The foreheads of the three people began to sweat, and gradually their backs began to soak. Time passed quickly among the three of them motionless. The other formations are continuously being cracked, passing by.

"There are only two new formations left!" Yang Tingwei's tone was full of loss.

At this time, apart from the two veterans of Kun Heaven and Earth standing in front of the formation set up by Qin Shuang and An Shicong, the other nine hundred and 98 veterans were all standing not far away, looking nervously. Holding two people.

"Lao Sheng's formation has 196 seats left." Qing Honglou's voice has a hint of eagerness: "Isn't that Kun Heaven and Earth the mid-term Grandmaster? Why is it still not moving? Crack one The formation of Grandmaster Early-Stage is so slow?"

"Moved!" Ren Pingsheng opened the mouth and said, and sighed at the same time: "It's over, Qin Shuang has lost."




Two roars came from the light curtain, which moved not only Kun Heaven and Earth, but also Qin Shuang . Qin Shuang threw the 5th formation flag and broke the opponent's formation almost at the same time as Kun Heaven and Earth. After Qin Shuang broke the last Grandmaster Level formation, his figure looked towards the remaining Master Rank formations and flew away frantically.

Today the new students only have one formation deployed by An Shicong. As long as An Shicong's formation can last a little longer...

Stay a little longer...

Qin Shuang's four Primordial Spirits, Yang God, Ling and Artifact Spirit, are old, and Xuanzhi and Spiritual Consciousness are pouring out frantically.

"whiz whiz whiz ……"

Qin Shuang threw a seven-sided formation flag, his figure has swept past the seven-seater formation and rushed towards the other seven Formation.

"Boom boom boom..."

Behind her, the seven formations collapsed.

"whiz whiz whiz......" An Shicong, Lang Yupiao and Wentu also threw the formation flag.

"Boom boom boom......" Three formations shattered again.

The four people are like four whirlwinds, sweeping towards the remaining formation.

"Lao Sheng's formation is one hundred and eighty-six...One hundred and sixty-six, one hundred and sixty-six..." Qing Honglou's speech speed is getting faster and faster, the look on his face of shock is getting stronger and stronger.

At this time, Kun Heaven and Earth had already stood in front of An Shicong's formation, spreading spiritual consciousness in the past.


Kun Heaven and Earth's complexion changed, he hurriedly stabilized his mind, and went to explore again. But the coldness and death have always entangled, making him study the formation speed greatly reduced.

It's not that he can't break this formation, but it needs more time. This couldn't help making him anxious, as he resisted the invasion of An Shicong's array, and calculated and deduced everything he had detected.

Seeing Kun Heaven and Earth’s face change, the remaining nine Formation Dao Grandmasters glanced at each other. As soon as they fluttered, they surrounded An Shicong’s formation. Spiritual consciousness spread to the formation.


Everyone's complexion changed, and they realized the evil nature of this formation in their hearts, and they tried their best to start calculating and deducing. .

"There are one hundred...ninety...eighty..." left in the old formation method.

At this time, the air is filled with extreme tension inside and outside the Tianzi Courtyard. His eyes are locked on the light curtain.

In the light curtain.

The four Grandmasters of the freshmen flew quickly, and the rest of the freshmen were also breaking the formation with all their strength. Hundreds of them gathered in front of a formation and had heated discussions.

But the old students are silent. Those Master Rank old students are standing nervously not far away. Eleven Grandmasters surround An Shicong's formation, motionless.

"Lao Sheng's formation is still seventy...sixty...fifty...forty...30...twenty...ten..."

"Kun Heaven and Earth moved..."

"Boom boom boom..."

A series of rumbling sounds burst on the light curtain...


Xu Kaiyun, Chu Dali, Lei Xing, Tie Rourou, Yu Guanting, Wei Qingjue and the others jumped up suddenly, waving their arms vigorously, and will not say anything excited. , Just keep making "hehe" sound.


The inside and outside of Tianzi Academy are boiling, and everyone sympathizes with the weak, and the newcomer of Qin Shuang is really eye-catching.

Just now, Laosheng’s last formation was only one tenth of the time before An Shicong’s formation collapsed. It was this tenth of the time that allowed the new students to gain Victory. Qin Shuang and the others chased wildly and finally allowed them to win this competition.

"Overtake...?" Tan Xiaotian's face was astonished, and Mu Chong's expression was also a little surprised.

"Seven girls are worthy of each other!" Li Xian shook his head and said, shaking his head. Ji Mou next to him was nodded again and again.

"Qin Shuang alone decides the outcome!" Ren Gaolin said softly.

"The students enrolled in the Tianzi Academy this year are very strong!" Xu Mo said: "The winner should be two people, one is Qin Shuang and the other is An Shicong. I don't know An Shicong. What kind of formation did Kun Heaven and Earth spend so much time on?"

In Small World, the old man stared blankly at the jumping and jumping newborn, his face was completely Unbelievable. They abused the freshmen all the way, but did not expect to be overturned by the freshmen in the end.

Kun Heaven and Earth's absent-minded eyes gathered again, and walked towards Qin Shuang, his expression still stale:


Qin Shuang handed the bracelet over, Kun Heaven and Earth sacrificed the bracelet in the air, and then turned to the points without saying a word. And these old students also transferred their points one after another, and finally the bracelet fell to Qin Shuang and was picked up by Qin Shuang.

"Junior Sister Qin! Junior Brother An!" The old-fashioned Kun Heaven and Earth cups the hands to Qin Shuang and An Shicong: "Let’s find an opportunity to communicate."

"Good!" Qin Shuang and An Shicong nodded at the same time. At this time they also saw that Kun Heaven and Earth didn't have an opinion on them, so he had a stern face. He was just that kind of staid personality.

With the consent of Qin Shuang and An Shicong, Kun Heaven and Earth walked towards the two people nodded and walked towards the old student. The old student was silent and the atmosphere was very solemn.

They are really nailed on the pillar of shame this year. Not only did the freshmen win, but in terms of total numbers, they have now surpassed them!

"Did you use the Profound Truth of Death?" Qin Shuang secret voice transmission to An Shicong.

"en!" An Shicong lightly nodded.

A young man turned his head and glanced at the 999 cultivator standing behind him, took a deep breath and said:

"It’s our turn to win this competition. !"


A thousand people walked towards Qin Shuang, and at this time, a person flying from a distance flew over the crowd, The eyes fell down. Everyone also focused their eyes on that person.

It was a middle-aged cultivator, but his body exuded the coercion of Immortal Monarch. Seeing all the cultivator's eyes converge on his body, his face showed said with a slight smile:

"The old man is the head of the Myriad Realms Trading Company, Zhu Honggang. I will be the referee for the next three rounds. The first thing to start is the tool competition. What materials do you need, you can ask me Buy. Old man can buy the Immortal Artifact that has been successfully refined. And the result of your competition will be determined by me."


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