansheng's gaze fell on Ji Ling, and he announced in a low tone: "Ji Ling, this matter is your mastermind. The bad methods and vicious heart are extremely rare!"

   "With your character and the sins you have committed, you are not worthy to be a disciple!"

   "This seat has decided to abolish your life skills and drive you out of this door!"

   When hearing the result of the disposal, Ji Ling immediately trembled, full of grief and despair.

   He had just expected that after the Dongchuang incident, he would definitely be expelled from the sect.

   But he did not expect that Chu Tiansheng would even abolish his lifelong skill!

   This punishment is too heavy!

  He used to be the waste of the damaged pubic field. Although the people of Qingyun nation were afraid of his status as the prince, they were very disdainful of him.

   But he is unwilling to be mediocre and has great ambitions, so he deliberately pretended to be a moral gentleman and won the admiration of Qingyun people.

   is also because he has been insulted by the name of waste, so he will use Ling Yunfei to deliberately seek to obtain the blood and skill of Ji Tianxing.

   Now, he finally realized his long-cherished wish and entered the coveted Sky High School.

   Seeing that he will have a broad road to martial arts in the future, he will rise in the Qingtian sect, and he will become a martial arts expert in the future.

   But now, Chu Tiansheng wants to abolish his lifelong skill, he is beaten back to his original form, and once again becomes the ridiculous trash lord!

  How can he be willing? How can we not be sad and angry?

   Unparalleled anger and humiliation made him tremble.

   He unexpectedly lost his reason, and he got up frantically, his eyes were blood-red and angrily shouted: "No! I'm not convinced!"

   "Even if I have pleaded guilty, it is enough for me to be expelled from the sect. Why do I have to abolish my skills?!"

   Qingtian Temple is the most sacred and solemn place in Qingtian Sect.

   Ji Ling is just an outside disciple, but he dared to go crazy here, roaring at the head.

   Chu Tiansheng's complexion suddenly became gloomy, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

   Without waiting for him to speak, the elder of the Discipline Hall, known as the Black Faced God, yelled in a cold voice: "Niezha, you are so brave, how dare you go wild in Qingtian Temple!"

When   's words fell, his figure flashed in front of Ji Ling.

   He stretched out his right palm involuntarily, and hit Ji Ling's abdomen Dantian with a "bang".

   The majestic and mighty golden true essence rushed out of his palm, instantly destroying Ji Ling's dantian and abolishing Ji Ling's lifelong skill.

   Ji Ling was hit by a palm and flew out, vomiting blood and fell three meters away.

   He lay on the ground in a very embarrassed manner, with blood constantly pouring out of his mouth, and shouted in grief and indignation, "Why? Why is this the result? I'm not reconciled!!"

   Jian Yu and Lu Mingyang saw Ji Ling's miserable end, and immediately buried their heads lower, kneeling on the ground not daring to move.

   Compared to Ji Ling's ending, both of them secretly felt lucky.

   At the same time, they hated Ji Tianxing even more.

   Chu Tiansheng saw Ji Ling struggling on the ground with blood on his face, still roaring and roaring, so he frowned and ordered: "Throw him out and immediately expel him from the sect!"

   The elder of the Discipline Hall nodded, walked quickly to Ji Ling, reached out his hand by the collar, dragged him out of Qingtian Temple like a dead dog.

   At this time, Chu Tiansheng announced again: "Ji Tianxing, things have come to the ground and prove that you are innocent, and you will return to Fengyun Academy to practice later."

   Ji Tianxing bowed his hands in salute, and said calmly: "Thank you, the head."

   Other than that, he didn't say much.

   This incident is Ji Ling’s conspiracy. He was involved in the conspiracy and he himself was suspected.

   detained him in the Batu Caves for 13 days, and the Commandment Hall was also handled according to the rules of the gate, so he had no complaints against the sect.

   Even if he was wronged, the sect did not deliberately target him, it is enough to return him innocent.

   He knew in his heart that since he entered this large and well-regulated sect, he had to adapt to the rules of the sect.

  Only like this ~www.ltnovel.com~ can we survive safely in the sect.

   Of course, after this incident, he gained a bit of wisdom and increased his vigilance, and he will certainly not be easily murdered again.

The case of    disciple infighting was dealt with.

   Chu Tiansheng made a judgment, and then the elders of the Discipline Hall will execute it.

   Everyone saluted and retired, leaving Qingtian Temple.

   However, after Ji Tianxing left Qingtian Peak, he did not return to Fengyun Academy.

  He has more important things to do, and that is...kill Ji Ling!

   abolished Ji Ling's skill and expelled him from the sect. This was only the punishment of the sect.

   But Ji Tianxing has to take revenge, the blood debt must be paid in blood!

   When he walked down Chixiao Peak, he saw Ji Ling at the foot of the mountain, who was being escorted by a deacon of the Discipline Hall, walking outside the sect.

   Ji Tianxing followed silently, his eyes fixed on Ji Ling's back, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

   About half an hour later, the deacon of the Discipline Hall escorted Ji Ling to leave the Sky High School.

   At the foot of a mountain more than a dozen miles away from Qingtianzong, the deacon of the Commandment Hall threw Ji Ling to the side of the road and turned back to Qingtianzong.

   Ji Ling's clothes were blood-stained lying in the grass on the side of the road, still cursing furiously.

   "Ji Tianxing! You little beast, this king will take revenge one day!"

   "There is also Sky High School! Such a ruthless sect, one day, this king will wash away today's shame and destroy you bastards!"

   As soon as his voice fell, there was a sneer in his ear.

   "Ji Ling, you never have a chance to take revenge!"

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