Survival on the Star Sea: Starting from a small broken ship and becoming stronger

Chapter 234 Strengthening of Ship Attributes [4000] Thanks to book friend DrMango for the reward

After thinking about what he lacked, Zhao Feng took the lead in clicking on the defense category and selected "Mysterious Resistance".

After all, no matter how strong the attack power is, how important is immortality?

What's more, the Chaos Legion here basically suffers from "mysterious + physical" or "mysterious + energy" mixed injuries, and mysterious attacks account for the majority of them.

If you increase the "mysterious resistance", it will undoubtedly greatly increase the success rate of the next mission.

At the same time that Zhao Feng finished his selection, the [Deep Space Gaze] special effect was activated, and all the increases related to the spirit were doubled.

As a result, the "mysterious resistance" that originally increased the attribute bonus by 167 times directly became 334 times.

The built-in mysterious resistance of the [Conqueror] ship has also been increased from the previous 50% at level 2 to 99% at level 6.

Of course, enjoying the bonus is not just for the ship [Conqueror].

As long as Zhao Feng is the captain, any one of his own warships he boards will enjoy the same bonus.

As for the fleet under his command, because of the title of [Leader] granted by the ancient one, all fleets under his command that are protected by him will receive additional defense bonuses.

After getting the mysterious resistance, it's not over yet.

Although [Deep Space Gaze] adds an additional selection opportunity, this opportunity can only be added again in the already selected category.

That is to say, Zhao Feng has to continue to choose in the "Resistance Type" column again.

For the second bonus, Zhao Feng chose "World Submarine Resistance".

This time the potential resistance is lost.

Because when the Xinghai Universe was first invaded, the Xinghai System was the Will of the Xinghai, and she found that the civilizations under her hands were too weak.

If you fight against the heroes or elites of the Evil God series, you won’t be able to break the defense at all!

No matter what star explodes, no matter what neutron star material is, it will not work.

The defense level of those mysterious creatures is simply incomprehensible, completely contrary to their scientific common sense.

With the levels constantly falling, He had no choice but to change the rules of the universe.

Each time you go down a level after the rule change, the resistance of all living things and creations will be reduced proportionally, with the exception of buildings.

Each level of Lv.10-lv.19 reduces the four basic resistances by 1%, while Lv.20-lv.29 reduces each level by 2%, and so on.

The so-called four basic resistances are: kinetic energy, energy, explosion, and beam.

For example, Zhao Feng, who is currently at Universe Level Level 25, has his current four-series resistance reduced by 20%.

As for why the resistance to the mysterious system is not reduced, it is not because these technological civilizations do not have much damage from the mysterious system.

On the contrary, the Evil God's side mostly uses mysterious attacks. Not reducing the resistance of the mysterious system is equivalent to a naked attack on the civilization of his subordinates.

After all, it won’t work if I don’t open it! If you don't open it, you really can't beat it.

After the rules were changed, the number of deaths of elite creatures from the Evil God camp that were completely untouchable began to rise sharply.

Even a heroic-level boss can be seriously injured in one hit as long as the firepower is in place.

The front line, which had been retreating continuously, finally stabilized in the process of adapting.

Of course, this will also greatly weaken one's own defense, but the problem is that Xinghai's side focuses on developing technology.

It is inherently strong in attack and weak in defense, so lowering a little resistance is not that harmful.

At most, it would take 3 hits to die, instead of 2.5 hits.

Gaining such an advantage with a small weakening is already a huge profit for everyone.

. . .

After Zhao Feng chose "World Submersible Resistance".

The most direct effect he obtains is that within the depth range of Lv.10-Lv.69, neither he nor any vehicle he drives will suffer any resistance attenuation.

The specific effect is equivalent to 20% more basic resistance of the 4 series than all living creatures.

20% is already a very impressive figure. For now, this is much more cost-effective than adding a certain basic resistance alone.

After adding the resistance type, Zhao Feng turned it off with some hesitation, and turned on the weapon bonus.

In fact, Zhao Feng's original intention was to attack the resistance system.

After all, the iron-shelled tortoise smells so good!

Although the name sounds ugly, it is the truth if it is strong enough, strong enough, and long-lasting enough!

If it weren't for the evaluation of level unblocking, he wouldn't need higher attack power.

Without this, Zhao Feng would definitely use these four opportunities to increase resistance.

After retracting his thoughts, Zhao Feng stared at the several options in "Weapon Category", then without thinking too much, he directly raised his hand and clicked on "Charging Speed" and "Loading Speed".

What he lacks now is the intensity of firepower projection.

The attack power is completely sufficient even without using the battleship skill.

As for the ballistic speed and range, why do we need such a long range when fighting in front of the barrier?

The ballistic speed of the [Quadruple Ifrit Cannon], which supports up to 55% light speed bombardment, is also completely sufficient.

After increasing these two items by 334 times, the original attack frequency of the L-shaped main gun, which needed to be fired once every 10 seconds due to charging, has now become 33.4 rounds per second.

At 33.4 rounds per second, it can still fire the main gun of a "car", and for such a big guy, the [Conqueror] has 8 more!

Just say whether you are afraid or not?

In addition to the main gun, the M-type secondary gun has also been greatly improved, from charging and firing once every 5 seconds to 67 rounds of artillery fire per second.

The transformation mode of "Battery Ram" has been enhanced to an epic level.

Of course, these enhancements still have certain limitations.

After all, the capabilities of battleships are not just paper data, but also combined with reality.

Taking the frequency of shelling as an example, the captain needs to make certain adjustments based on the heat dissipation capabilities of the turret and barrel, as well as the reserves of shells and energy, before it can be used in actual combat.

To really reach the theoretical limit, to be honest, it is quite difficult. In terms of materials alone, the materials of the turret and barrel have to be upgraded by more than two generations in order to withstand the terrifying firing rate after the upgrade.

But no matter what, at least if the current [Conqueror] really lets go of its artillery fire, its firepower density can definitely match that of a top-equipped battleship formation.

Truly, one person is the firepower of a division.

As for the issue of energy shortage, that's not even a big deal.

Don't forget that he still has a few [Energy Cabinets], those hundreds of millions of energy are enough to make him cum.

What? Are you worried that you will lose your shooting accuracy due to the continuous recoil?

Sorry, the external shooting assist plug-in can perfectly solve this problem.

Once everything is settled, the next step is to prepare to set off to solve this trouble.

At this moment, a video message from Omro requesting a connection suddenly popped up on the display screen in front of Zhao Feng.

He raised his eyebrows. Although he was a little confused about what else this kid had going on, he still chose to connect with him without hesitation.

As soon as they met, Omro in the picture said straight to the point:

"Mr. Major, the fortress wants to see you. They asked me to pass a message on their behalf. It may be a meeting about guarding the fortress."

Hearing this, Zhao Feng couldn't help but be stunned, and then said a little funny:

"My commander-in-chief, how come you have become a mouthpiece?"

Omro didn't show the slightest dissatisfaction or helplessness. He just said calmly:

"Now and then, because I used up the legendary shield in advance, I am no longer the fleet commander."

Seeing Omluo's calm expression, Zhao Feng didn't know whether he should comfort the boy.

It could be said that he had been dismissed, but there was no dissatisfaction in his expression. Not only did he look as usual, but Zhao Feng also felt that his heart was extremely calm at this time.

Although I don’t know what is going on with this kid, he is still a comrade who shares the same sorrows, and he is decisive and careful enough to suit Zhao Feng’s taste.

It seems a bit unreasonable for such people not to invest now.

So Zhao Feng said half-jokingly:

"Wait, I'll help you get your commander's position back."

Then without waiting for him to say anything, he was transferred to the conference room of the fortress with a swipe of his finger.

At this time, several aliens with different looks but uniformly dressed were sitting here, and the conference room was not full at this time.

While waiting for others, Zhao Feng glanced at their military ranks calmly.

Good guy, there is no one below the school level.

The most recent one was awarded the rank of major by Xinghai, which was the same rank as him. The highest one was a major general sitting in the chief seat.

As for the appearance of that major general. . . Kind of like a praying mantis.

But regardless of how weird they looked, Zhao Feng didn't show too much surprise.

He has seen even weirder things. It is not unusual for this kind of insect to become a spirit~

As for the military ranks, there is nothing to say. They have been stationed here all year round.

Merits must grow quickly.

When the few people present saw Zhao Feng's projection entering the conference room, they didn't say much.

After all, Zhao Feng is also a major certified by Xinghai. Plus, he is so young, so no one will look down upon him.

But also because he was a school-level officer, no one would go out of his way to curry favor with him.

As for filling in his real name and appearance, he still chose to hide it.

Who knows what’s in this group of people? You must know that the trading area was invaded back then.

It was a video connection now, and he couldn't see anything. If he felt the field along the network cable, he could only make a rough judgment. He couldn't analyze the details.

Therefore, there is really nothing wrong with being steady at this time.

As for being exposed in public, it is even more impossible.

After all, he is also a strong "star destroyer". Coupled with his identity as Major Xinghai, the dual weight and confidentiality level are high enough.

Even if he changed his vest, no one here would be able to find out.

And Zhao Feng also changed the name of the new vest to "Adolf".

Just as Zhao Feng finished changing his name, the conference room was finally filled with officers.

The leading major general only started to speak after seeing everyone gathered.

"Everyone, we are facing a very severe challenge now. The Chaos Legion is coming fiercely. This time their offensive is more fierce than every time before."

Having said this, it glanced at everyone present and continued:

"According to the analysis of the staff department, their purpose this time is to exert unrestricted pressure and defeat the [Doomsday Barrier] as much as possible so that the fleets competing for Level 26 Eden can't look at each other..."

At this point, a strange alien with an elephant nose and fish eyes interjected:

"Oh, I'm overthinking it. How many years have it been? Aren't the minions of the evil god always showing up like this in every conquest of "Eternal Eden"? And as long as our array shield system exists for a day, they can't even think of getting close. The barrier is half a point.”

There are those who are blindly optimistic, and there are those who are concerned about the country and the people.

I saw a gorilla across the table sneer:

"Haha, what did I hear? Array shield system? Wake up! Have you forgotten the [Unstable Neutron Cannon] attack from the other side a few days ago? If it weren't for the fact that they are the Chaos Legion and the minions of the evil god, their brains It’s even more difficult to function after being burned. If it were any normal person, it would only take a few more consecutive bombardments, and our barrier would have been broken long ago!”

The crayfish-like arthropod next to the gorilla also suddenly spoke:

"Yes, the easiest way to hold the barrier now is to contact the fleet ahead and ask them to come back, but Lv. 26 is too important, and this method obviously won't work, so we can only find a way to kill the corrupted flagship. "

The rat-headed duck next to the elephant's face looked disdainful when he heard this, and retorted in a sharp voice:

"How to solve it? Just rely on your shell?"

Crayfish: "Just a hard top! There are more of them than there are of us!"

Hearing it say this, the rat-headed duck's expression became even more disdainful:

"How to resist? You resist three and I resist one? You can't resist!"

! ¥%¥…… @¥

Soon the whole conference hall became noisy, and Zhao Feng listened with his ears pricked up.

Then we understood the situation here. This place was divided into three factions. One radical faction believed that the corrupted [Pacemaker·Reform] should be dealt with.

The other group believes that just holding on and waiting for Level 26 to be defeated will naturally resolve the crisis here.

The last faction was called the Lying Ping faction by Zhao Feng.

I don’t have any specific ideas. I can play or defend. No one can offend me if I focus on being a loser.

Seeing them noisy, although Zhao Feng had no expression on his face, he was filled with criticism in his heart.

‘Good guy, it’s not easy for these rotten fish and shrimps to survive for so long! It’s really hard for the group of veterans under them! ’

At this moment, Major General Mantis, who was sitting in the main seat, suddenly clapped his hands.


The clear and sweet voice seemed extremely harsh in this noisy scene.

The sudden sound caused the senior officials who had already climbed up on the table to scold each other to slowly look at the major general on the throne.

After meeting his sharp eyes, they all shrank in fear, slowly arranged their clothes, and returned to their seats.

It's like nothing happened just now.

Seeing that the "monkey show" was gone, Zhao Feng sighed in his heart:

'Those two guys were about to fight just now. Ouch, what are you doing? I haven't seen enough yet. ’

But no matter what Zhao Feng thought, the major general in charge said coldly:

"Look at what you looked like just now. You were like uncivilized animals with no culture at all! How will this new major treat your colleagues in the future?"

Hearing this, Zhao Feng still maintained a cold expression. . . (End of chapter)

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