Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 136: Revenge

   Suddenly heard that sneer, Ji Ling's body was shocked.

   He immediately turned his head and saw a youth in a green robe standing ten steps behind him.

   That's the Ji Tianxing who hated him and wanted to get rid of it in his dreams!

   Seeing Ji Tianxing appear with a playful sneer on his face, Ji Ling couldn't help but feel a bad feeling.

   He stared at Ji Tianxing vigilantly, and shouted coldly, "Ji Tianxing! What do you want to do?"

   "Hehe, what do I want to do? Don't you know?" Ji Tianxing sneered and approached him, full of cold murderous intent.

   Ji Ling suddenly became a little flustered, and quickly stepped back, shouting angrily: "Ji Tianxing, don't forget your identity, you are still a courtier of Qingyun Kingdom!"

   "Even if my skill is abolished, I will still be the prince of Qingyun Kingdom!"

   Ji Tianxing sneered disdainfully: "Hehe, this is the ancient realm of stars, not Qingyun Nation, and your status as a prince is not a **** here!"

   "Now that you have been expelled from the sect and your skills have been abolished, you are already a homeless bereavement dog! At this time, if I don't kill you for revenge, when will I wait?"

   Ji Ling was full of anxiety and panic, with a pair of eyeballs turning randomly, apparently trying to get out.

   He stepped back and shouted coldly: "Ji Tianxing, don't forget! Your Ji family is still in the imperial city, and your father and your relatives are still the courtiers of Qingyun Nation!"

   "If you dare to kill me, the royal family will transcribe all of your Ji family, and don't keep the dogs!"

   "You'd better not be impulsive, think about your father and your relatives..."

   It's okay for Ji Ling not to mention Ji family and Ji Changkong. When he threatened Ji Tianxing with Ji family and Ji Changkong, he even made Ji Tianxing angry and murderous.

   "Ji Ling, you despicable, cruel and vicious beast, dare to use Ji's family to threaten me!"

   "You must die today!"

   After that, Ji Tianxing never talked nonsense with Ji Ling anymore, and rushed to him with a flash, banging his fist on his forehead.

   Ji Ling's skills have been abolished, and now he is an ordinary person, it is impossible to escape Ji Tianxing's punch.


   In the muffled sound, Ji Ling was blasted more than three meters away with a punch, and rolled down in the bushes beside the road.

   was hit so hard, he hadn't fainted, but blood overflowed from his mouth and nose, and his face looked even more hideous.

   He struggled to crawl out of the bushes, and roared hysterically: "Ji Tianxing! This is the ancient realm of stars. You dare to kill people here, are you not afraid of being expelled from the sect in violation of the rules?"

   Ji Tianxing sneered contemptuously: "This is no longer the territory of the Sky High School, and you are no longer a disciple of the Sky High School. Now your life is as cheap as a dog, and no one will bother you if I kill you!"

   "The punch just now was made for Koko. Now I want to avenge myself. Go to death!"

   shouted angrily, he rushed to Ji Ling again, swinging his fists and smashing his chest and throat fiercely.

   "Boom Boom" two muffled noises exploded, and Ji Ling was blown out again.

   He flew upside down more than five meters, fell into the dense woods, and rolled several times before stopping.

   Then, his head tilted and he died, and there was no more sound.

   The red blood kept pouring out of his mouth and nose and spilled on the grass.

   Ji Tianxing burst out violent essence from both palms, which has shattered his heart and throat.

   After a while, Ji Tian walked to the side of Ji Ling's corpse and stretched out his hand to probe his pulse and breath.

   After making sure that Ji Ling was completely dead, Ji Tianxing turned and walked out of the woods.

   Standing on the bluestone trail, his clenched fists were released and he let out a breath.

  The **** vengeance that had been entangled for three years, with the death of Ji Ling, finally disappeared.

   He finally took revenge on Xuehen, venting a nasty breath for Ji Ke and himself!

   "The truth is clear, retribution is unhappy!"

   Ji Tianxing roared to the sky, venting the hatred that had been pressed in his heart, only feeling refreshed.

   After a while, he quickly returned to the Great Sky School.

   As for Ji Ling's corpse, he didn't bother to pay attention.

   There are no people inhabited near this mountain range, and there are no disciples of the Great Heaven Sect to patrol.

   It is estimated that in a short time, Ji Ling's body will be eaten by wild beasts.

   After half an hour, Ji Tianxing returned to Great Heaven Sect.

   He walked to the foot of Qingtian Peak, but did not go up the mountain and return to Fengyunyuan.

   He turned and walked towards the Spirit Medicine Peak, and decided to go to the Spirit Medicine Hall first to visit Ji Ke, who was seriously injured.

   After he left, a figure in a black robe appeared on the trail at the foot of the mountain.

   This figure is a middle-aged man, who was the deacon of the precepts hall who escorted Ji Ling away from Qingtianzong.

   He hurried to Chixiao Peak and entered Qingtian Temple.

   The hall was empty, only the head of Chu Tiansheng was sitting on the first seat with his eyes closed, as if waiting for something.

   After entering the hall, the deacon of the Commandment Hall bowed to Chu Tiansheng and walked up to him, lowering his voice to report.

   "Open to the head, his subordinates have secretly observed, Ji Tianxing followed all the way, and in the woods fifteen miles away, Ji Ling has been intercepted!"

   Chu Tiansheng had expected this result a long time ago, without a change of expression, and asked in a calm tone: "Are you sure Ji Ling is dead?"

   The deacon of Commandment Hall nodded and said: "Subordinates are sure!"

   "Well, that's good." Chu Tiansheng nodded, and said indifferently: "This matter is over, you can withdraw."

   The deacon of the Commandment Hall hurriedly saluted and left the hall.

   After a while, Chu Tiansheng whispered: "This is exactly the end, Ji Ling has already learned the secret of this school, how can this seat let him leave alive?"

   Apparently ~www.ltnovel.com~ had already been murderous when he ordered Ji Ling out of the sect.


   In the evening, the sky is dim.

   Ji Ling's corpse is still lying in the grass in the forest a dozen miles away from Qingtianzong.

   The blood on the grass has long been solidified, and Ji Ling's corpse is also cold and gradually becoming stiff.

   In the jungle not far away, there were a few low beast roars from time to time, and it was obvious that a beast was approaching.

   There is no doubt that when night falls, Ji Ling's corpse will become a dinner for the beasts.

   But at this moment, a black wind suddenly blew in the jungle, and two clouds of black mist appeared out of thin air.

   "Wh! Wh!"

   Two tall figures in black robes appeared out of thin air in the woods, surrounded by hazy black air.

   The two are the blood moon princess and high priest of the Demon tribe.

   They walked through the bushes silently and came to Ji Ling's body.

   Princess Blood Moon lowered his voice and said: "According to our investigation, this child has entered the seal formation with Chu Tiansheng, and it should be useful to us."

   "High Priest, he just died, can you find out if you can extract his soul with the blood demon secret method?"

   The high priest stretched out his palm, his palm was filled with black mist, covering Ji Ling's body, as if he was performing some secret technique.

   A moment later, he raised his head to look at Princess Blood Moon, and nodded solemnly.

   A hint of joy flashed in the eyes of the Princess Blood Moon, and he said in a deep voice: "Take him back, and we must let him use it for us."

   Then, the high priest stretched out his big hand to grab Ji Ling's corpse, followed Princess Blood Moon to leave the jungle, and disappeared into a black mist.

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