In the light curtain.

Qin Shuang turned around and looked at the numerous cultivators in front of him and said: "Everyone, I think the first test should be in that forest. Demon will lurch there and kill us. But , In the forest, it’s not suitable for 10,000 of us to form a battle formation to fight. So we had to divide into countless squads to fight.

Now you are looking for people you are familiar with to form a squad, each Don't be too far apart between squads, and be ready to support each other and fight in coordination."

Everyone nodded in agreement. These people are talented Heaven's Chosen, and they all agree with Qin Shuang's arrangement in their hearts. Quickly formed a squad.

Qin Shuang, Lang Yupiao, Wen Yu, Wan Jing, Liu Hanyan, Wentu, An Shicong, Zheng Lun, Xue Weiyang, Han Qing and Yun Cangqiong formed a squad. . Although there are eight people in this squad who are all Grandmasters and are ranked high, it does not mean that their strength is the strongest among all squads.

The highest cultivation base here is Lang Yupiao, Xue Weiyang, Han Qing and Yun Cangqiong, which are Nine Heavens Profound Immortal Sixth Layer. Followed by Wen Yu, Wan Jing, Wentu, Liu Hanyan, An Shicong, and Zheng Lun are all Nine Heavens Profound Immortal Fifth Layer. The weakest cultivation base is Qin Shuang of Nine Heavens Profound Immortal Fourth Layer.

Among these 10,000 cultivators, Qin Shuang's cultivation base is also the lowest. Other squads have full-body Nine Heavens Profound Immortal Fifth Layer, and even some are all Nine Heavens Profound Immortal Sixth Layer. What's more, there is a Nine Heavens Profound Immortal Seventh Layer in the squad.

"I am ahead!" When it comes to fighting, Lang Yupiao does not give way: "We set up a cone-shaped formation, Xue Weiyang with Wen Yu, Wan Jing on the left, Han Qing with Liu Han Yan and Wentu are on the right, Yun Cangqiang is leading An Shicong and Zheng Lun behind the palace, and Eldest Senior Sister is in the middle."


Everyone stood in one instant. Cone, protecting Qin Shuang in the middle, no one raised objections. Qin Shuang's cultivation base is the lowest, and I also count on Qin Shuang's six Grandmaster in the following competitions, Qin Shuang will naturally not be able to get into trouble. Zheng Lun listened too much to the advice of Master Shen Chongguang this time and took the initiative to join Qin Shuang, the squad. At this time, he took a deep breath and made up his mind to show his true abilities and let Qin Shuang know that the powerhouse is respected by the cultivator. Let Qin Shuang see the gap with him.

"Let's go!"

Lang Yu said loudly, and the eleven rushed towards the opposite forest. With their movement, the remaining squads also moved, and soon entered the forest.

"Keep the rhythm, don't rush!"

Lang Yu, who suddenly said, the speed began to become neither too fast nor too slow, Qin Shuang and the others All secretly nodded. Lang Yupiao is not an inexperienced person, the Tianzicheng cultivator is really extraordinary.

Qin Shuang carries the Linglong sword behind his back, and holds the Fire Jiao sword in his hand, closely behind Lang Yupiao. The Spiritual Consciousness of Wood Spirit dived into the grass and the surrounding trees.

Wood Spirit was originally the spirit of wood. Soon countless plants and trees became the eyes of Wood Spirit. Everything around was fed back to Qin Shuang, allowing Qin Shuang to see clearly.


Some squads have already broken out, which made Lang Yupiao and the others nervous. One after another spiritual consciousness also spread out, Lang Yupiao suddenly shouted in a low voice:

"There is a demonic beast thousands of meters ahead, everyone prepare."

Everyone did not Avoid, but go straight ahead. Soon, through the gaps between the trees, Qin Shuang and the others saw a group of mice appearing on the opposite side of them. Each mouse was more than one meter old, and there were more than fifty.

"Earth attribute releases Gravity Technique, wood attribute releases winding technique, and the remaining cultivator is killed!" Lang Yupiao said quickly.


The hard ground under the feet of more than fifty mice suddenly turned into a swamp, and their limbs fell into the swamp, making them chaotic for a while, and then there were countless vines. , Entangled their bodies. At the same time, one after another Immortal Artifact was taken by the imperial envoy and passed through the space, harvesting the lives of mice.

In less than five breaths, more than fifty rats were slaughtered. Qin Shuang raised his hand and held the Flying Fire Sword. Everyone moves forward again.

The battle on this road became gradually fierce, and the demonic beast's strength turned out to be stronger. Later, it began to encounter devil beasts. It killed one hour and it was almost a not simple fight, Qin Shuang and the Others don't know how other squads are, but they start to feel tired.

Outside Tianzi Courtyard.

Countless cultivators looked at the huge sky-shielding light curtain, and the fighting situation inside was clear.

"pu..." Someone laughed: "It's been more than two quarters of an hour, right? Then Qin Shuang has been protected by others, and has never taken any action once. Six Grandmasters listened to the majesty, once they started fighting , Is a weak chicken!"

"Qin Shuang is indeed the weakest cultivation base among 10,000 freshmen."

"Waste time and energy on auxiliary projects, I'm afraid it is This Nine Heavens Profound Immortal Fourth Layer is also piled up with medicine pill. The battle strength is not as good as the ordinary Nine Heavens Profound Immortal Fourth Layer."

"It’s really putting the cart before the horse! My cultivator ultimately relies on the cultivation base. Ah!"

"She, the Eldest Senior Sister, is estimated to be challenged and sacked after entering Tianziyuan for a month or so."

"Fortunately, she has a good reputation. , A group of people protect her. Otherwise, it’s hard to say whether she can get out of this forest. In a month, she died before she walked out of the gate of Tianziyuan. The new students in Tianziyuan will be replaced by Eldest Senior Sister. hahaha ......"

Heaven's Chosen building.

5-Layer by the window, Xu Luoxue and the others stood in front of a row of windows, looking at the huge light curtain in the sky, and listening to the cultivator discuss spiritedly on the street. The corner of Xu Luoxue’s mouth appeared with a sneer:

"Whoever regards Qin Shuang as a weak chicken is a fool."

Ren Pingsheng also nodded lightly, and then turned to Lang Yumeng said: "Yumeng, your Lang Yupiao is a little bit fluttering."

Lang Yumeng complexion sank: "The bastard is the bastard, and his vision is narrow!"

" Luoxue big brother, do you think Qin Shuang is very strong?" Qing Honglou was a little unconvinced.

"Is she strong, you don't know?" Xu Luoxue said with a smile.

Qing Honglou pursed his lips: "I only compared her strength once, although she is stronger than me. But she must not be able to beat me."

"She may Can't beat you, but even if she is alone, she should be able to get out of this forest. Don't forget the bloody battle on Long Street."

Jun’s Landing restaurant.

Ji Mou and Li Xian, who had rushed back, stood at the window, looking at the huge light curtain in the sky outside. Listening to the discussion of the cultivator on the street outside, a trace of worriedly said appeared on Ji Mou’s face:

"Jimou, you said the strength of the younger sister..."

"Don't worry !" Li Xian said confidently: "Although the cultivation base of the younger sister is the lowest among those 10,000, the true strength is definitely not the lowest. It's not that you haven't seen the true strength of the younger sister."

"But...when did that happen?"


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