"Character!" Li Xian said firmly: "She can walk from the Qi Refinement Stage step by step, and she can leap in each realm, and she must be able to do it now. This is a cultivator habit, once developed , Will not change. Little sister’s aptitude, innate talent, perseverance, perception, mind, and even Big Brother Zhang said that you have only seen your life, don’t doubt the little girl."

"I don’t doubt, I’m not worried. Is it?"

" Put away your useless worries, this time I’m here to see how the younger sister cleans up these old students. It’s a worthwhile trip to be able to see the old students being taken care of by the younger sister. "

"Tsk!" In front of the gate of Tianziyuan, Xu Kaiyun sighed, with a look of envy: "Look at the majesty of the boss! There are seven Grandmasters around to protect, you don't need to take action at all, this is what it is. The life of Eldest Young Lady and Eldest Young Master!"

Xu Kaitian, Xu Kaishan, Xu Azure Lotus and the others cover their faces together!

"Here again!" Lang Yupiao exhaled and looked forward.

Within a distance of less than 500 meters from them, more than 20 coyotes appeared. Qin Shuang's eyes narrowed, and Wood Spirit's voice suddenly came from her consciousness.

"Mother, on a big tree next to those coyotes, there is a hidden awkward."

Wood Spirit sent a picture in a group of coyotes. On the side, on a big tree, there is a hidden fowl, whose hair color can change with the environment. It is totally invisible to be a Demon Beast...


It is a Monster Race, which can not only use the color change of the hair to hide itself, but the reason why it is called concealment can also prevent it from being probed by spiritual consciousness. If it weren't for Wood Spirit to send Qin Shuang to the screen, pointing out where he is, Qin Shuang would simply not be able to detect his presence, even if it was in front of him.

The most important thing is that he hides all his breath. Although Qin Shuang has spotted him now, he still doesn't know what cultivation base he is.

"Wood Spirit, can you detect his cultivation base?"

"No, he is not exposed at all. It is impossible to detect at all!"

Qin Shuang didn't look at the hidden hideout of the tree, for fear of being discovered by the cunning hideout. Holding the Fire Flood Sword tightly in his hand, he was ready to violently rise.

Qin Shuang didn't notify Lang Yupiao and the others, because it couldn't explain why others didn't know why she was able to find hidden 狈. She didn't want others to know the existence of Wood Spirit, and she was sure that even if she couldn't kill Yin Yao, she could stop him.

Two dozen coyote wolves are patrolling in place, roaring at them. And Lang Yupiao is ahead, leading the squad neither too fast nor too slow towards the opposite side.

The strength of the two dozen coyote wolves is not strong, and Lang Yupiao is sure to slaughter all the opponents without injury.

The distance of 500 meters quickly shortened, and fierce fighting broke out in an instant.


A shadow fell from a big tree and pounced on the sudden Lang Yupiao.

Suddenly and quickly, Lang Yupiao couldn't react at all. He only felt that a sharp claw had reached his throat, feeling cold and dead, and it was too late to even close his eyes.


With a word cry, Lang Yupiao felt a light shining from the side of his cheek.


A blood line shot out from the thing that leaped on him, shooting him in the face. At this time, he could see clearly that a sword pierced out of his shoulder and penetrated precisely through the neck of the thing. The claws of the thing were still about one inch away from his throat, but they drooped weakly.


Lang Yupiao, who recognized that thing, looked pale. He looked back and saw Qin Shuang with a little starlight pierced. He wriggled his Adam’s apple and just wanted to say What? I saw Qin Shuang's figure blowing like the wind beside him, and the leg raised kicked out.


A coyote was kicked flying, in midair, and the wolf's head bounced to pieces. With a touch of his hand on the hidden body on the sword, he took it into the Monster Suppressing Tower. Before stepping on, the sword light was dazzling, and the coyotes were beheaded. Twenty coyote wolves don't need much time for everyone.

"Thank you Eldest Senior Sister!" Lang Yupiao, who was slowing down, said with a shame on his face.

"Nothing!" Qin Shuang said seriously: "Yin Yao is not something we can find. I believe that our place, no matter who it is, is suddenly attacked by Yin Yao and will not be stronger by you. I just because I have not taken any action, being protected by you in the middle. I am always ready to rescue any of you before I can react. Fortunately, the reaction is quite timely."

Lang Yupiao's face looked much better. , Once again thanked Qin Shuang, and then stood back to where he had been before, regained his confidence, and said in a condensed voice:


Outside the Tianzi courtyard.

"What was that just now?"

"It was too sudden!"

"It was too fast!"

"That was Hidden!"

"Hidden?" Someone suddenly raised her voice.

"Qin Shuang is amazing!"

"Qin Shuang's response is so fast!"

A pair of vision gradually gathered just now and said that Qin Shuang is On those cultivators who are weak, the expressions on the faces of those cultivators can't help but say:

"Sure enough...the person who can become a Grandmaster is not something I can understand."

"How is it?" Xu Luoxue turned her head and looked at Qing Honglou.

Qing Honglou's face is a bit pale, she believes that she is in Qin Shuang's situation, and she absolutely cannot react. And Qin Shuang, you sword, too fast!

"Brother Luo Xue, what do you think of her strength?" Ren Pingsheng said.

"Can't see it!" Xu Luoxue shook her head slightly and said: "It's just this sword that simply doesn't reflect her true strength. In short...It shouldn't be weaker than Honglou."

Qing Honglou bulged, but did not refute in the end.

"How about? Are you still worried about the little girl?" Li Xianqing said with a smile.

"I don’t care about messing up!" Ji Mou said: "Who is like you, doesn’t care about my little girl at all!"

"I don’t care about you!"

"hahaha..." Xu Kaiyun burst into a big laugh: "big brother, have you seen it? This is my boss. If you don't move, you will be thundered!"

Xu Kaitian is also light Light nodded: "Very strong!"

In Tianzi courtyard.

Ding Lingding looked at the light curtain and said: "Dean, I didn’t see Qin Shuang’s performance in the Sky Tower. However, only with this sword, her strength cannot be used as her cultivation base. Judging."

Hai Kuotian said with a smile on his face: "How easy is it to be a person of Heaven's Chosen? Especially the Moxing from the Great Dao battle. In the Great Dao battle. The cultivator that survives is not inferior to the Heaven's Chosen in the Sky Purple City. Especially the combat experience is definitely not comparable to the Heaven's Chosen in the Sky Purple City."

The other side of Junlinlou Inside the room. Xu Mo looked at the light curtain, and said with emotion:

"Is it someone who has experienced the Great Dao dispute! I believe that in terms of fighting experience, Luoxue is not as good as Qin Shuang."



Thank you very much Kelly Season (1000), Hopeful Snow in Rainy Night (500), Zhao Yilin Ziyan (200), Zeng Li (100), WY Worry-free (100), forever 2100 (100), Liao Mubai (100), seaphay (100), Bai Zibing (100), earnest study and study (100) for rewards!



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