"hmph!" Fu Hongguang was only coldly snorted, but did not speak any more.

It wasn't until sunset that people began to be sent out one after another. After Qin Shuang, the first one to be sent out was Lang Yupiao, and he successfully refined a Grandmaster Level fairy sword. After he landed, he immediately looked to the ranking list. A look of astonishment appeared on his face.

First place: Qin Shuang, Inner Star Domain, Mo Xing.

Second place: Lang Yupiao, in the Star Domain, Tian Zixing.

"How is it? How is it possible?" Lang Yupiao looked at the ranking list incredulously: "I am a double Grandmaster! Oh..."

He suddenly remembered, Qin Shuang It was also a double Grandmaster before. In this case, the Qin Shuang mixer should be in the realm of the Immortal Artifact Master, which squeezed himself into the second place with a slight advantage.

"en?" Lang Yupiao retracted his gaze, looked around, and saw Qin Shuang standing in front: "You came out?"

Stride I went to Qin Shuang and asked: "Why did you come out so soon? Did you fail early? No, if you fail early, how could you still be the first?"

"Lang Yupiao, don't be ashamed." Lang Yumeng's face flushed and said: "Qin Shuang is Immortal Artifact Grandmaster!"

"Immortal Artifact Grandmaster?" Lang Yupiao looked at him for a moment, and then categorically rejected it. Said: "Impossible! I entered the Artifact Tower a lot earlier than her. If she is the Immortal Artifact Grandmaster, she should still refine the Artifact in the Artifact. It is absolutely impossible to refine the Grandmaster Level Immortal Artifact in front of me."

Lang Yupiao looked at Qin Shuang with confidence and determination, and said, "Qin Shuang, don't you think?"

"That... Brother Lang..." Qin Shuang said with some shame: "I refining is a dagger, and each layer is all, so... only a piece of Hundred Refinements is needed!" Lang Yupiao covered his heart, his Adam's apple wriggling. He looked like he was spraying blood, but in the end he didn't spray it out. He turned around silently and left step by step. There was a voice in his heart yelling: "Cunning country bumpkin, cunning Country bumpkin......"

The assessment of the tower lasted for four days and four nights. When the assessment of the last cultivator was over, everyone's eyes gathered on the ranking list.

First place: Qin Shuang, Middle Star Domain, Mo Xing.

Second place: Lang Yupiao, Inner Star Domain, Tian Zixing.

Third place: Wen Yu, Inner Star Domain, Tian Zixing.

Fourth place: Wan Jing, Inner Star Domain, Tian Lan Xing.


No. 2816: Zheng Lun, Middle Star Domain, Mo Xing.

No. 2817: Wei Qingjue, middle Star Domain, Qingxu star.


The two thousand nine hundred and sixty-seventh place: Xue Weiyang, inner Star Domain, Bingxuexing.

Qin Shuang eyebrow raised, could not help but secretly said in one's heart: "Xue Weiyang has all appeared, Han Qing and Yun Cangqiong should be here too!" looked towards below.

No. 29,077: Han Qing, Inner Star Domain, Big Bear Star.


No. 2989: Cloud Cangqi, Inner Star Domain, Tissot.

The third thousandth place: An Shicong, Zhong Star Domain, Tianping Star.

The third thousand and second place: Yuguanting, Star Domain, Mo Xing.

Everyone walked towards the Blu-ray Palace, Wei Qingjue looked at An Shicong and Yu Guanting with a smile:

"How bad is your refining level? You two fell directly to three. I have surpassed thousands of people away. I don’t have a Grandmaster realm, but my levels are balanced, hahaha......"

Yu Guanting and An Shicong have their faces black, ignore him, But he laughed very hilariously by himself, which was eye-catching. Yuguanting sighed:

"In the third round, in the past, several of our Blu-ray stars were in the top ten. Now, in addition to Qin Shuang, who ranks first with the glory of three Grandmasters, The rest are all 2,000 people away."

Many cultivators of the Blu-ray Star Domain all around looked at Qin Shuang, with eager worship in their eyes. They all knew very well in their hearts that as long as Qin Shuang was in the next few rounds of assessments, as long as he didn't want the level of Yuguanting and An Shicong's refining tools to be so bad, entering the top 10,000, passing the assessment, entering the Tianzi Academy is a certainty.

"Qin Fellow Daoist, in Xia Luodexing, Jing Wencai."

"Qin Fellow Daoist, under Si Wenxing, li."

"Qin Fellow Daoist......"

One by one cultivator points forward and introduces themselves to Qin Shuang. Soon Qin Shuang is surrounded by a group of people, and more and more people surround Qin Shuang towards the Blu-ray Palace. Go.

In this brief moment, Qin Shuang has undoubtedly become the core of Blu-ray Star Domain.

After the crowd, Zheng Lun faces sank like water.

Before the assessment, even if Qin Shuang went through a long street fight, Zheng Lun was also the core of the Blu-ray Star Domain assessing disciples. Almost all cultivators wanted to surround him in order to be in front of Zheng Lun. Be familiar with each other and use all kinds of methods.

However, now there are only a few people around him.

Bian Xingtian, Gypsophila, Ouyang Xun, Lai Wentao...

Looking at the scattered people around, Zheng Lun took a deep breath, his hands in his sleeves clenched tightly fist. A voice in my heart yelled:

"The next round, the next round is the tower. I am a master peak of the fairy formation. The realm is higher than the refiner. I will definitely be able to improve my ranking. I don’t believe in Qin. Shuang is still the Grandmaster, and the next round will definitely close the gap.

The core of the Blu-ray Star Domain is mine, and the core of the Tianziyuan in the future is also mine!

My future It must be brilliant!"

"Brother Zheng, I have asked Qin Shuang, Qin Shuang is from the ink star Righteous Qi Sect. It is the sect master of Righteous Qi Sect. Righteous Qi Sect was once destroyed by Monster Race, yes Qin Shuang appeared to save dozens of Righteous Qi Sect dísciples, and those dísciples supported Qin Shuang as the Righteous Qi Sect sect master."

Zheng Lun is slightly frowned, I don’t like Lai Wentao’s long-windedness, don’t you look at me? Isn't it annoying enough? Tell me about Qin Shuang's great achievements here?

Lai Wentao also saw the slight displeasure on Zheng Lun’s face, and said quickly:

"After Qin Shuang became the Master of Righteous Qi Sect sect, the first thing was to re-install Sect. Protection Great Array. But the entire Sect Protection Great Array was set up by Elder in the door. Qin Shuang did not participate in the slightest, but provided the array material."

Zheng Lun looked happy, and then he condensed again. Said: "Then how to explain Qin Shuang's current formation outside Tianzicheng residence? It is said that that formation can kill even Immortal Monarch!" Lai Wentao confidently said with a smile: " I have inquired about Qin Shuang and Xu Family dísciple. Xu Kaiyun, Xu Kaitian, Xu Kaishan, and Xu Azure Lotus were friends when they were in the mortal world. Later in Spirit World, Qin Shuang helped Xu Kaiyun to travel. So Qin Shuang came to heaven. After Zicheng, he immediately met with Xu Family patriarch under the recommendation of Xu Kaiyun. Now the Cave Mansion of Qin Shuang turned out to belong to Xu Family. So I concluded that her formation was set by Xu Family. Xu Family can deploy it. An array that kills Immortal Monarch is not surprising! If Qin Shuang understands the array and serves as her own sect array, how could she not set it up by herself?"


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