Will the old student break all the formations of the new student, and the new student has not cracked the old student's formation?

As soon as Qin Shuang stood in front of the Laosheng Formation, his profound knowledge swept out.

Not bad!

She uses Xuanzhi!

She, who was born with Xuanzhi, knows deeply that Xuanzhi not only fits Heavenly Dao better, but can also see the essence of things more clearly. Take breaking the formation as an example, Xuanzhi can better see the formation marks, nodes, trajectories and laws of the formation.

Sweeping the profound knowledge, you know that there are eleven Grandmaster Level formations. At this time, An Shicong, Lang Yupiao, and Wen Tu were each standing in front of a Grandmaster Level formation, contemplating their eyebrows.

Qin Shuang frowned slightly as he listened to the continuous breaking the formation behind him. Subsequently, the spirit, the four major Primordial Spirit, Yang God, and even the Artifact Spirit town elders all participated. Moreover, Qin Shuang used the profound knowledge of the four Primordial Spirits and Yang God that have been reluctant to use. The profound knowledge in the heart of the four Primordial Spirits and Yang God spread out.

In other words, in addition to Artifact Spirit, the spirit of Qin Shuang, the four Primordial Spirits and Yang God all use profound knowledge. And they covered a formation separately.

In other words, the spirit, the four Primordial Spirits, Yang God, and the old town are each responsible for cracking a Grandmaster Level formation. She directly chose seven formations that were relatively weak in Grandmaster Level.

"Boom boom boom..."

Behind Qin Shuang and other freshmen, the continuous rumbling sound of breaking the formation sounded, but there was still no one on Qin Shuang's side.

"Hey! The old meeting won't lose?" Tie Rourou opened her eyes wide, waiting for the light curtain.

"Little elder sister won't lose!" Chu Dali's face was firm.

However, Tie Rourou didn’t believe him at all. Knowing that Chu Dali would not move the formation, she looked at Xu Kaiyun and said:

"Kaiyun, you say!"

Xu Kaiyun frowned and said: "Break these formations, I believe the boss must be no problem. But other freshmen dragged their feet and couldn't help the boss. The speed of the boss breaking the formation may not be..."

"Do you mean the old conference loses?"

"It's just that it's possible, oh..." At this point, Xu Kaiyun couldn't help sighing.

"The old student has been broken for a thousand times!" Qing Honglou said excitedly. Anyway, seeing Qin Shuang and their new students win, she was unhappy. Seeing that the old student had the upper hand at this time, his eyebrows were overjoyed.

"peng~ peng~ peng~ ……"

Finally, there is something new and vivid, but it only broke the five formations. At this time, there are still 955 old formations, among which there are eleven Grandmaster Level formations. At this time, the formation of the new students had eight thousand nine hundred and sixty seats left. There are four Grandmaster Level formations.

The breaking the formation method of the old students is different from that of the new students. The four Grandmasters in the new students are the Grandmaster Level formations directly deployed by the old students. But the old student threw aside the four Grandmaster Level formations deployed by the freshmen, instead breaking from the simplest formation. Even the eleven Grandmasters are the same.

The speed of the eleven Grandmaster breaking the formation is very fast!

Isn't this nonsense?

Grandmaster went to crack the fairy Array Master level formation, didn't it just throw a formation flag casually and it broke?

"There are still seven thousand six hundred new formations left." Yang Tingwei said condensedly.

"There are still 980 seats left in the old formation method." Qing Honglou's tone was festive.

"There are still six thousand two hundred left for the new formation."

"There are still nine hundred and fifty seats for the old formation."

" There are still five thousand and one hundred new formations left."

"There are still nine hundred and thirty-five old formations left."

Gradually, the inside and outside of the Tianzi Academy began to relax. Get up, there is no longer a tense atmosphere. Only when the strength is equal will there be a tense atmosphere. Now that the old student has broken the new student's more than one thousand formations, the new student can only break the old student's ten formations. The difference in strength is too great, and it is really nervous does not raise. In the eyes of everyone, the victory or defeat is determined.

Especially the four Formation Dao Grandmasters of Qin Shuang, they haven't moved yet, they just stood there silently.

In Small World.

The old students who watched are also relaxed.

"You said, when Kun Heaven and Earth they will destroy all the new formations, will the new formations break our 100 formations?"

"It should be possible Yeah, but at most two hundred will be broken, and all of them are Master Rank, eleven Grandmaster Level formations, and one can’t be broken."

"Yes, Grandmasters are also divided into strengths and weaknesses. . Didn’t you see Qin Shuang and the four of them were still frowning there?"



Yang Tingwei shook the head said: "There are four thousand new formations left."

Qing Honglou also reported immediately: "There are still 921 old formations left."

Xu Luoxue and Ren Pingsheng lost interest in their eyes, looking at the light curtain a little bored.

"There are still three thousand new formations left."

"There are still 901 old formations left."

"The gap is too big Big!" Ren Pingsheng sighed. Xu Luoxue was silently nodded, but her eyes widened suddenly.

In the light curtain.

Qin Shuang suddenly moved. This movement was earth shattering, raising his hand to throw out the seven-sided formation flag. If you use the seven-sided formation flag to crack a formation, everyone will laugh. But the seven-sided formation flag thrown by Qin Shuang turned out to be aimed at seven formations.

"Boom boom boom..."

With seven consecutive booms, Lao Sheng's seven Grandmaster Level formations collapsed!

"This, this, this..."

In and outside of Small World, all cultivators have a dull look!

"Crack the seven-seat formation at once? Or the Grandmaster Level formation? This...how is it possible?"

"Boom boom boom..."

again With three roars, An Shicong, Wentu and Lang Yupiao also cracked a Grandmaster Level formation.

Eleven Grandmaster Level formations were destroyed in an instant, and only one remained.

"Eldest Senior Sister, the Grandmaster Level formation is handed over to you."

Lang Yu floated, and then flew to those Master Rank formations. An Shicong and Wentu also flew to those Master Rank formations.

After Ren Pingsheng’s expression startedled, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Suspense is back."

Xu Luoxue hands behind ones back, slightly nodded.

"Huh!" Li Xian's nose expanded a bit: "The little girl is showing off!"

Ji Mou said with emotion: "I really don't know what kind of cultivation the little girl is?"

"hahaha......" Haikuotian laughed loudly.

Mu Chong raised his eyebrows and praised: "Very good!"

Tan Xiaotian also eyes shined and said: "Eldest Senior Brother, with the addition of Qin Shuang, under the leadership of Eldest Senior Brother Tianziyuan will be glorious."

A smile appeared on Mu Chong's face.

In Small World.

Qin Shuang is standing in front of the last Grandmaster Level formation. This is the formation set up by Kun Heaven and Earth. Qin Shuang only glanced at his profound knowledge, and then raised his eyebrows.

This is a Grandmaster mid-stage formation, and Qin Shuang is only Grandmaster Early-Stage at this time.

For the Grandmaster's mid-term formation, Grandmaster Early-Stage is not impossible to crack, but it takes time, not a short time. However, Qin Shuang was able to shorten this time. Because Qin Shuang has four Primordial Spirits, Yang God and Ling, plus Artifact Spirit, this is equivalent to seven Grandmaster Early-Stages, and these seven Grandmaster Early-Stages are still connected.


Thank you very much for the rainy night looking forward to falling snow (1000), book friends 20190406224057741 (500), Liao Mubai (500), Kelly season (500), seaphay (200), Jiao Baiyue_The Willow Head on the Moon (100), Bai Zibing (100)'s reward!



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