Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 119: Let's run away

   The night is deep, and there is no moon in the sky.

   Ji Tianxing spent a day in the Tai'an Palace, and when he returned to his residence in Fengyunyuan, he was already hungry.

   After supper, he sat at the table and rested with tea, and pondered the next task to himself.

   "Although Deacon Han punished me to go to the Tai'an Palace to sweep the floor for a month, I have cleaned up the Tai'an Palace in the past half month."

   "The smelly old man hasn't been showing up for a few days. I won't go to the Tai'an Palace to work tomorrow. I have to go to the alchemy room to try alchemy."

   "The assessment at the end of the month is very important. If you win the first place, you will get a very rich reward... I have to work harder!"

   After making up his mind, Ji Tianxing drank the tea in his cup in one sip, preparing to enter the secret room to practice.

   But at this moment, a shaggy figure appeared under the window, and a small ice blue head stuck out.

   The little head had a pair of silver eyes open, and Gu Lulu turned to look at the situation in the room.

   Seeing only Ji Tianxing in the room, he stretched out his paw and opened the window, and flew into the room with a "swish".

   When Ji Tianxing heard the movement, he turned around subconsciously and saw clearly that the little ice blue beast flapping its wings was Qianyue.

   He frowned suddenly, lowered his voice and asked: "Qianqian, why did you run back?"

   Qianyue hurriedly flew in front of him and whispered anxiously: "Old Ji, something is not good, let's run away!"

   "Huh?" Ji Tianxing stared at it with confusion, and asked angrily: "What are you talking about? Why are you running for your life?"

   Qianyue said anxiously: "Old Ji, I sneaked out of Tai'an Palace at the risk of being caught and roasted and eaten, and came here to inform you!"

   "You must believe me, the Great Heaven Sect is about to suffer disaster, let's run away!"

   Ji Tianxing knows that Qianyue has always been cunning and treacherous, so how can he easily believe it?

   He grabbed Qian Yue and took it into the secret room. Then he smiled and said: "Okay, you can speak slowly, what's going on? Make it clear!"

   Qianyue quickly explained: "I was in the Tai'an Palace and overheard the smelly old man and several elders discussing secret matters."

   "I heard from them that the Great Heaven Sect is facing a huge crisis, and disasters will come soon, and even the sect will not be protected by that time, and blood will flow into a river..."

   "The Great Heaven Sect is facing a huge crisis? Is there a disaster?" Ji Tianxing's brows were twisted together, his face was a bit solemn.

   "Qianqian, is this what you heard them say?"

   "Hmm!" Qian Yue nodded solemnly.

   Ji Tianxing pondered for a moment, and then asked: "Then have you heard, what kind of crisis and disaster is it? Why don't you even protect the sect? Qingtianzong is the largest sect in the Tianchen domain!"

   Qianyue shook his head and said with regret: "The smelly old man put a ban on the treasure bag. I just vaguely heard a few words, I don't know what is going on."

   At this point, it urged anxiously: "Old Ji, don't ask so much, don't care about disasters and crises!"

   "Let’s quickly leave the place of right and wrong of Qingtianzong, it’s important to save our lives!"

   Ji Tianxing thought about it, but shook his head, and said firmly, "No, I can't go yet, I must find the Sky Star Pearl!"

   "Old Ji!" Qian Yue looked at him seriously, and said solemnly: "It's time for life and death, why are you thinking about any beads?"

   Ji Tianxing also looked at it solemnly, and said in a deep voice: "Qianqian, that thing is very important to me, I must find it!"

   "Furthermore, even if Qingtianzong is really going to encounter any danger, there are so many strong people in the door, they will definitely solve it."

   "You just heard a few words, and you don't know what the crisis is, when it will happen, how can we run away blindly?"

   Seeing his firm attitude, Qianyue obviously made up his mind and refused to leave, so he could only sigh helplessly.

   "Hey... Old Ji, Old Ji, I will inform you in advance. Since you decide not to leave, I can't help it."

   "Anyway, the Heavenly Sect is going to perish anyway, I will definitely run away."

   Ji Tianxing knocked on its little head, and said with a smile: "Then wait until things happen, so what are you worried about now?"

   "By the way, you and the little black dragon stayed in Tai'an Palace for half a month, did the smelly old man abuse you?"

   Qianyue curled his lips, and smiled teasingly: "Do you think we are you? We were beaten and abused by the smelly old man!"

   "Huh! I am such a smart and cute little guy, but anyone who is a little caring can't bear to bully me..."

   Ji Tianxing squinted at it, and said angrily: "When you say this, won't your conscience hurt?"

   Qianyue was speechless, and could only roll his eyes at him.

   After a moment of silence, it continued: "But to be honest, the smelly old man looks disgusting on the surface, but it's actually good for me and the little black dragon."

   "During our time in Tai'an Palace, the smelly old man often took out a lot of spirit fruits for us to eat to help us regain our strength."

   "If I hadn't eaten so many spirit fruits, my strength would have recovered a bit, and I would not have heard the conversation between the smelly old man and several elders..."

   When Ji Tianxing listened, his brows wrinkled fiercely~www.ltnovel.com~ The smelly old man took the initiative to take out the Lingguo for you to eat? "

   "Yes!" Qian Yue nodded subconsciously.

   Ji Tianxing's complexion suddenly changed, and he cursed angrily: "Huh! Damn stinky old man!"

   "Obviously he took the initiative to give you the spirit fruit to eat. At the beginning, he said that you had eaten his spirit fruit secretly, which made me willing to be punished by him! It's disgusting!"

   Qianyue immediately covered her small mouth with her paws, "chuckles" and smiled, her eyes full of gloat.

   Ji Tianxing chatted with it again, and urged it to leave.

   "Qianqian, go back to the Tai'an Palace, don’t let the smelly old man find you sneaking out."

   Qianyue waved his small paw at him, and then flew out of the secret room, and quietly left the Fengyunyuan under the cover of night.

   After a quarter of an hour, Ji Tianxing calmed down and practiced in the secret room.

   The Chaoyuan Pill he took before still has some weak aftereffects, which makes his strength grow much faster than usual.

   After one night, Ji Tianxing felt that he was not far from the Seventh Layer of the True Origin Realm, and maybe he could be promoted next month!

   Early the next morning, he finished his practice and walked out of the secret room.

   After washing, he took out a medicine for alchemy and prepared to go to the alchemy to try alchemy.

   However, when he walked to Fengyunyuan, he met Ji Ke at the gate.

   Ji Ke came to him specifically, and had been waiting outside the gate for a long time.

   Since entering the Great Sky School, Ji Tianxing has not seen Ji Ke for more than half a month.

   Seeing Ji Ke come to him at this time, he took Ji Ke into Fengyunyuan and returned to his residence.

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