Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 120: The murderer turned out to be him!

   Ji Tianxing greeted Ji Ke while pouring tea for her.

   Ji Ke looked at the room curiously, looking here, and there.

   "Wow, Brother Tianxing, the treatment of your disciples from Fengyunyuan is really good!"

   "Not only is the room very spacious, but it is also equipped with a closed room for exercises. Unlike our Bailu Academy, everyone has only one small room..."

   Ji Ke looked around, then sat down at the table and looked at Ji Tianxing with envy.

   Ji Tianxing just smiled, and asked mildly, "Koko, why come to me early in the morning today? Is there anything wrong?"

   Ji Ke glanced at him strangely, pretending to be bored and said: "Huh! Brother Tianxing, I haven't seen you for half a month. I want to come and see you, can't you?"

   "Hehehe, of course it works." Ji Tianxing smiled and touched her head affectionately.

   "Koko, how have you been in the past two months? Are you still used to it?"

   Ji Ke curled her small mouth, and said depressedly: "Of course, the conditions of Bailuyuan can't be compared with those in the palace!"

   "However, when you come to Qingtianzong to practice, you have to suffer and suffer, otherwise how to improve your strength?"

   "Well, it's best if you can think so." Ji Tianxing nodded and asked, "Then what have you been studying for half a month? Are you also studying alchemy?"

   Ji Ke widened her eyes suspiciously, and asked puzzledly: "Why do you learn alchemy? You can't improve your strength!"

   "Since entering Bailuyuan, we have practiced swordsmanship at dawn every day for the past half month since we entered Bailuyuan, and we have to meditate in the afternoon and evening."

   "As the deacon said, let us concentrate on practicing martial arts, and must not be distracted from doing other things!"

   Ji Tianxing looked at Ji Ke in a daze, his brows frowned, and a hint of doubt flashed in his heart.

   "It seems that the content taught by the Third Outer Academy is different!"

   "The disciples of Bailu Academy practice hard, but our Fengyun Academy wants to learn alchemy... I don't know what the deacons think, should they have other meanings?"

   At this moment, Ji Ke looked at him with concern and smiled and asked: "Big Brother Tianxing, how are you doing this half a month? Isn't it going well?"

   "Soon?" Ji Tianxing hesitated for a while before squeezing out a smile, nodded and said, "Well, it's okay."

   "Huh! Brother Tianxing, you lied, I can tell." Ji Ke noticed that his expression was different, so he pouted his mouth, looking upset.

   "Brother Tianxing, are you having any trouble?"

   "If you want to treat me as a friend, just tell me."

   Ji Tianxing knows that Ji Ke Bingxue is smart, and his reaction just now cannot be hidden from Ji Ke.

   So, he can only tell Ji Ke frankly, "Well, in fact, I have been going well for the past half month, but someone secretly dealt with me and has attacked me twice."

   "Unfortunately, I tried every means to investigate, and I didn't find any clues. I don't know who murdered me secretly!"

   "Is there such a thing?" Ji Ke suddenly opened his eyes, and her pretty face was full of worry.

   "Damn bastard! You are so bold and dare to attack Brother Tianxing in the Great Sky Sect!"

   Ji Ke looked like she was filled with righteous indignation.

   After frowning for a while, she lowered her voice and asked, "Brother Tianxing, do you doubt who it is? Could it be my emperor? Or...that nasty Lu Mingyang?"

   Lu Mingyang worshipped the Great Sky School and skipped the outer door and became a disciple of the inner door, she knew.

   Ji Tianxing shook his head, and said solemnly: "I checked and analyzed, that person is neither your uncle nor Lu Mingyang."

   "Who else would it be?" Ji Ke frowned, her face full of doubts and thoughts.

   After a while, she suddenly thought of something, and a gleam of light flashed in her eyes.

   "That's right! Brother Tianxing, I suddenly think of someone, I think it's probably him!"

   "Ling Yunfei's cousin, Jian Yu!"

   Ji Tianxing frowned suddenly, looking confused.

   "Ling Yunfei's cousin? How could it be her cousin? Jian Yu...I never heard of this person!"

   Ji Ke quickly explained: "Big Brother Tianxing, this is how things are. Ling Yunfei does have a cousin named Jian Yu!"

   "Three years ago, Jian Yu passed the Great Sky School introductory competition and left Qingyun Kingdom to become a disciple of Qingyun Kingdom. Since then, Jian Yu has never returned to Qingyun Kingdom."

   "However, it is said that Jian Yu has always liked his cousin Ling Yunfei."

   Ji Tianxing finally nodded and said, "No wonder I haven't heard Ling Yunfei mention Jian Yu. It turns out that he had already worshipped the Sky School three years ago."

   "Three years have passed. As long as his aptitude is not bad, he should now enter the inner gate, gain a firm foothold in the Great Sky School, and be familiar with the situation."

   "In that case, the man in black who attacked me in a sneak attack is really likely to be him!"

   Ji Ke also nodded and said: "Brother Tianxing, you have just entered the sect. There are only a few people who have hatred with you."

   "After excluding my uncle and Lu Mingyang, only Jian Yu is the most suspicious! Brother Tianxing, you must be careful in the future!"

   Listening to her worried tone, Ji Tianxing nodded to express understanding.

   After the two chatted for a while, Ji Ke left.

   After Ji Ke left the Fengyun Academy, Ji Tianxing condensed his complex thoughts and headed to the alchemy with alchemy materials.


Ji Ling had just walked out of Fengyun Academy, carrying a pack of alchemy materials in his hand, and was going to the alchemy room to try alchemy~www.ltnovel.com~ However, he just walked to the gate and saw a burly tower outside the door. Young strong man.

  A strange color flashed through Ji Ling's eyes, and he greeted him with a smile and respectfully said: "Brother Hao, why are you here in Fengyun Academy?"

   The burly young disciple is Hao Meng.

   He glanced at Ji Ling, grinning with a hearty smile, nodded and said: "Ji Ling, I'm here to find you on a special trip."

   Ji Ling asked quickly: "Senior Brother Hao, what do you want?"

   Hao Meng patted him on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Don't ask, come with me to see the master sister, the master sister sent me to find you."

   "Master sister?" Ji Ling was startled, Yun Yao's face and figure like a fairy came to mind.

   Seeing Hao Meng turned around and went ahead, he didn't dare to think too much, so he hurriedly followed.

   Half an hour later, Hao Meng took Ji Ling away from Qingtian Peak and arrived at the most sacred and solemn Chixiao Peak in Qingtian Sect.

   Hao Meng took Ji Ling to the top of the mountain, and when he came to the gate of Qingtian Temple, he saw Yun Yao waiting at the gate.

   The two came forward to salute Yun Yao, and then Hao Meng left.

   At the gate of the majestic palace, only Ji Ling and Yun Yao were left.

   Ji Ling's mood was a little nervous, and she also had a faint expectation.

   He secretly speculated that he was taken to Chixiao Peak where the outer disciples were not qualified to approach. It was most likely something important.

   Sure enough, Yun Yao said to him blankly: "Ji Ling, you come with me to see the head."

   "Remember, tell the truth about everything!"

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