"So, the Small World first test in the gate of Tianziyuan doesn't count. Freshmen face Demon and die if they die. They won’t lose points if they are injured. Item and the third item will lose points. But according to the rules, each old student can only win 10% of the points for the new student.

For example, the previous time is the painting tower and the Pill Pagoda, plus the last Actual combat. There are only three items. Freshmen lose all of them and lose 30% of their points. But this time is different. This time it’s the eight towers plus the sky towers.

So, their group of students In addition to the final actual combat, you have to compete with the old students for nine games. If you lose all nine games, you will lose 90% of your points, haha......"

"You said that, this year is really unlucky. , Hahaha......"

"However, this year's strength is very strong. After all, there are eight Grandmasters. There is no need to think about the actual combat and the new students. Those eight competitions, maybe you can win one or two games! "

"Dream! When did the new students win? In history, they have never won a game. These old students will not come to the tail of some cranes. Especially in this year, they also know that eight new students have appeared. Grandmaster will definitely appear as the strongest lineup. Winning freshman points is secondary, and the face of the old student is more important. It is also because there are eight Grandmasters in the freshmen. You see, the old students who appeared this time are definitely the previous ones. The strongest of the old students."

"How to speak of which, there is no hope for this freshman, it is really unlucky!"

"We can watch the excitement! hahaha... "


In front of the gate of Tianziyuan, when Qin Shuang arrived, the crowd stepped aside and saluted Qin Shuang cups the hands:


"I have seen Eldest Senior Sister!"

This is the rule. The first place in each cultivator assessment is the Eldest Senior Sister or Eldest Senior Brother of all new students in this session. Regardless of your future achievements, today, in this brief moment, is undoubtedly the most glorious.

Of course, these people look respectful, and they have their own thoughts in their hearts.

Cultivation, originally meant to walk the heavens-defying road, no cultivator is willing to live permanently under people, especially the Heaven's Chosen of these stars.

This is just the beginning, Qin Shuang is only a small step ahead of them. And they admit that Qin Shuang's six Grandmasters are beyond their reach, but they don't agree with Qin Shuang's cultivation base and strength. After all, Qin Shuang didn't show strong strength when he broke into the Sky Tower. The ultimate manifestation of the cultivator is still in the cultivation base and strength, and the rest are just assistance.

Looking at the glory of Qin Shuang at this time, every cultivator's eyes are full of envy, and the fighting intent in his heart is even more lofty!

Relatively speaking, the admiration of Qin Shuang by those preparatory students other than 10,000 should be more real. Qin Shuang walked all the way from the humanoid alley, and returned to the cultivator on both sides.

Yu Guanting and Wei Qingjue consciously stayed in the cultivator group beyond 10,000. Qin Shuang and An Shicong continued to move forward and walked to the forefront, where Lang Yupiao and Wen Yu , Wan Jing, Wen Tu, Liu Hanyan and the others paid tribute to Qin Shuang.

"I have seen Eldest Senior Sister!"

"I have seen you Junior Brother Junior Sister."

Qin Shuang also presents. From today on, they are heaven The classmates of Ziyuan should follow the rules of Tianziyuan. Regardless of age, Qin Shuang calls them Eldest Senior Sister, and Qin Shuang also calls them Junior Brother Junior Sister.

Standing in the middle of the front row, several people communicated in a low voice.

"Eldest Senior Sister, we have to compare nine items, maybe the points we have earned with our hard work are only one thing left!"

Neither did Qin Shuang think of it. Count, but after thinking about it, he still said: "Let's ignore the subsequent competition, let's focus on the first test. Pass Demon's interception safely. Don't put it on the first test."

"Yes, you can't take it lightly." Lang Yupiao said seriously.

Several people discussed in a soft voice. About a quarter of an hour later, a silhouette suddenly appeared in front of the gate. It was the director of the Tianzi Academy. Everyone fell silent, their eyes focused on Hai Kuotian's body.

I saw Haikuotian raised hand, and the bracelets flew to the 20,000 preparatory students. After each preparatory student picked up the bracelet, Hai Kuotian said:

"This is your status token, and the rules are in it. You can’t live in Tianzi Courtyard, you need to be in Tianzi The city finds a place to live on its own. However, you can use the status token to enter and exit the Tianziyuan, use your points to exchange all the redeemable resources in the Tianziyuan, and accept any task. In other words, as long as you have points, your treatment is formal There is no difference between the students.

However, you don’t have a single point in the bracelet. If you want points, you need to complete the task yourself.

Okay, the bracelet is very written Clearly, you can go back and watch it for yourself. Now I will talk about formal students."

The words fell, and it was raised hand again, a bracelet flew over, Qin Shuang stretched out the hand to grab a bracelet She wore it on her left wrist and didn't go to probe. She knew that this was not the time to read the bracelet. Now she needs to know for herself, Dean Hai will say.

Sure enough, Haikuotian opened the mouth and said: "Your task now is to walk into Tianziyuan. It’s not easy to walk into Tianziyuan. Maybe some of you will die. Disabled. So, you have to put out 12 points of energy. And it is very likely that your hard-earned points will be robbed of 90% by the old students. There is not much difference between you and the preparatory students. At least in the point of integration, it is almost the same as the preparatory students.

Are you willing?"

"No!" everyone shouted loudly.

"Then defeat the old student!"

"Beat the old student!" The crowd roared again.

Qin Shuang is also yelling, everyone is yelling, it's not easy to stand out too much. But there is a bitter smile in his heart. If the old student is easy to defeat, is he still called the old student?

This Master Hai can really fool you!

"I am waiting for you inside the gate of Tianziyuan!"

The figure of Haikuotian disappeared silently, and the gate was gradually silent, all eyes were Gathered on Qin Shuang, the Eldest Senior Sister.

"Let's go!"

Qin Shuang spoke lightly, neither too fast nor too slow, walking towards the gate, as if passing through a curtain of water, the scene in Qin Shuang's eyes Big change.

Kilometers away from him, is a vast forest, lush and green, I can't see through the scene inside. Soon, 10,000 cultivators entered Small World, standing quietly behind Qin Shuang, looking at the forest opposite.


At this time, on the gate of Tianziyuan, a huge light curtain that covered the sky rose up into the sky, Qin Shuang and the others clearly Appeared in the light curtain.

Outside the gate, 20,000 preparatory students are quickly reading the information in the bracelet at this time. Although there are many messages, with the spiritual consciousness of these cultivators, they will soon finish reading, and once again look at them. Towards a huge light curtain.


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