Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 121: The glory came so suddenly

   Before entering the Great Heaven Sect, Ji Ling vaguely learned some news.

   He knew that he was the person the Great Sky School was looking for, and it seemed to be related to a very important matter.

   So he has long known that once he enters the Great Sky School, he will definitely be reused and cultivated.

   But it has been half a month since he started, and he has not been reused.

   He was secretly anxious, but he couldn't find someone to ask.

   Now he knows, the time has finally come!

   Hearing Yun Yao's words, his heartbeat suddenly speeded up a bit, and a deep joy flashed under his eyes.

   He did not expect that the head of the Great Sky School would personally meet him.

   This attention and honor made him excited!

   But he is still calm on the surface, and respectfully arches his hands: "Follow the teachings of the master sister!"

   Yunyao did not answer, and calmly led him into the hall.

   The hall was silent, only a figure sat on the first throne.

   That was a middle-aged man in a golden robe, with a tough and handsome face, long snow-white hair, and a very majestic and powerful aura.

   Ji Ling is smart, and of course he recognizes that he is the contemporary head of the Great Sky School!

   He followed Yun Yao into the hall and stood still, and bowed and saluted with Yun Yao.

   "Disciples see Master Master!"

   "The disciple pays homage to the head!"

   Chu Tiansheng sat on the throne of the head, condescendingly looking at Ji Ling.

   He could tell at a glance that Ji Ling possesses the strength of the Seventh Layer of the True Essence Realm and is about to advance to the Eight Layers of the True Essence Realm.

   Moreover, when he saw Ji Ling's appearance, his temperament and manners were very elegant, he nodded secretly in his heart, and had a care.

   "Your name is Ji Ling? Are you the prince of Qingyun Kingdom?"

   Chu Tiansheng looked at Ji Ling and asked calmly.

   Ji Ling was stared at by his wise and calm gaze, only to feel that his whole body was transparent and slightly cold, as if he had been seen through.

   He quickly lowered his head, arched his hands and replied: "If you return to the head, that's the case!"

   Chu Tiansheng nodded slightly and asked again: "Ji Ling, have you seen your great grandmother or great grandmother?"

   Ji Ling was stunned by this question.

   Great-grandmother, refers to his grandfather’s mother.

   And Taimao is his grandpa's grandmother.

   Among the ancestors of the Qingyun Kingdom imperial family, there is only one ancestor Ji Shenxiao who is still alive.

   So Ji Ling answered truthfully, shook his head and said: "Back to the head, the disciple has never seen it."

   A hint of disappointment flashed through Chu Tiansheng's eyes, but no one noticed it.

   He nodded calmly and said, "Well, those are from the ancestors a hundred years ago. It is normal if you haven't seen them."

   "Ji Ling, come here, let me take a look."

   Ji Ling didn't understand what Chu Tiansheng meant, but he still walked forward as ordered, bowed his head respectfully, and stood in front of Chu Tiansheng.

   Chu Tiansheng stretched out his big hand, grasped Ji Ling's wrist, secretly released a powerful spiritual sense, and explored the situation in Ji Ling's body.

   Ji Ling is unknown, so she can only stand quietly, looking well-regulated.

   In fact, all kinds of thoughts flashed in his mind, and he thought to himself: "The head is using spiritual knowledge to explore my situation. Is it to check my talents?"

   "Fortunately, I have completely refined the Seizing God Orb. Dantian is the same as an ordinary warrior, and the head will definitely not see any abnormalities."

   After a while, Chu Tiansheng seemed to have detected something, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes.

   "It really is the blood of Xuanjian!"

   He whispered in high spirits, and then he withdrew his right hand and spiritual sense.

   He turned his head to look at Yun Yao, and said with satisfaction: "Yun Yao, you are doing very well!"

   "This time the three of you have done a good job, and the Japanese seat will reward you three!"

   Yunyao calmly bowed and said, "Thank you, Master!"

   Chu Tiansheng looked at Ji Ling again and smiled and said: "Ji Ling, go back to the Fengyun Academy to practice hard. Later, this seat will ask Deacon Han to send you two Tianxin Pills and two Spirit Blood Pills."

   "With the help of these pills, you can refine your profound sword bloodline and increase your strength!"

   "After you pass the assessment and enter the inner door, if you have a good character and good aptitude, this seat may accept you as a direct disciple!"

   Suddenly hearing these words, Ji Ling was stunned at the time, showing an expression of disbelief.

   He didn't expect the surprise to come so suddenly.

   The noble and unparalleled master, actually said in person that he would accept him as a direct disciple!

   Ji Ling knew very well that Yun Yao was the direct disciple of the head, and also the first genius of the Tianchen domain, and the recognized heir to the head.

   In a few decades, after the head of Chu Tiansheng abdicates, Yun Yao will inherit the head of the head, and take charge of the Qing Tianzong and the entire Tianchen domain!

   If he is also accepted as a disciple by the head, he will have the opportunity to compete with Yun Yao for the head!

   is in charge of the entire Tianchen Domain, this is his lifelong wish!

   He never dared to imagine that he could be so close to the goal he pursued in his life!

   Thinking of this, his hands trembled with excitement, and his voice trembled a little with excitement.

   He bent down deeply and bowed, and said sincerely, "Thank you, the head master!"

   "The disciple will definitely practice assiduously and will never let the head master down!"

   Yunyao did not speak, but a look of surprise flashed under her eyes.

   She did not expect that the head master would actually say that sentence in person.

   She knows very well that becoming a direct disciple of the head means that she will be eligible to compete for the position of head in the future. What an amazing opportunity this is!

   However, she vaguely guessed the reason, so she didn't say much.

   Chu Tiansheng smiled and nodded, waved his hand and said: "Okay, Ji Ling, you can go back."

   Ji Ling thanked Chu Tiansheng again, bowed his respectful farewell, and turned to leave Qingtian Temple.

   After Ji Ling left, Yun Yao frowned slightly and asked Chu Tiansheng: "Master, you just promised to accept Ji Ling as a direct disciple. Is this gift too heavy?"

   "Could it be that ~www.ltnovel.com~ can he get this preferential treatment just because he has the blood of the profound sword?"

   A playful smile evoked at the corner of Chu Tiansheng's mouth, and he nodded slightly and said: "Yun Yao, doing this for a teacher naturally makes sense to be a teacher."

   "About the Sealing Array, you still don't know something about it. In fact, there are two Sealing Arrays that suppressed the Great Demon!"

   "The first big seal formation was a big formation set by the worldly expert who defeated the demon with one sword thousands of years ago."

   "After thousands of years, that large formation has been broken and its strength has weakened. However, no one can control that sealed large formation except for the master or his descendants."

   "The predecessors of this door have long expected that the seal formation will fail if it lasts for at most a thousand years, so it will strengthen the formation every two hundred years."

   "But this is still not a long-term solution. The predecessors of this school have been searching for various solutions for a long time."

   At this point, Chu Tiansheng showed a memory of his eyes and said in a low voice.

   "A hundred years ago, there was an elder in this sect who was proficient in formations, learned the heavens and humans, and talked about the ways of formations. Looking at the nine regions of the South Mainland, it was difficult to find an opponent."

   "She worked hard for thirty-six years, and finally set up a Nine Dragon Devil Array to suppress the demon under the Chixiao Peak."

"If you activate the Nine Dragons Demon Array, you can increase the first large seal formation, so that the Great Demon cannot break through the seal. But it is a pity...The Nine Dragons Demon Array was only completed, and the elder left the gate. Whereabouts are unknown."

   Chu Tiansheng smiled bitterly and shook his head, and said in a low tone: "Speaking of which, that elder is still a senior sister in this seat!"

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