Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 133: Come to the bottom

   Facing Xiang Wuji's stormy questioning, Chu Tiansheng immediately showed his ashamed expression.

   He bent over and lowered his head. After a moment of silence, he said in a deep voice, "Uncle Master, this is indeed the disciple's negligence, and the disciple will definitely find a way to remedy it!"

   "Although Ji Ling already knows this secret, he is still an outer disciple. I will let the deacon of Fengyunyuan stare at him secretly, and I will never let him reveal any secrets!"

   Nodded to Wuji, acquiescing to Chu Tiansheng's approach.

   He frowned, and said in an unreliable anger: "Chu Tiansheng, you have to think through your mind about any decision you make in the future, don't be arbitrary!"

   "Although you are the head, but the Great Heaven Sect is not yours! Even if you were the strongest among the brothers of the same generation, you are definitely not the best person to be the head!"

   "Just like the old man, he is also the strongest among the several brothers. But the old man has self-knowledge and will never be the head, so as not to ruin his thousand-year foundation!"

  Xiang Wuji's remarks can be described as words of condemnation, ruthlessly refuting Chu Tianshengkong's powerful force, but no corresponding talent.

   Chu Tiansheng's face was green and white, but he could only be taught with an humility, and he didn't dare to refute it.

   Xu had said too much to Wuji, or was upset in his heart, so he took out a jug of wine from his black fingers and sat in the hall to drink for himself.

  Chu was born not to dissuade him, so he could only take out the simple and mysterious tortoise shell and observe it silently.

   He used the mysterious method to inject vital energy into the turtle shell, and the silver light spot on the turtle shell immediately changed.

   After a while, many silver light spots are arranged in several curves, forming a mysterious pattern.

   Chu Tiansheng saw those patterns, and his energy was shocked, and a hint of surprise appeared in his eyes.

   "Uncle Shi! Look at it, I used the Fate Star Chart to figure out the result!"

   "The person we are looking for is still in the door!"

   Xiang Wuji was holding the wine jug with his head up and drank, suddenly hearing these words, he almost spit out the wine.

   He turned his head and stared at Chu Tiansheng, and cursed in an angry voice: "Chu Tiansheng! Are you a pig brain?"

   "You didn't expel Ji Ling from the sect. Of course he is still in the sect!"

   Chu Tiansheng quickly explained: "Uncle Master, the person who rebelled in the Destiny Star Chart is not Ji Ling, but someone else!"

   "Someone else?" Xiang Wuji was also taken aback, and asked with a puzzled face: "As shown in the Fate Star Chart before, the person who rebelled came from Qingyun Nation."

   "Since the rebellious person is still in this sect and not Ji Ling, it will be easier to handle."

   "Go and check how many disciples from Qingyun Kingdom are in this school, and then carefully screen them."

   Chu Tiansheng quickly put away the destiny star chart, nodded and said: "Disciple obey!"

   He didn't expect the result to be like this, and the heavens favored Qingtianzong.

   Although Ji Ling couldn't restart the Nine Dragon Entrapment Demon Array, he was not a person who was against his fate, but the real person who was against his fate was still in the Sky High School.

  Chu Tiansheng finally breathed a sigh of relief, with a strong expectation in his heart.


   Early the next morning, Chu Tiansheng summoned nine elders to discuss matters in the Qingtian Temple.

   He sat on the throne of the head, his eyes calmly swept across the nine elders in the temple, and asked in a deep voice: "Yesterday the Japanese seat asked you to investigate the invasion of the demons, is there a result?"

   Outer door elder Chu Huaishan immediately took a few steps forward, and respectfully reported: "Kai, the head, we found the invading demons last night. There are two people, one old and one young."

   "The old man is the high priest of the Demon tribe. As for the young woman he brought, her identity is unknown, and it should be the powerful child of the Demon tribe."

   "When the subordinates discovered their tracks, they joined forces with the two elders to besiege them. Unfortunately, they used the smoke umbrella and escaped again."

   Chu Tiansheng frowned slightly, and after a moment of hesitation, he nodded and said: "That high priest is the enemy of the sect. He sneaked into the sect three times in a hundred years, trying to figure out how to save the devil."

   "However, he has the Demon Sacred Umbrella Yanluo, even if the seat is personally shot, it may not be able to catch him."

   "You have done your best, I don't blame it, I can drive them out of my door, I don't expect them to dare to attack again in the short term!"

   After he finished speaking, Chu Huaishan bowed his hands and retreated to the elders.

   Immediately afterwards, the elders of the Lingyaotang took two steps forward and reported to Chu Tiansheng: "Report to the head, and you have something important to report."

   Chu Tiansheng nodded slightly and asked: "What's the matter?"

  The elder of the Lingyaotang said in a calm tone: "The female disciple named Ji Ke from the Bailuyuan of the Outer Gate, through the treatment of her subordinates, has awakened last night."

   "The case of infighting that occurred at the outer gate 13 days ago should have a result."

  Originally, Chu Tiansheng didn't need to deal with matters like the infighting of outer disciples, and he would never bother.

   But that incident had something to do with the outer disciple Ji Ling, so the outer sect elder Chu Huaishan had already reported it to him.

   Now that the elder of the Spirit Medicine Hall reported it in public, Chu Tiansheng pondered for a moment, then nodded and said: "Okay, you will bring this seat to you later, and I will ask her in person."

   Next, two elders reported some sect affairs separately ~ www.ltnovel.com~ are some common sect affairs, Chu Tiansheng made a decision on the spot and handed it over to the elders for execution.

   After half an hour, the discussion was over, and the elders withdrew from Qingtian Temple.

   Chu Tiansheng also followed the elder of the Spirit Medicine Hall, and after leaving Qingtian Hall, he hurried to the Spirit Medicine Hall on the Spirit Medicine Peak.

   Lingyaotang is located on the top of the mountain. It is the important place in the Great Heaven Sect, and ordinary disciples cannot approach it.

   Hundreds of towering and tall palaces are surrounded by lush, towering trees.

   The sky above the palace was shrouded in white clouds and thick fog, making the panacea hall seem to be in a fairyland.

   A certain palace in the Spirit Medicine Hall has hundreds of spacious and bright rooms equipped with formations, which are specially used to heal the wounds of the disciples in the door.

   Chu Tiansheng followed the elder of the Lingyaotang and entered a room filled with the smell of herbs, and saw two women in the room.

   One of the young girls is Ji Ke, lying on the bed pale, her eyes are a little dim, obviously she hasn't recovered her vitality.

   Another young woman, a maid under the Lingyaotang, is taking good care of Ji Ke, holding a bowl of medicinal soup and feeding her medicine.

   Seeing the elders of the Spirit Medicine Hall and Chu Tiansheng enter the room, the maid hurriedly saluted respectfully, put down the medicine bowl and retired.

   Ji Ke couldn't get up and salute, so she nodded and said hello.

  The elder of the Spirit Medicine Hall said to her kindly: "Ji Ke, this is the head of the school, who came to visit you and ask what happened that day."

   "You have to tell the story in full and detail from beginning to end. You must tell the truth, and there must be no false concealment!"

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