The seven Grandmaster Early-Stages each began to derive wildly, calculate, and continuously merge their results with each other to solve the profound mystery of the formation a little bit.

"There are still two thousand new formations left." Yang Tingwei's tone was no longer relaxed at this time, but a hint of tension was brought out.

"Lao Sheng's formation is still 708." Qing Honglou's voice also had a hint of tension.

Kun Heaven and Earth took a look at Qin Shuang, then withdrew his gaze, still following the weak spot of the previous plan. He has confidence in his own formation. He has seen Qin Shuang run through the formation tower. Qin Shuang is a Grandmaster Early-Stage. A Grandmaster Early-Stage wants to break his formation, how can it be possible without a day?

In less than a day, as long as one more hour is given to him, he will be able to lead the old students to destroy all the new formations.

"No! It's still too slow."

Qin Shuang glanced back at the old student, knowing that if this goes on, before the old student breaks all the formations set up by the new student, he is basically impossible. Destroy the mid-term formation of the Grandmaster in front of him.

"Old town, don’t break the formation anymore. We will continuously send you the derived results. You use the Time Flow Speed ​​in the Monster Suppressing Tower to fuse, derive, calculate, and then send Give it to us."


The old Artifact Spirit retracted spiritual consciousness and sit cross-legged on the ground. Six messages were continuously sent to him, and he began to calculate frantically, deduct, and then feed the results back to the spirit, Yang God and the four Primordial Spirits. Because of the difference in Time Flow Speed, it’s often the spirit. Yang God and the four Primordial Spirits just sent their messages to the Artifact Spirit, the old man immediately responded to the result, which doubled the speed of Qin Shuang breaking the formation. .

"There are still a thousand new formations left." Yang Tingwei's voice raised a little.

"Lao Sheng's formation is still five hundred." Qing Honglou's voice trembled.

"Qin Shuang moved!" Xu Luoxue suddenly opened the mouth and said. The eyes of everyone suddenly focused on Qin Shuang in the light curtain.

In Small World, the old students who watched, at this time, no longer talked and laughed easily. Rather, he became nervous. At the moment Qin Shuang moved, everyone involuntarily straightened his waist.


Qin Shuang threw a formation flag and fell into the formation. The formation rippled for a while, and calm was restored.


All the elders let out a long sigh of relief, thinking that Qin Shuang was about to break the formation, but I didn't expect it to be a false alarm. Kun Heaven and Earth, who was breaking the formation over there, looked at Qin Shuang the moment they moved. A dignified expression appeared on his face. Although Qin Shuang did not break the formation all at once, Qin Shuang's idea of ​​breaking the formation was correct. It’s just because of the difference in realm that one can’t have a formation flag breaking the formation, and it needs several formation flags to break the formation. It depends on whether Qin Shuang's next step is correct.

However, Qin Shuang was able to find the 1st Step so quickly, which completely surpassed Kun Heaven and Earth’s imagination. A heart became tense and its potential was full, which accelerated the speed of breaking the formation, and at the same time shouted:


Thousands of old students speed up, and the main force of breaking the formation on the freshman side, An Shicong, Lang Yupiao and Wentu are also squeezed One's last potential.

"The formation of the new students is still five hundred!"

"The formation of the old students is still four hundred!"

At this time, all those who watched The cultivator became excited, and Qin Shuang's sudden eruption made the atmosphere suddenly hot, and the new students also erupted. Both sides have hope of winning. Everyone couldn't help looking at Qin Shuang's back on the light curtain. Everyone knew that if the new students had hope of victory, this hope was pinned on Qin Shuang. As long as Qin Shuang can break the formation of Kun Heaven and Earth in time, there is a glimmer of hope, and we still need to see if Qin Shuang can grab the weak spot before the old. If Qin Shuang can't break the formation of Kun Heaven and Earth, or is slower, he will completely lose the competition.


Everyone was refreshed and saw Qin Shuang throw another formation flag. The formation flag was concealed in the formation. Although the formation was not broken, it did not bounce the formation flag.

"It's successful again!" Tan Xiaotian looked surprised, and the smile on Mu Chong's face widened. The gaze at Qin Shuang was full of appreciation.

"There are three hundred remaining formations for the new students!" Yang Tingwei's tone was full of tension.

"The old student still has three hundred and seventy-one formations left! The new student lost." Qing Honglou let out a long breath.

"Not necessarily!" Xu Luoxue, who has not spoken, said: "Don't forget, although Lao Sheng has broken more than nine thousand formations, none of them are Grandmaster Level formations. In fact, Kun Heaven is now And Earth, they should start to break the Grandmaster Level formation, otherwise, once they spend a little more time on the Grandmaster Level formation and Qin Shuang breaks the formation set by Kun Heaven and Earth in time, everything is possible."

"The old man has begun to break the Grandmaster Level formation." Ren Pingsheng opened the mouth and said.

"Sure enough, at this time, four Formation Dao Grandmasters were separated from the old students, including Kun Heaven and Earth, and they began to crack the four Grandmaster Level formations in the freshmen. The other seven Grandmasters, Continue to lead the old student to sweep the remaining three hundred formations."

"Which..." Qin Shuang threw another formation flag, but the formation still hasn't broken.

Time passed quickly in the fierce tension.

"Boom..." Wentu's formation was broken. The Grandmaster left immediately and joined the ranks of cracking other formations.

"Boom..." Lang Yupiao's formation was also broken, and the Grandmaster immediately joined the cracking of other formations.

"There are only 100 new formations left."

"Laosheng's formations still have 281 seats left."

Kun Heaven and Earth stood in front of the formation set up by Qin Shuang and raised his eyebrows slightly. It was a Grandmaster Level Early-Stage formation, but it was a bit complicated, and there were quite a few traces of ancient formation in it, which was as he imagined. It was different. I thought it could be broken in a few breaths, but now it takes some time.

Standing in front of An Shicong’s array is an Array Grandmaster Early-Stage, which is a realm with An Shicong. When he explored An Shicong's formation, he unexpectedly felt cold, Death Aura spread along his spiritual consciousness, attacking his state of mind, preventing him from calming down breaking the formation.

"What kind of formation is this?" The Grandmaster was shocked, trying to stabilize his state of mind, and probe An Shicong's formation.

"Swish..." Qin Shuang threw another formation flag.

The formation waved for a while, and calm was restored. Although it is not broken, it is also on the right path.

"There are still fifty seats left in the formation of the new students."

"The formation of the old students still has 261 seats left, and the gap between the two sides is getting bigger and bigger. Now."

Qin Shuang and the other three people standing in front of the Grandmaster Level formation are all motionless, calculating frantically, deducing...


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Urban cultivation, it's pretty good-looking, my comrades go to collect it!



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