"Yes! I didn't think about entering the top 10,000. I only hope to be able to enter less than 30,000 and become a preliminary student of Tianzi Academy."

Everyone talked about it. I returned to Qin Mansion and found that the four Xu Kaiyun siblings had arrived in Qin Mansion long ago, and Hou Disha and the others had prepared food and drinks, and everyone ate and drank. Then they began to gather together to exchange the Array Dao. For three days, everyone felt that their Array Dao had improved. But it has reached the fifth round of the assessment of the formation tower.

Qin Shuang stood outside the formation tower, looking up at the huge light curtain in the sky.

In the light curtain is one after another staircase, each layer is one staircase, and you can walk up to the top floor of the tower by stepping on the staircase. It's just that there are arrays on each Level 1 step of each layer. If you want to go up, you must break the array on the steps. And there is a time limit, only two hours are given for each Level 1 step. Each layer has Level 9 steps, and the ninth layer tower has 9 by 9, 81 steps.

Each cultivator in the light curtain starts very quickly. It is simply breaking the formation at will. Before Qin Shuang enters the tower, many cultivators have entered the Sixth Layer.

Qin Shuang enters the tower and is alone again. She has become accustomed to the space inside the tower. A Level 9 step appeared in front of her.

At this time, in the sky above the tower, Qin Shuang’s light curtain was quickly found, and then one after another spiritual consciousness intensively approached the light curtain where Qin Shuang was located. The light curtain was fast. The ground expanded and soon surpassed all the light curtains, becoming the largest piece.

Too many people pay attention to Qin Shuang. The identity of a three-grandmaster made Qin Shuang famous. Even Hai Kuotian, the dean of Tianzi Academy, made Qin Shuang a key observation object.

In the light curtain.

Qin Shuang stepped up to Level 1, and a path appeared in front of Qin Shuang. A Snow Mountain was vaguely visible in the distance. The stairs had disappeared in front of him. Qin Shuang stepped out and stepped on The node of the formation method.


The trail trembled and then shattered. In front of Qin Shuang, the stairs appeared again. Qin Shuang was already standing on the Level 2 step. In just a moment, the stairs disappeared again, and the trail and Snow Mountain appeared in front of Qin Shuang again, only this time Qin Shuang was a little closer to Snow Mountain.

Qin Shuang took a step, the scene in front of her disappeared again, she appeared on the Level 3 step.

"really strong!"

Thirty-four dísciples have their eyes condensed. Although other cultivators can break the First Layer formation very easily, they will all produce formation marks with their hands. Breaking the formation, not like Qin Shuang at all, hands behind back, every time you take a step, it breaks for a while.

lifting the heavy as if it were light!

On the PTZ.

Fu Hongguang's face turned dark, and a deep anxiety arose in his heart. With Qin Shuang's breaking the formation method of lifting the heavy as if it were light, I am afraid that the worst is also the master of the fairy formation. It may even be the Grandmaster of the fairy formation. Even the Xianzhen Master, even the next few rounds of assessments are terrible and unbearable to look at. Only the realm of First Layer is enough to make Qin Shuang into the top ten thousand. If Qin Shuang is not so thorough, it will be enough to enter the top five thousand.

Will Qin Shuang suck so thoroughly?

Fu Hongguang doesn't even believe it!

Immortal Monarch such as Shen Chongguang, Ling Tianhua, Tang Qianshou and Yu Xiao did not have a trace of excitement on their faces at this time, but rather a look of tension. The more I get to this time, the more nervous I get. Seeing Qin Shuang's performance, they had great expectations in their hearts, but the expectations were great and the tension was deep. A crowd of Blu-ray Star Domain’s Immortal Monarch stared at Qin Shuang’s light curtain.

At this time, Qin Shuang has already taken nine steps, stepped onto the last Level 1 step of First Layer, disappeared from First Layer and entered Second Layer.

Second Layer is still Level 9 and Qin Shuang has stepped onto Level 1. This layer is the assessment of Array Master. A small lake appeared in front of Qin Shuang, and there was a pavilion in the center of the lake. Qin Shuang's destination was to walk into that pavilion.

The light blue lake reflected the long white clouds. Qin Shuang stood by the lake with his hands in his hands, and stepped on the water. The lake under his feet was rippling with a circle of ripples. With the ripples, the whole front The scenery shattered silently, and the stairs appeared in front of Qin Shuang again, and Qin Shuang stepped onto the Level 2 step.

Qin Shuang step by step walking on the lake, each step gave rise to a circle of ripples under the feet, with the ripples, the world of the formation was shattered, and after nine steps, Qin Shuang stood in the pavilion within.


Qin Shuang's silhouette faded from the light curtain, and then appeared again, already standing in the Third Layer of the tower.

Xu Kaitian, Xu Kaishan, Xu Kaiyun, and Xu Azure Lotus stood side by side, looking up at the light curtain in the sky. A bright smile appeared on Xu Kaiyun's face.

"It's so easy! Big brother, my boss is great, isn't it?"

Xu Kaitian was nodded, with a complicated expression in his eyes: "She has grown too fast!"

"Yes!" Xu Azure Lotus whispered: "When I first saw her, she was so weak and narrow. I remember that time..."

Xu Azure Lotus turned his head and said with a smile to Xu Kaiyun: "Little brother, he has been fighting with Qin Shuang and despise Qin Shuang."

"Ha!" Xu Kaiyun smiled awkwardly.

Xu Kaishan looked at Xu Azure Lotus and said: "The next round will be the piano tower. Azure Lotus, your Zither Dao is in the realm of Grandmaster, and I will ask you to explain it to us in the next round."

"Little elder sister should have been able to enter Tianziyuan, right?" Chu Dali asked Tie Rourou in a low, muffled voice.

"Of course!" Tie Rourou said proudly: "Don't forget the tens of thousands of miles of ice-bound formation set up by the boss. The boss's formation is already in the realm of Grandmaster. After this round, even the next few rounds The boss doesn’t participate, he’s within ten thousand names."

Xu Kai Heavenly God moved slightly, although he had already thought of the Qin Mansion that could kill the Immortal Monarch that was set up by Qin Shuang, but Now that it was confirmed, my heart began to be shocked.

"Four Grandmasters!"

"Fourth Layer!" Hou Disha exclaimed excitedly.

In the light curtain.

Qin Shuang is already standing on the Fourth Layer, walking towards the stairs, and stepping onto the Level 1 step.

Qin Shuang stood on a piece of grass, and the grass on the ground rose from the ground, like dense jade green swords, like a long river, rolling towards Qin Shuang, the sharp cracking sound, Make Qin Shuang's teeth sour.

Qin Shuang stood quietly on the grass, his eyes shrouded in the densely flowing green grass, and he lifted his foot and stepped forward.


A crisp sword cry, a meal of flowing grass, and then disappeared silently, Qin Shuang's figure appeared on the Level 2 step.


A voice rushed into the Tianziyuan, and then galloped towards the central square. Surrounded by the breath of Immortal Monarch Peak. He has big ears and a purple robe.

In a few steps, the figure was intermittent in the air, and he had already reached the central square, his expression instantly showing excitement. He saw the image of Qin Shuang at a glance. The light curtain of Qin Shuang is really too big, so that anyone who has just arrived will involuntarily set his eyes there first.


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