The old one gives birth to a thousand people, and all the new students can participate. The result is determined by the total value of Immortal Artifact refined by the old student and the total value of the new refining artifact. Whichever party has the higher value, wins.

Okay, you can now transport the materials you need to an empty white jade, and then buy the materials with me. Of course, if you have your own materials, you don’t need to buy them and use your own materials. The mixing table, provided by old man, is free of charge. Of course, after the comparison, the mixing console old man will be taken back, and fire rune can also be purchased from old man. "

A thousand people have come out of the old students. Zhu Honggang waved a big hand, and a thousand refining tables fell in front of each old student. The old students began to take out materials from his storage ring. And fire rune, it seems that they are all well prepared, and did not plan to buy from Zhu Honggang, and Zhu Honggang did not care, and looked at the new life.

Qin Shuang turned around and looked. Said to the Xinsheng: "Who doesn't want to participate in this round? "

Everyone understands what Qin Shuang means. If it's not a cultivator above Artifact Refinement Master, don't participate. Otherwise, the refined weapons are not Immortal Artifacts, which are simply worthless and will not help the game. However, the worst of these people is also the Artifact Refinement Master. Although most of them are Artifact Refinement Masters, there are very few Artifact Refining Masters. The Item Refining Grandmaster is only Qin Shuang.

See Everyone shook their heads, and Qin Shuang was happy. In any case, there are nearly 10,000 people on his side, even if most of the refiners are of the Immortal Artifact level, it can’t stand the large number, maybe there will be victory. Hope.

"Well, we will all participate! "

Ju Honggang in the air waved his hand and landed on a mixing table in front of every new student. Some new students began to fly into the air, and Zhu Honggang purchased materials and fire rune. And Qin Shuang She is standing in front of the refining table, thinking about what Immortal Artifact she has refined.

She is now a half-step Great Grandmaster of Immortal Artifact, but she can only refine high grade Immortal Artifact. Refining The high grade Immortal Artifact that came out is already very high. In the end, she decided to refine a sword. She began to take out the materials and fire rune to release, and began to refine.

There is also a refiner. Time-consuming projects. From the beginning of the refining, the two parties continued one day one night, before they began to refining successfully. And they were all new students refining successfully, because they refining were all of the Immortal Artifact level. It’s much simpler and consumes less time.

After the refining of the new students, they put the Immortal Artifact on the refining table and stand there waiting. They are all observing the old students.

Three days and three nights.

Finally, all the participating cultivators have completed the refining. Qin Shuang is quite satisfied with the fairy sword he refined, and almost reflects his current level. She looked towards the other side, and her heart sank. The other party actually has three Item Refining Grandmasters. And the remaining people are all Immortal Artifact Masters. Look at her new life again. Although there are many people, most of them are Immortal Artifact division.

An Immortal Artifact Master Level Immortal Artifact is not as valuable as an Immortal Artifact division level. Just a glance, Qin Shuang knew that this round of freshmen had lost. He has his own half-step Great Grandmaster, because what he refined is still high grade Immortal Artifact. Sure enough, Zhu Hong just announced that Lao Sheng had won this round. Qin Shuang collected the Immortal Artifact he refined into the storage ring. , Didn’t give it to Zhu Honggang, she has no shortage of fairy crystals, but there are many cultiv The ator gave the Immortal Artifact he refined to Zhu Honggang, even many old students.

Six rounds of competition, three to three draws!

Qin Shuang handed the bracelet to the old student on the opposite side. The thousand old students retreated, and another thousand came up, standing opposite the new students. Zhu Honggang in the air said:

"This round is compared to Talisman Dao, and the rules remain the same. The number of old students is 1,000, and the new students are free. Each person makes a talisman, and the party with the highest total value wins."

Qin Shuang's eyes squinted slightly. Among the eight assists, there is no doubt that Qin Shuang has the longest practice time in Pill Dao and Talisman Dao, and the realm is also the highest, in Pill Dao and Talisman Dao. Talisman Dao of these two items, Qin Shuang now has reached a half-step Great Grandmaster, and is closer to the Great Grandmaster than Qidao.

However, Qin Shuang did not move immediately, but looked towards the other side. The heart sank, and the other party actually had eight Talisman Dao Grandmaster Peaks. The rest are Talisman Dao Master. Sweeping his gaze to his side again. There are also four Talisman Dao Grandmasters on his side, namely Qin Shuang, An Shicong, Wen Yu, and Wan Jing. However, most of the remaining nearly 10,000 people are Talisman Masters, and there are no more than three hundred Talisman Masters.

Qin Shuang calculated it, even if he made the strongest talisman, the competition would have been lost. And even though he is a half-step Great Grandmaster, the talisman made does not exceed the category of high grade talisman, and it does not increase the value much.

"Forget it, just make an ordinary Grandmaster talisman."

The time to make the talisman is a bit less than that of the refining device. In less than a day, both sides have finished making it. . After Zhu Honggang's valuation, Lao Sheng finally won.

Four to three!

In the total score, Lao Sheng finally leads again.

In this regard, Qin Shuang and other freshmen are not frustrated. They have won three games, and now they only lose 10% of their points. This is many times better than expected!

What else is unsatisfactory?

The final round of the eight competitions, Pill Dao grand competition.

Qin Shuang also watched the pill concocting of the new and old students first, and finally found reluctantly that even if he refines the Immortal Pill of the Danyun level, he can't stop the frenzy. In the end, Qin Shuang only refined a Top Grade Immortal Pill, and she unexpectedly discovered that among the old students on the opposite side, there was an Immortal Pill Grandmaster, and even refined a Pill Fog Immortal Pill. In the end, the new students lost the game again, and everyone lost 20% of the points to the old students.

Zhu Hong just left, and then Dean Hai Kuotian appeared in the sky above Small World, looking kindly at the newborn, nodded and said:

"You are good!"

The new students immediately lifted their spirits, and the old ones flushed. The heart is full of shame!

"Next is the final round of competition, actual combat competition!"


Two thousand old students suddenly fighting intent high, straight into the sky , So that the thick clouds above Small World are shattered. The fighting intent was condensed like a substance, and pushed towards the new students, causing some new students to change their colors.

"Now there are only two thousand old students who have not yet played, that is, two thousand old students and all of your new students. In the end, which side is still standing, which one is convenient to win."

Hai Kuotian smiled and said: "There will be casualties in actual combat, so both old and new students must pay attention. When you feel that you are not an opponent, you must immediately call out to admit defeat, so that the opponent will not be allowed to shoot. The old man will also rescue you in time and save your life.

However, if you are stubborn and don’t give up, or if you don’t have time to give up, you will die if you die."


Thank you very much for the rainy night and hopeful snow (1000), Kelly Season (500), blue Philosopher's Stone (100), seaphay (100), Bai Zibing (100), Zhao Yilin Ziyan ( 100), book friends 20180503230354827 (100) tips!



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