Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 134: Fall from the clouds to hell

   Ji Ke was a little excited when he mentioned what happened that day.

   There was a strong anger in her eyes, and she told the story from beginning to end immediately.

   "At noon that day, I was practicing in the residence of Bailuyuan, and suddenly a female disciple sent me a letter..."

   The elders of the Lingyaotang and Chu Tiansheng both watched her calmly and listened carefully.

   Time passed by every minute, and Ji Ke became more and more emotional as she spoke.

   Speaking of her being stabbed with a sword by Ji Ling and pushed off the cliff, her emotions were both sad and angry, and tears welled up in her eyes.

   "I didn't expect it! Ji Ling is so cruel and vicious!"

   "He is my emperor's uncle, my father's younger brother! He hasn't even let go of my niece! He is simply a beast inferior to pigs and dogs!"

   When I heard this, the truth became clear.

   Chu Tiansheng's face was a little gloomy, and his brows were tightly frowned.

   He recalled that Xiang Wuji had said last night that Ji Ling seemed to be loyal and honest on the surface, but he was secretly observing the situation in the underground magic cave...

   Now, the truth that Ji Ke said proves that Ji Ling is a cold-blooded, mean and sinister villain.

  Chu Tiansheng had to admit that Shishu Xiang Wuji was indeed knowledgeable, and he could see a person's nature in a moment.

   He also had to consider that the secret of the Underground Devil's Cave was learned by Ji Ling, how should it end?

   At this time, the elder of the Spirit Medicine Hall sighed and comforted Ji Ke in a kind tone.

   He is a rickety old man with a white beard and kind eyebrows. He has always been warm and generous, and he is the most popular in the Great Sky School.

   Ji Ke wiped away the teardrops from her eyes, and sincerely thanked the elders of the Spirit Medicine Hall.

   After Chu Tiansheng frowned and thought for a while, he had an idea in his mind.

  He solemnly said to Ji Ke: "Jike, you can heal your wounds in the panacea hall. This matter is your own decision."

   After that, Chu Tiansheng had to turn around and leave.

   Ji Ke was obviously unwilling, and quickly said anxiously: "Master, Ji Ling is heinous, you must not spare him lightly!"

   "And Brother Tianxing, I heard that he was wronged and was imprisoned in the Batu Caves. Now more than ten days have passed, I don't know how he was tortured... Let him go!"

   However, Chu Tiansheng walked out of the room without looking back, and did not respond to her words.

   Ji Ke showed a disappointed and worried expression, and couldn't help sobbing again.

   The elder of the Elixir Hall quickly comforted her: "Jike, don't worry, this school has its own rules, and the head of the house will definitely follow the rules of the door to make judgments, and will definitely not protect anyone."

   Although Ji Ke was worried, she was helpless and could only nod her head.

   Until now, she can only pray silently, Ji Tianxing must not have anything.


   Chu Tiansheng returned to Qingtian Temple with a solemn expression, and summoned Yun Yao and the elders of the Discipline Hall to come.

   When Yunyao and the elder of the Discipline Hall entered the main hall, he gave the order straightforwardly.

   "Elder Huang, immediately bring Ji Ling and his two accomplices to the hall, and this seat will deal with them!"

   "Yun Yao, go quickly to the Batu Caves and bring Ji Tianxing. I will judge this matter face to face, and return him to his innocence."

   The elder of the Discipline Hall didn't say much. He immediately held his fist and gave a salute, then turned and walked out of the main hall, and followed the order.

   Yunyao stayed, and asked suspiciously: "Master, is Ji Ke already awake and you already know the truth?"

   Chu Tiansheng nodded and said, "Well, that female disciple woke up last night. I just came back from the panacea hall and I have already questioned it face to face."

   Yunyao nodded, and asked again: "Master, you took Ji Ling into the underground magic cave last night. Did you fail to open the big formation?"

   Chu Tiansheng nodded blankly and said: "Yes, he is not a fate. The person we are looking for is still in the door."

   A strange color flashed in Yunyao's eyes, and she understood something in her heart.

   But she is thoughtful, she has always acted without leaking, and is very steady.

   Although she has the answer in her heart, she is still not completely sure, so she will not say it rashly at this moment.

   "The disciple retire!"

   She bowed to Chu Tiansheng, then exited Qingtian Temple and hurried towards the Batu Caves.

   About a quarter of an hour later, she entered the Batu Caves and came to the door of the stone chamber.

   When she saw that the Han Tiemen was sunken and twisted, and the walls of the stone chamber were covered with cracks and large handprints, she frowned.

   Ji Tianxing was sitting in the corner doing exercises, his face was pale, his body was stained with blood, and he was obviously injured.

   She awakened Ji Tianxing, frowned and asked, "Junior Brother Tianxing, what's the matter?"

   Ji Tianxing understood why she asked, and answered truthfully: "Yesterday there was an alien woman in a black robe who climbed out of the cliff and wanted to kill me without saying anything..."

   After listening to him, Yun Yao understood that it was the strong Demon clan who had secretly invaded.

   Judging from the degree of damage to the cold iron gate and stone chamber walls, the demon girl is extremely powerful.

   Ji Tianxing was only severely injured, and he was lucky to survive.

   About this, she did not ask much.

   "Junior Brother Tianxing, Ji Ke has woken up, and the head of the boss has ordered me to take you to Qingtian Temple."

After    said, she took out a key and opened the chain of the cold iron door.

   Ji Tianxing immediately revealed a deep joy, and said in a spirited spirit: "Great! I knew that Kekefu is dead and will wake up!"

   "Damn Ji Ling, it's time to plead guilty!"

   Following, he walked out of the stone room, followed Yun Yao out of the Batu Caves, and hurried to Qingtian Temple.

   When they entered Qingtian Temple, there were already four people standing in the main hall.

   Those four are the elders of the Jielvtang, Ji Ling, Jian Yu and Lu Mingyang.

   Chu Tiansheng sat in the first place, his expression gloomy and silent.

   The atmosphere in the hall was very depressing. Ji Ling, Jian Yu, and Lu Mingyang were all aware of something wrong, their expressions were very embarrassing, and they were very nervous.

   When they saw Yun Yao taking Ji Tianxing into the hall, they were full of grief and anger, and a deep anxiety surged in their hearts.

   Ji Tianxing also stared at Ji Ling coldly, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

   Chu Tiansheng saw that the people were there, and he said in a low voice: "Just last night~www.ltnovel.com~Ji Ke was treated by the elders of the Spirit Medicine Hall, and has been awake."

   "Just now, I went to the panacea hall and questioned Ji Ke face to face. I have already understood the whole process of that day."

   At this point, he looked at Ji Ling, Jian Yu and Lu Mingyang with majestic expressions, and shouted with stern expression: "Can you three convict you?!"

   As his words sounded, the whole body still exuded invisible coercion, covering the three of Ji Ling.

   The three of them suddenly looked earthy, knowing that the matter was completely exposed, today the truth will come to light.

   Jian Yu and Lu Mingyang, unable to withstand the powerful pressure of Chu Tiansheng, immediately knelt to the ground with a "puff", repeatedly begging for mercy.

   "Master, the disciple is convicted! The disciple is confused for a while, please be kind to the master!"

   "Master, the disciple will never dare to commit the crime again in the future, but I hope the master will be gentle!"

   Chu Tiansheng ignored them, fixed his eyes on Ji Ling, and shouted in a deep voice: "Ji Ling, what else do you have to say?"

   Ji Ling's heart was full of grief and unwillingness, and she looked desperate.

   A few days ago, he was very high-spirited, and he was about to become a popular celebrity in the head.

   At this moment, he failed to open the Nine Dragons Enemy Array, but the East Window incident occurred, and he was about to be dealt with by the door rules.

   The gap between the two situations is as big as falling from the clouds to hell, making him crazy!

   Even now, no matter how many unwilling and insidious methods he has, he can't use it in front of Chu Tiansheng.

   He only fell on his knees and kowtowed to Chu Tiansheng for mercy: "The disciple is convicted, please be punished by the head!"

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