"Yes!" There was a smile on Zheng Lun's face, and Lai Wentao was patted on the shoulder and said: "Take a good assessment and strive to be within 30,000. When the time comes, I enter the Tianzi Academy and look for opportunities to make you a real student. "

Lai Wentao looked overjoyed: "many thanks Brother Zheng!"

Thirty-four cultivators such as Xu Luoxue did not get together this time to raise a glass of Gao Le, but were assessing After that, they scattered and went home.

Although Ren Pingsheng was revealed to be the four Grandmasters by his younger sister, the identity of Qin Shuang’s three Grandmasters is a huge impact on Heaven's Chosen in Zicheng these days, leaving them without Gao Le. idea. However, a piece of news quickly spread throughout Tianzicheng.

Ren Pingsheng was a four Grandmaster, Xu Luoxue was probably a five Grandmaster, or even a six Grandmaster.

The entire Tianzicheng was a sensation. Every cultivator of Tianzicheng walked on the street with a proud look on his face. Even if Qin Shuang is holding the three Grandmasters, he will be crushed by our Heaven's Chosen.

This is the pride of every cultivator in Zicheng!

Blu-ray Palace.

More than four hundred thousand cultivators stood in front of Shen Chongguang. Shen Chongguang swept his eyes across the numerous cultivators, and finally fell on Qin Shuang, without concealing his admiration on his face:

"Qin Shuang, you are good! Very good! Three Grandmasters! In front of this Monarch, you can sit on an equal footing."

Qin Shuang's offensive and defensive strength modestly said: "senior is too famous!"

"hahaha..." Shen Chongguang said with a big voice. smile: "It's not a reputation, it's not a reputation. Do you know?"

Shen Chongguang glanced across all the cultivators, and said in a deep voice: "Today I was named Fu Hong, the domain owner of the Purple Light Star Domain Guang forced a bet. The bet is whether someone in our Blu-ray Star Domain can make it into the top five thousand. If there is, this Monarch will win. All the rewards that belong to Fu Hongguang belong to me. If not, I will. If you lose, after you enter the Tianziyuan, all the rewards that belong to me have to be paid to Hongguang."


More than four hundred thousand cultivators are all. held breath cold air, this is so scary!

Even if the Blu-ray Star Domain only has 20 cultivators to enter the Tianziyuan, the resources belonging to Shen Chongguang in the reward are sky-high. After everyone was shocked, they couldn't help looking at Qin Shuang. In their hearts, they thought that Qin Shuang still had a chance.

"Don't let you work in vain!" Shen Chongguang said condensedly: "Who helped this Monarch win this bet, this Monarch ushered in the bet from Fu Hongguang, this Monarch took out half As a reward, give the person who helped this Monarch win the bet."


Everyone was in a tumult, and then they looked at Qin Shuang again with a All kinds of looks, envy, extreme, eagerness...

But Qin Shuang is very calm. She really doesn't have an image concept about the rewards, so there is no excitement in her heart. Her performance made Shen Chongguang feel sad.

Qin Shuang is not excited at all, it seems that he is not sure. Alas...

He couldn't help but look at his dísciple Zheng Lun. He still knows Zheng Lun very well. Originally, he speculated that Zheng Lun was around 6,000. This is what he taught. The best dísciple that came out. I believe I can achieve good results in the assessment of Tianzi Academy.

However, he didn't expect Zheng Lun to be lucky enough to refine the Grandmaster Level Immortal Pill, and his grades suddenly improved, so he had a score of about 5,000. In other words, if Zheng Lun was lucky enough, he might actually be in the 5,000th place.

"Zheng Lun!"


Shen Chongguang stared at Zheng Lun seriously: "Do you have confidence?"

"Yes!" Zheng Lun roared loudly.

"Okay!" Shen Chongguang gratified nodded and said: "I am waiting for you to enter the top five thousand as a teacher!"

"Qin Shuang!" Tang standing behind Shen Chongguang Qianshou came out and said: "If you can break into the top five thousand, although I did not gamble with Fu Hongguang, but I have discussed with Yuxiao, we will give out 10% of the reward we get and give it to Righteous Qi. Sect."

"Okay!" Qin Shuang calmly and nodded.

She has no idea about Yicheng's reward, so she looks very calm. After Shen Chongguang announced his dissolution, Qin Shuang, Yuguanting, An Shicong and Wei Qingjue returned to Qin Shuang with Qin Shuang. These days, An Shicong and Wei Qingjue also live in Qin Mansion.

"Qing Jue, we passed the assessment and entered the Tianzi Academy. Why does Tianzi Academy give us Star Domain and stars rewards, why not give us?"

"Hey! "Wei Qingjue said.

Qin Shuang could not help being surprised: "Why haven't I heard of it?"

Wei Qingjue explained to Qin Shuang: "The reward is divided into two parts, one part is to thank each star Domain and stars are rewards for cultivating talents. 10% of this part of the reward will be drawn by the domain owner, and the remaining 90% will go to their respective stars. The other part is for those who pass the assessment cultivator. Every cultivator that enters the Tianziyuan has it. Points reward."

"Points reward?"

"Yes! Tianziyuan has a variety of cultivation resources, only you can't think of it, you can't find it without it. But these All resources need points to purchase."

"How many points do you give us?"

"The ten thousandth place is given ten points, and then one point is added for each advancement. . If you get the first place, it’s one hundred thousand points."

"This...the difference in points is huge!"

"Nonsense, so every cultivator is in the assessment , And strive for a good ranking, even if it is one ranking ahead. If I, Brother An and Guan Ting can get a relatively good ranking this time, I definitely want to thank you. This time I only refine a dagger. In terms of time, we can definitely improve Many places."

"hehehe......" Yu Guanting and An Shicong beside them couldn't help but laughed happily.

"My realm is still Master Rank!" Wei Qingjue looked at Qin Shuang proudly, An Shicong and Yu Guanting said: "What realm do you have? Will it suck?"

An Shicong barked his teeth and said with joy: "I'm from Grandmaster Level."

"Really?" Wei Qingjue bluffed. Qin Shuang's eyes narrowed slightly, and spiritual consciousness communicated with Wei Young: "Wei Young senior, how about the realm of the prison?"

"Very strong, Great Grandmaster! Even the kid An Shicong! Not the Formation Dao Grandmaster, the jailer can also temporarily control his body, and the jailer will lead the breaking the formation. As long as the jailer is willing, he can pass the assessment as the Great Grandmaster."

Qin Shuang thought for a while and shook his head slightly: "It is estimated that it is impossible. Once An Shicong shows the Great Grandmaster realm, it will be too eye-catching. The jailer will not ask for trouble."

"en!" Wei Young agreed: "That's why he himself said that he was in the realm of Grandmaster."

"Ah..." Yu Guanting sighed, "My realm is still terrible, barely Let’s be a fairy Array Master."

"Tsk!" Wei Qingjue rubbed his teeth and said: "Then you may fly out of five thousand after the next round."



Thank you very much for the rainy night looking forward to falling snow (500), book friends 140927163654360 (500), Zhao Yilin Ziyan (500), Yunwu Feiyangsisi (200), SULING (100) , Bai Zibing (100)'s reward!



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