Survival on the Star Sea: Starting from a small broken ship and becoming stronger

Chapter 233: Activating Battleship Skills [4000] Thanks to book friend

At this time, all the captains who had escaped, including Commander-in-Chief Omro, looked confused.

"What the hell? The shield is 50% gone?"

"What's going on? The airspace has been cleared?"

"What the hell are you waiting for? Speed ​​up and move forward!"

"Wait! What happened just now?"

. . .

In short, a series of questions emerged from everyone's heart, but this did not prevent everyone from running away.

At this time, Zhao Feng, who was controlling the [Conqueror], was sweating all over his face.

Nothing else. Just now, the sixth sense of death omens frantically warned him.

The direction of the danger was even more clear, and the feeling of imminent death was almost accurate to a few degrees.

All he had to do was draw a circle on the shield to tell him that was the direction from which the danger was coming.

Although Zhao Feng couldn't see it, he believed in his perception.

Since his senses told him that there was a big problem, and combined with the current situation, Zhao Feng could guess without even thinking, that he must have been targeted.

‘It’s most likely some kind of super weapon. Its power should be able to destroy the [Guardian Shield] with one blow, and it can also take me away with it. ’

‘Tsk! In that case, it will definitely be useless to fight against the defense. After all, I know the defense strength of the guardian, and there is no such strong substitute on my battleship. . . ’

While Zhao Feng was thinking, the sense of danger was getting stronger and more depressing.

He suppressed his inner discomfort and continued to use his brain.

'How to do it? ! ’

Just when he was at his wits' end, the ship's gunners focused their fire on a round of barrages that made Zhao Feng's eyes light up.

‘Yes! ’

Zhao Feng instantly thought that the Evil God camp would definitely not be able to play with missiles and carrier-based aircraft.

And the sense of danger is not all-round, that is, it is not an attack from the evil god himself.

There are only a handful of attack modes left.

Live ammunition, energy, beams.

. . .

Thinking of this, he quickly entered a mental synchronization rate of over 96% again.

At the same time, with a thought, all the L-shaped main guns on the left were replaced with Lv.11 armor-piercing bullets in his inventory.

Those Lv.11 armor-piercing bullets have been increased by 10 times in armor-piercing ability, and two characteristics have also been added.

[Self-sharpening property]: Different from the self-blunting property of normal armor-piercing bullets, self-sharpening means that it becomes sharper and sharper during the armor-piercing process, increasing the armor-piercing ability by 100%.

[Burning Armor]: When hitting armor or shield, it can reduce its live ammunition resistance by 45%.

With such a big killer, what he has to do next is actually very simple.

Now that we know the direction from which the threat is coming, and the shield is not easy to use, we can counter attack with attack!

The cannonballs and launch platforms are already the strongest in Zhao Feng's hands.

But in order to be safe, he decided to use the strongest artillery skill he had.

That is a high-level artillery skill that is stronger than the mid-level artillery skill "Crash Combo".

"Spiral Bullets"

Of course, this is not Naruto's meatball in Naruto.

The operations of the so-called "spiral combo" and "crash combo" are actually quite similar. After firing the first special shell, the following "afterburner" shells are fired one after another.

But unlike the "crash combo", the number of "afterburner" shells in the spiral combo is at least 6.

Any more is fine, but the upper limit depends on the proficiency of the artillery and the size of the cannonballs.

Based on the muzzle diameter of the [Quadruple Ifrit Cannon], the upper limit of this "spiral burst" is 12 volleys.

Zhao Feng had already reached this upper limit requirement in the previous assessment.

What he has to do now is to repeat the height he reached in an assessment.

Use the high-level artillery "Spiral Continuous Bullet" with 12 consecutive rounds and 120 times the power!

As for how to achieve precise positioning and accurately determine the time when danger is coming, it is even simpler~

Now that the detailed angle and height have been determined, all that is needed is to fire towards the area 500 meters behind the established position when the sense of threat reaches its limit.

As for why it is 500 meters instead of 100 meters or 1000 meters.

That was still due to Zhao Feng's accurate prediction.

The final result needs no further elaboration.

"Spiral Continuous Bombs" worked. Although the level 11 armor-piercing bullets were not as hard as the "degraded material" aggregates comparable to neutron star fragments.

But if it is just used for impact and triggers the disintegration of "degraded matter" in advance, there is still no problem.

Of course, don't even think about completely neutralizing it. The first is the keel main gun, which is of a high rank. The second is the bombardment fired by the flagship, which contains a high energy level!

Not to mention that in addition to physics and energy, that thing also contains mysterious attacks.

This is where Zhao Feng is.

If it were anyone else, even if the battleship came, facing the scattering attack after the "degraded matter" broke the shield, it would end up with the ship destroyed and everyone killed.

Not a single person here can survive.

That's tens of thousands of pieces of "degraded matter", just like tens of thousands of tiny neutron star fragments hitting it.

Just rely on the shields of cruisers, destroyers, and frigates to defend against them? If you rub it on, you will die!

If the battleship doesn't activate its shield in advance, it will just explode on the spot.

. . .

No matter how you put it, the final result can be considered a near miss.

Having 50% of the shield wiped out may seem scary, but at least you won't be surrounded by those deformed creatures for a short time.

As long as the shield is not broken, anything can be said.

In the final distance of more than 20 kilometers, the speed of the fleet quickly increased again.

Including the acceleration time at a speed of Mach 3, the fleet successfully sailed into the [Doomsday Barrier] after more than 20 seconds.

It didn't take long for all fleet members to pass the routine inspection.

Omluo went to hand over to the garrison, while Zhao Feng moored the battleship in mid-air with no intention of going down.

As for Trial Mission 2, it was completed after he entered the barrier.

He was looking at the content of Trial Task 3 and frowning slightly.

[Trial Mission 3: Guard for 3-7 days or resolve this barrier crisis. 】

There is no doubt that resolving the crisis will definitely lead to more rewards, but the problem is that there is no way to win with just one battlecruiser!

Of course, if it were normal, there would be no chance.

‘Unless, the two hull attribute bonuses that were upgraded to the destroyer star level are used. . . ’

Thinking of this, Zhao Feng opened the pending bonus selection panel and carefully checked its contents.

1. Shield type (agility)

2. Resistance type (physical, mental)

3. Armor (Physique)

4. Weapons (strength, spirit)

5. Functional category (spiritual)

6. Movement speed (agility)

7. Energy (spiritual)

8. Boat insertion (strength, spirit, constitution, agility)

9. Battleship tactical system (strength, spirit, physique, agility)

'First of all, we need to add spiritual growth. My spiritual attribute is as high as 167 points. The normal growth rate is 167%. If multiplied by 100, it will be a 167-fold growth rate.

In addition, I also have a [Deep Space Gaze] feature, which is 334 times. In addition to the multiple explosion, I can choose two more times!

Um. . . So which one is better to choose? ’

Zhao Feng clicked on each option and carefully checked the contents.

Then he went over his trump cards in his mind.

'Common trump cards include various types of Lv.11 cannonballs, a potion tonic that temporarily increases the spirit, the enhancement that increases the spirit by 10% has not yet been received, [Shield Neutralizer] This ship is also equipped with a set, and The major's ration is equivalent to a lottery. ’

‘My own strength should also be considered as a trump card, after all, it was not exposed in the battle just now.

In terms of mental power, it is 10 megatons, and the attack range is about 16,700 meters with the blessing of the will attribute.

As for the Seventh Sense, it is about to reach the "perfect state". It is not too far away from the star. The only problem is that this time I don't have the teleportation ability given by the sea of ​​stars. If the star explodes, there is no way to escape. Difficult to handle!

well. . . I don’t know how to activate the eighth sense. I remember that thing is the sense of energy, right? Can you feel the energy in the universe? Is it the Force? Tsk! ’

'The stronger trump card is the battleship skill brought by "Flesh Resonance", and the BUG-level [Eye of Time]'

'oh! I almost forgot, the plug-in shooting assist should also be counted as one. ’

After thinking about so many abilities, Zhao Feng decisively began to study the "flesh and blood resonance" of the [Conqueror].

He has not forgotten the thousand-fold increase in telekinesis he had when flying the [Kite].

Now that I have jumped several levels and opened the battle cruiser [Conqueror], what kind of battleship skills will it bring?

As soon as he realized it, specific information about the core of the biological mothership popped up in front of his eyes.

This includes the "flesh and blood resonance"

(One of the frigate resonance effects is currently unlocked: telepathy amplification.)

(The battlecruiser resonance effect is to be generated...)

(Please enter the resonance state...)

After reading the contents, Zhao Feng skillfully activated the resonance state without saying a word.

The moment he entered the resonance state, the scenery in front of Zhao Feng changed.

That feeling is completely different from the resonance of the Corvette.

Looking at the surrounding environment, before Zhao Feng started to wonder, three strange crystals of red, yellow and blue appeared in front of his eyes.

‘Three primary colors? ’

(Please choose the direction of battleship skill awakening...)

(Indescribable Kiss (Red): The battleship is highly flesh-and-blood. The front bow can open and crush the opponent's battleship at close range. It also swallows the soul of the battleship and the flesh and blood souls of the enemy crew members. Theoretically, it can infinitely strengthen the battleship and the enemy. Captain. With the ability to rush)

(Ps: Telekinesis can be attached to the surface of the ship body to increase the strength of the ship body.)

(Tip: The melee combat ability of the Ke type is 800 self-destruction for every 1000 enemies killed. It is strong and can grow. This skill is a great test for the will of the captain and crew.)

(Nishiuchi! (Yellow): Depending on the strength of spirit and will, the attack speed and charging speed of all weapons on the ship will be increased several times, the shooting accuracy will be reduced by 50%, the cannonballs will be temporarily given a telekinesis film, and the ballistic speed and Power. The minimum guarantee is increased by 10 times, and there is no upper limit.)

(Ps: The port side firepower is too weak! Eat my prince’s tactics!)

(Tip: The epilepsy ability not only severely reduces the hit rate, but also slightly affects the captain, making him obsessed with "center-door sniping".

Of course, the battleship energy system will also be quickly cleared under your crazy shooting, which is a great test for your ammunition depot and energy reserves. Apart from these two, there are no shortcomings.

Shooting assist can be used to make up for the problem of reduced hit rate. )

(Willpower Manifestation (Blue): All battleship abilities can be enhanced by the will attribute, and any weapon will carry an additional mental attack of 266% of weapon damage.

It is detected that your current willpower is 133, and the shield system will gain the [Reject] feature.

[Reject]: Forcefully increase the shield effectiveness to 1:0.3, and add the ability to rebound attacks to the shield.

The basic performance of the ship such as hull structure, armor durability, engine output, shield upper limit, energy recharge speed, and shield recharge speed are all increased by an additional 266%.

Ps: In terms of attack, its spiritual attack level is consistent with the captain's level. Your will exceeds 121 and your mental attribute exceeds 161 to reach the initial level 6 standard. Additional attacks will carry level 6 mystery judgments. )

After looking around, Zhao Feng was stunned.

"Three? One with enhanced melee capabilities, a bit like a combination of dog-headed Q-soldiers and Thresh soul-sucking ones. One-on-one is fine, but those who like to fight in groups, like evil gods, will suffer! Excluded."

“The second one is the standard long-distance combat super enhancement, but in terms of increasing the rate of fire, I can use the two bonuses of the destroyer star to make up for it.

And it just so happens that both "resistance type" and "weapon type" can receive mental attribute bonuses, and 2 times becomes 4 times. From this point of view, these abilities overlap.

And just like the plug-in prompts, if the rate of fire is too fast, the ammunition depot will not be able to withstand it! Well, it turned out to be a seizure~"

Taking a deep breath, Zhao Feng chose the third battleship skill without saying a word, and his willpower manifested.

"Although it is average, to survive in the universe, isn't it necessary for a battleship to have no shortcomings? And the increase is about 2.6 times. Plus it can grow, which is already very good!

Although it is completely passive, at least there are no weird side effects. "

As Zhao Feng finished clicking, the strange scenery in front of him slowly disappeared, and at the same time, there was an additional unlock item for "flesh and blood resonance" in his consciousness.

(One of the battlecruiser resonance effects is currently unlocked: Willpower Manifestation.)

Zhao Feng nodded with satisfaction, and then Zhao Feng suddenly frowned, as if he realized something.

"One? In other words, the scene just now can be opened multiple times by letting the core of the biological mothership continue to merge with battleships of the same level?"

"At that time, wouldn't it be possible to activate different battleship skills according to the different environments when encountering enemies?"

But then he thought again, and Zhao Feng gave up the idea again.

"It would be such a waste if this battle cruiser with the golden kit was scrapped...

Forget it, let's do this later when the battle begins. This is enough for now. "

After getting the battleship skills, the next step is to choose the battleship attributes that need to be strengthened.

‘Given the difficulty when I came in, what I have to face next is probably a massive siege from monsters outside, and they are all mysterious creatures. . .

My battleship, with the blessing of battleship skills, has sufficient attack power and even has a large overflow. What it lacks now is the mysterious resistance and the ultra-high firepower density to deal with the sea of ​​monsters. ’

After a little thought, Zhao Feng understood the direction in which he wanted to add points.

. . .

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