Following the retreat of the support fleet, there were also a large number of deformed creatures attached to the ship.

As for the strange creatures that were entangled in the support battleship, the more intelligent ones stopped entangled when they saw that they were going to follow the battleship back to the barrier.

As for those who were single-minded, they hit the invisible position above the barrier, and were immediately recognized as intruders by the enemy-friend determination system, and were burned to carbon slag on the spot.

Seeing that they were unable to respond, the Doomsday Barrier could only increase its firepower output and strive to clear the channel for the transport fleet.

Although the speed is slow, the distance is being shortened little by little, and there is still less than 30 kilometers away from the Doomsday Barrier.

The corrupted flagship [Pacemaker·Change] in the distance began to slowly turn its hull towards this side.

In the center of the silver-white hull, which was covered with fleshy sprouts and rotten biological tissue, there was a huge scratch that almost split the entire battleship.

It is hard to imagine what kind of attack this flagship suffered in the first place to end up like this.

The bow part of the ship that had been scratched to pieces, where the keel main gun was once installed, was actually glowing with purple light.

Apparently, the completely destroyed keel main gun was resurrected by the evil god in a strange way, and inspired the second spring.

The cannon body wrapped in layers of sarcoma and the barrel formed by strange fleshy whiskers were flashing with strange runes.

Endless energy is brewing inside, and the target is the transport ship carrying the [Guardian Shield Puppet].

. . .

At this time, the escort fleet wrapped in layers of abnormal life did not know this. The [Doomsday Barrier] clearly captured this situation, but was unable to inform it due to the fact that the communication system was blocked.

As for blocking, it is even more impossible.

Because at this time, all the ships in the barrier above the light cruiser level have all gone to the "Eternal Eden" at Level 26 to compete for the core of the universe there.

Level 26 "Eternal Eden" is a world similar to Level 25 "Doomsday Barrier".

The sky is the same, but the environment there is completely opposite to here. Extreme accidents exist, the water and grass are luxuriant, and there are countless materials. Even if the ecosystem is artificially damaged, it can be repaired in a short time. .

Hence the name "Eternal Eden".

Here, even if a fleet is sent to "burn glass" to carbonize everything in the entire universe.

But as long as you go through the "Eden Purification" once a month.

All pollution, all destruction will return to normal.

In the first purification, the earth, sky, and water are restored and reappear, plants can survive, and life can multiply.

After the second purification, green plants will cover every land, and an ecological circle will gradually begin to form.

After the third purification, the saplings will rise from the ground and grow into towering trees.

After three rounds of purification, everything returned to normal.

Then the effect of "Eden Purification" will transform into increasing the diversity of species and filling in other aspects of deficiencies.

And such a perfect space is not only suitable for survival, but its products are extremely rich.

The high-level underground resources will be "refreshed" every month due to the "Eden Purification", and the refresh point is fixed.

In addition, defending "Eternal Eden" is much easier than defending "Doomsday Barrier".

The universe in the Doomsday Barrier is randomly teleported, but Eternal Eden is teleported in a fixed area.

As long as you guard that area, you will be able to curb the expansion of the evil god's power.

Of course, the same is true for the chaotic side of the evil god. Just by guarding the only transmission channel, the "cancer" of order can be intercepted.

This is not the first time that the two sides have competed for "Eternal Eden".

The battle here has been going on for hundreds of years. Not long after the civilized side takes over, it will be counterattacked again by the surging evil creatures.

Oh, by the way, I forgot to mention that in Eternal Eden, the rules of the universe prohibit the use of large-scale weapons.

The damage caused by all weapons will be directly ineffective once it exceeds 2 people, and the excess energy will be absorbed by this universe in an instant.

This is the main reason why neither of the two forces can guard against the other.

At this time, there are only guards, expulsions and light patrols left in the [Doomsday Fortress].

We have enough to defend, but it is extremely difficult to get out, let alone help our own fleet out of danger.

At this time, as the corrupted [Pacesetter·Reform], the keel main gun on its bow was nearing the end of charging.

The defenders in the Doomsday Barrier were as anxious as ants on a hot pot, but even if they launched an attack on the corrupted flagship, the thing was still fully charged and was not "lame" and could not fly.

If the large roadbed main gun dares to charge, it will dare to hide.

As for the bombardment of ordinary M-type and S-type weapons, the corrupted battleship didn't even bother to move, either relying on its armor to attack, or having its subordinates fly to block the attack.

Anyway, all possible methods have been used in terms of barriers, but unfortunately the effect is very little.

They wanted the barrier to withstand the blow.

But the hatred value of the barrier is obviously not enough.

People just ignore it.

As time passed, although it was known that it was a useless effort, the roadbed main gun in the barrier still began to charge.

When he noticed that the main gun on the roadbed inside the barrier began to charge, the corrupted flagship began to maneuver erratically without saying a word.

And this does not affect the charging progress of the keel main gun at all.

After talking about the keel main gun for a long time, you may still have no idea.

That kind of thing is a more advanced technological product than L-type weapons.

Because of the horrific energy consumption, most of them are installed on flagships or higher-end battleships in order not to affect the operation of the entire battleship.

There are very few parts that will be installed on battleships, but as mentioned above, they consume too much energy.

To operate, it either shuts down the battleship's engine system or shuts down the shield system.

All in all, it's very restrictive.

The keel main gun installed on the flagship is already a top-notch super weapon in the star sea world.

Let me tell you some data and you will understand. The length of a normal frigate is at most a hundred meters.

Expulsion is around 500-800 meters.

The length of cruisers is 2,000-8,000 meters, and that of battleships is 20,000-80,000 meters.

Among them, the battle lines with keel main guns are basically 100,000 meters long.

As for flagships, the minimum length starts at 400,000 meters.

The length of its keel main gun is no less than half the length of the battleship. You can imagine how much mass can be compressed and how much energy can be accumulated.

Even if the keel main gun is not 100% charged, it can easily destroy stars with any one shot.

In addition, civilizations that can build flagships have even more sophisticated weapons skills.

The most intuitive thing is reflected in the attack power. Mixed damage can only be regarded as standard.

In addition to the two types of damage, each civilization has its own characteristics and understanding.

For example, the main gun of FSF Military Industrial Group's [Pacemaker·Reform] is called [Unstable Photon Cannon].

The name sounds a bit unreliable, but in fact, instability is its design concept.

The main gun fires an unstable "degraded substance".

As we all know, the "degraded matter" closest to us exists in the core of neutron stars.

Because the internal pressure of the neutron star is too high, various atomic nuclei are squeezed against each other, and protons and neutrons are squeezed and entangled together by crazy gravity.

Of course, this is just a description of one type of degenerate matter, and it is not just neutron star conditions that can form "degenerate matter."

After the star burns out, when its mass is pulled by gravity and compressed into a white dwarf, degenerate matter is actually produced.

The essence of this thing is to break through the degeneracy force of electrons through high pressure, crush atoms and form dense "degenerate matter"

[Unstable Photon Cannon] applies this principle.

The degraded material it releases is extremely unstable.

After being accelerated and fired, if the distance is far enough, it will split like a shotgun at a suitable distance.

Its power is enough to wipe out all life in the entire planetary system with one blow.

When the distance is closer, it can penetrate the planet as easily as neutron star fragments or white dwarf fragments.

To put it simply, [Unstable Neutron Cannon] takes into account both armor penetration and AOE, and its power can easily destroy stars and systems.

After the evil god corrupted it, its original power remained unchanged. In addition to live ammunition and energy damage, mysterious damage types were added.

The mixed injuries of the three systems are simply terrifying.

The Doomsday Barrier was once bombarded by an [Unstable Photon Cannon].

Fortunately, the shields here are integrated together, and the entire defense line withstands this blow together. On the surface, it seems to be of no use to the Chaos Legion.

But in fact, that one shot overloaded 80% of the L-shaped special shield generators in the five nearby defense zones.

Those are all high-end products. Although a single shield may not be as good as the [Guardian Shield], after all, the quantity is still there.

Of course that attack caused more damage than that.

In addition to high injuries, this instant burst of pressure also caused irreversible damage to the shield generator, necessitating the replacement of a new shield.

This means that the shield system of the barrier has been integrated, so that the shield value can be adjusted within the barrier at will.

Otherwise, if those evil creatures who are more sensitive to energy changes are aware of the problem, they may not create any big trouble.

After experiencing this incident, I learned that "the attack is ineffective".

This is the main reason why [Pacemaker·Change] does not challenge the barriers at all.

After all, you can't expect the followers of the evil god whose brains are burned out by desire to have any wise ideas, right?

In their eyes, since we can't win by attacking the barriers, I can attack the supply fleet, right?

At this time, as the charging was gradually coming to an end, the people in the doomsday barrier were going crazy.

But there's nothing you can do about it if you're crazy.

Just when everyone was at a loss.

[Pacemaker·Change] The purple brilliance at the cannon muzzle of the ship's bow suddenly shone.

The entire space was mapped into a strange bright purple color in the next moment.

Immediately afterwards, the dazzling star-like light suddenly erupted from the muzzle.

The bright purple mass seemed to be wrapped in bits and pieces of "degraded matter", and at 1% of the speed of light, it dragged the long tail flame and crashed into the [Guardian Shield·Pseudo].

But the fleet members inside [Guardian Shield·Pseudo] are still unaware of this.

It was impossible to notice that there were three layers inside and three layers outside the shield covered by weird and deformed creatures.

The originally bright and transparent shield was wrapped into a "braised egg" by them.

It's a damn thing if you can detect it.

The next second, under the eyes of the defenders of the [Doomsday Barrier] below, under the eyes of the deformed creatures, under the bloodthirsty eyes.

The large mass of "degraded matter" suddenly hit the shield.

Immediately afterwards, the [Guardian Shield·Pseudo], which was almost unscathed before, produced hundreds of thousands of ripples under the impact of the "degraded matter" that exploded.

The value of the shield also dropped sharply. In addition, ultra-high-level energy exploded. The deformed life form wrapped in the "braised egg" appearance did not even scream under the high-energy impact. Then they all turned into powder.

Surprisingly, the shield did not disappear.

There are still 42.39 million shield points left in the shield value, which is nearly 50%.

This attack also happened to clear the waterway, allowing the fleet to move forward at a much faster speed.

At this time, the eight-armed Naga Deshara, sitting in Glion's arms in the corrupted flagship, curled her lips in dissatisfaction.

Glion, who was holding the plump breast and rubbing it continuously, burst into laughter.

"Hahaha! I said that thing is useless. You see, bombarding the barrier before had no effect. Now even a group of transport convoys composed of destroyers, frigates and transport ships can't solve it. You! Why don't you let me go over and hack them to death? .”

Disara, on the other hand, rolled her eyes at Glion with disdain and cursed in her heart:

‘What do you know, you retard? That weapon can seriously injure the Great Demon of Slaanesh, how could it be so weak? This unscientific! ’

Even though I was confused, it was impossible to do a last-ditch attack.

After all, it is a corrupted warship, and each time the keel main gun is fired, it requires a huge amount of energy to be replenished.

The energy used by the corrupted battleship is not the kind of energy used by players in the star sea world.

Therefore, each time the keel main gun is fired, a longer CD time is needed to wait for the energy supply.

If you want to intercept now, it is no longer realistic.

Somewhat impatiently, she pushed away Glion's mischievous arm. Deshara fiddled with the water snake's waist and slowly moved to the observation window, looking into the distance and lost in thought. . .

On the other side, the [Doomsday Barrier] was also very surprised.

It stands to reason that [Guardian Shield·Pseudo] will never be able to withstand that blow, but who would have thought that the name of that thing’s instability is really not nonsense~

You should know that the distance of more than 400 kilometers is already very close!

There has never been a case of premature disintegration of "degraded matter" at this distance.

Yes, it was disintegrated in advance. Although the communication connection could not reach the optical observation equipment, it was not a decoration.

According to the news just returned from the observation station, the "degraded material" disintegrated prematurely, causing its penetrating power to drop sharply, and the energy of the attack was also dispersed into hundreds of thousands of parts.

I have to say that the transport fleet is really lucky.

That is a situation that is said to have a probability of only one in a billion.

Want to know how long an [Unstable Photon Cannon] can be in service? Normally, I'm afraid you won't encounter that kind of thing until it's scrapped.

No one could have imagined that the troops stationed here would witness a miracle happening with their own eyes.

. . .

Ps: There is one more chapter (end of this chapter)

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