The new student couldn't help but feel awe-inspiring. Qin Shuang narrowed his eyes slightly and looked towards the other side. The two thousand old students on the opposite side turned out to be Nine Heavens Profound Immortal Tenth Layer Peak. Unlike the previous eight items, many old students are Nine Heavens Profound Immortal 7th Layer, 8-Layer.

"This is a group of the strongest senior students in Tianzi Academy!"

"You have also seen that senior students are very powerful, and every senior student is Nine Heavens Profound. Immortal Tenth Layer Peak. And your new students are uneven, the lowest cultivation base is Nine Heavens Profound Immortal Fourth Layer, and the highest cultivation base is Nine Heavens Profound Immortal Seventh Layer. Let you go singles out the old students, I’m afraid you won’t win a game. , Not to mention, being besieged by an old student is bound to lose.

So, there is another rule that is conducive to your new life!

New students can besieged one old student by multiple people, and The old student can only single out the new student, and multiple people are not allowed to besiege the new student."

The nervousness of the new student can't help but relax. This method is relatively fair. But seeing the other party's two thousand Nine Heavens Profound Immortal Tenth Layer Peak, each new student couldn't help but smile.

The more fair it looks, the more embarrassing it is to lose!

"Qin Shuang should be the first to be defeated this time?" Qing Honglou said with a joke: "She has the lowest cultivation base among freshmen. Brother Luo Xue, don't you think?"

Xu Luoxue unexpectedly did not answer immediately, but thought slightly and said:

"Qin Shuang may not be the first to be defeated, but it will eventually be defeated."


"Can she still beat an old student?" Qing Honglou said unconvincedly.

"That's not the case." Xu Luoyu shook his head and said, "Although we look down on the students of Tianzi Academy, it is undeniable that although Heaven's Chosen is not counted, they can all be higher. A rank challenge talent. Those two thousand old students seem to be the cultivation base of Nine Heavens Profound Immortal Tenth Layer Peak, but the true strength is also the Immortal Monarch First Layer.

And Qin Shuang is just Nine Heavens Profound Immortal Fourth Layer, how can I win the seniors. However, if I can’t win, it may not be the one who insists on the shortest time. After watching the Qin Shuang long street blood battle, we should know that she has a wealth of practical experience. With this experience, she should be able to Time dragged on a bit longer, so I said he may not be the first cultivator to be defeated."

"Anyway, he will be defeated. Is it interesting to delay time?" Qing Honglou said sarcastically.

"Red Mansion, your mentality is out of balance!" Xu Luoxue said lightly: "If you can hold on to the powerhouse for a longer time, you may have a chance to survive. For example, when we met Demon, isn't it an opponent? , Will we be slaughtered? If we can rely on our tenacity and experience to persist for a while, maybe there will be reinforcements to save us."

"I..." Qing Honglou bulged and bowed his head. Talk again.

"Li Xian, do you think the little girl can beat an old student?" Ji Mou said, looking at the light curtain.

"No problem!" Li Xian said confidently: "I think Qin Shuang loses when defeating an old student. We defeated at least two. At the beginning, we had hundreds of Immortal Monarchs, but we were too small in turn. Sister, the foundation of the younger sister is very solid. And the younger sister can already be a higher rank challenge, look at it, the younger sister will definitely let them startled."

On the square.

Undoubtedly, the focus is still Qin Shuang.

There is no way, it is because Qin Shuang was too shining in the previous nine rounds.

First round, instantly kills the hidden awkward, it is really dazzling. In the next eight rounds, Qin Shuang played a pivotal role in all winning projects.

"You said, in this last round, will Qin Shuang still shine?"

"Are you stupid? Qin Shuang what kind of cultivation base? Nine Heavens Profound Immortal Fourth Layer, The cultivation base of the entire freshman is the lowest. Do you still think she is dazzling? The first one was defeated."

"No! These people are brilliant, you can’t look at the cultivation base, the real battle strength must be More than the cultivation base."

"She can go beyond the level, are these old students just Nine Heavens Profound Immortal Tenth Layer Peak? Can't go beyond the level?"

"Yes, Qin Shuang's The cultivation base is too low!"

"Moreover, she is a six Grandmaster, no, she is now a seven Grandmaster. Such a person must devote most of her energy and time to auxiliary projects , Her cultivation base is not good because medicine pill piled up, the real battle strength may not only not be able to jump, but also weaker than the cultivation base, which is the bottom level of Nine Heavens Profound Immortal Fourth Layer.

Look, when the actual combat begins, Qin Shuang will be embarrassed and fail if he can't take a move."

Xu Kaiyun, Chu Dali, Lei Xing, Yuguanting, Tie Rourou, Hou Disha and the The others rolled their eyes together. One by one secretly said in one's heart |:

"Do you really think that our boss is a soft persimmon?"

But they did not refute, they have to look at those people, and startled for a while to fall the chin.

In Tianzi Courtyard, Tan Xiaotian looked at Qin Shuang in the light curtain and said: "I hope she will not be too weak, otherwise she will need several years of cultivation if she wants to join us in Heavenly Palace."

"no!" Mu Chonghan said with a smile: "With her status as the Seventh Grandmaster, she can reduce the requirement for her cultivation base. Oh my god, can't be too rigid. Talents like her, if we can't first If you recruit her in, someone will rush to recruit her."

In Small World.

Hai Kuotian said solemnly: "Both parties are not allowed to take medicine pill to restore Essence Power, nor to use talisman. Now, new students can take medicine pill to restore pranayama. Remember, you only have this time to take it. Opportunity for medicine pill."

Qin Shuang and the others immediately took medicine pill and began to adjust their breath. Two quarters of an hour later, they stood one after another, looking at the broad sea in the sky.


As soon as Haikuotian gave an order, the two cultivators rushed towards each other. The new students are based on the squad that was originally divided, and each squad faces an old student. There were more than one thousand squads, so some old students faced the siege of two new squads at the same time.

The ten people in the squad of Qin Shuang rushed to an old student on the opposite side. But Qin Shuang stood there and didn't rush over, but let the old student surrounded by ten people like Lang Yupiao be heart shivered with cold, because Qin Shuang was bending his bow and shooting arrows in the distance, locking him down.

He has seen it with his own eyes. Qin Shuang used Talisman Arrow to almost kill an Immortal Monarch fourth layer Monster Race. Although the talisman was not allowed to be used in the competition between new and old students, he also let him be one of them. The heart became tense.

The old student surrounded by Lang Yupiao and the others is the strongest among the two thousand people. Of course, the old student will send a most powerful powerhouse to target the new students with the most powerful powerhouse.

Who is the most powerhouse for freshmen?

Do you still need to ask?

Qin Shuang, this squad almost dominates the top ten, this squad is not strong, which squad is strong?

So, at the moment when the two sides collided, both of them exploded with the strongest power, and the old student had the strength of Immortal Monarch Second Layer. However, the ten others including Lang Yupiao did not show weakness.


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