When Qin Shuang's last hammer was over, all the cultivators woke up from the intoxication, and their faces couldn't help showing regret.

It would be great if I could watch it for a while!

However, they were refreshed afterwards. Qin Shuang has passed the Sixth Layer and will enter the Seventh Layer. Seventh Layer is to refine a Master Rank Immortal Artifact, and they will listen to it longer.

"dang dang dang..."

Qin Shuang started to refine in Seventh Layer, and saw that Qin Shuang was just a piece of Hundred Refinements, and these cultivators felt a little regretful.

This Qin Shuang is good at everything, it is sloppy-work, only one dagger is refined each time, so the time is too little. If she refines a fairy sword...


It would be great if she made a sledgehammer!


Yu Xiao clenched his fist fiercely, and there was a loud bang in his hand. As long as you see Qin Shuang's bearing on this level of refining, you will know An Immortal Artifact Master did not run away.

Shen Chongguang relaxed completely, and his memory of Qin Shuang became clear at this time. As an Immortal Monarch, there are many things every day, unimportant things, that they can forget for a long time, and save yourself energy. He didn't have any expectations for Qin Shuang before. A cultivator from Mo Xing, has the expected value?

But now it’s different. Those memories of Qin Shuang quickly became clear in his memory. He remembered that Qin Shuang once played the piano when he passed through the moat. Zither Dao's level is absolutely Reached the realm of Grandmaster. In this way, even if Qin Shuang Mixer is only a Master, but Zither Dao is a Grandmaster, it has been confirmed that he can enter the top five thousand.

no no no!

If Qin Shuang is really Zither Dao Grandmaster, he will definitely be in the top 1,000.

"Won! Hehe..." Shen Chongguang, a Great Immortal gentleman, couldn't help laughing when sitting there. With every laugh, Fu Hongguang's face went dark.

After one hour, Qin Shuang really succeeded in refining a dagger like Yu Xiao and the others analyzed, and entered the Eighth Layer.

At this time, almost all the domain masters on the PTZ sit upright. On the one hand, this is related to a shocking bet. On the other hand, there is a cultivator of three Grandmasters, which is also worthy of their attention. .

Not to mention Fu Hongguang, if Qin Shuang could refine a Grandmaster Level Immortal Artifact, he would have lost 80%. Those rewards are also a big sum for him, and he can die of heartache.

"dang dang dang..."

With the hammering of Qin Shuang's refining device, everyone is involuntarily more and more nervous. A cultivator of three Grandmasters is likely to be Born under their witness.

Above the cloud platform, Hai Kuotian, the director of the Tianzi Academy, stared at Qin Shuang in the light curtain, with affection in his eyes.

"Good seedling!"

After Qin Shuang successfully refined a dagger.


This central square uttered cheers, and a three Grandmaster cultivator was born under their witness. It is proud and proud of it for a thousand years. .

Xu Kaiyun looked at the thirty-four Young Clan Heads of Xu Luoxue slantingly, and said lightly:

"You gods, do you have three Grandmasters?"

Thirty-four Young Clan Heads blushed instantly, especially Xu Kaiyun, a wicked fellow, who added the word ah in the middle of Heaven's Chosen, which was a humiliation to them.

Qin Shuang has achieved the honor of three Grandmasters in front of them, but there is no three Grandmaster among them. Even the two strongest, Xu Luoxue and Ren Pingsheng are only double Grandmasters, Xu Luoxue He and Ren Ping were both pill concocting and Zither Dao Grandmaster.

These Young Clan Heads only felt suffocated in their hearts. Their family is the splendid family of the entire Spirit World, and they are the true Heaven's Chosen of the entire Spirit World. They mock the country bumpkins. When is the country bumpkin's turn to laugh at yourself?


Then Qin Shuang is not a country bumpkin, people who can take out the corn, sweet beast, big mouth fish and Monkey Wine, they can take a high look, but they are also a thousand miles away from themselves. ?

However, today it has been compared for life!

"My brother is not a double Grandmaster!" At this time, a woman behind Ren Pingsheng said angrily, and stared at Xu Kaiyun fiercely.

"shua..." Everyone's eyes focused on the girl, Ren Pingsheng's face showed a trace of helplessness, and he turned around and rubbed the girl's hair fondly, the girl shook the head, expressed his dissatisfaction, and then waited fiercely for Xu Kaiyun to say:

"My big brother is the four Grandmaster, pill concocting, talisman, Zither Dao and Chess are both Grandmaster."


"Brother Ren is amazing!"

"Brother Ren is not authentic, so hidden so deeply and unmeasurable!"

"Brother Ren is the first of Heaven's Chosen Ah!" Someone spoke at this time, and smiled and glanced at Xu Luoxue.

The head of Heaven's Chosen has been competing between Xu Luoxue and Ren Pingsheng. Now that Ren Pingsheng wins, it naturally excites the cultivator in the Ren Pingsheng camp.

"hehe..." Xu Luoxue just hehe twice, her expression was neither sarcasm nor excitement, she was as calm as an ancient well. But those two hehe sounds made people feel confident.

The smile on Ren Pingsheng’s face is slightly stagnant, and he will return to his warmth and jade. He knows in his heart that since Xu Luoxue can show such confidence, it means that Xu Luoxue is definitely not a double Grandmaster. The difference is also a four Grandmaster like himself, maybe a five Grandmaster, but everyone is hiding it deeply.

But Xu Luoxue did not say, nor could he ask. Suddenly, the atmosphere became depressed.

"dang dang dang......"

Everyone once again looked up at Qin Shuang in the light curtain, but everyone’s emotions at this time became complicated, one by one secretly said in one's heart:

"It turns out that Xu Luoxue and Ren Pingsheng have gone so far, and this Qin Shuang......"


Qin Shuang finished the last hammer and successfully refined a dagger. At this time, the other assessment cultivator, the fastest Lang Yupiao is still in the Sixth Layer.

Qin Shuang entered the Ninth Layer, and her refining realm barely reached half a step of the Great Grandmaster, but she did not refining it, instead she actively sent it out.

Just after the transmission, Tang Qianshou came over with a secret voice transmission: "Qin Shuang, after the assessment is over, I will go to the palace, and I have something to say."

Qin Shuang looks over the cloud platform , I saw Shen Chongguang and many other Immortal Monarchs looking towards me, especially one Immortal Monarch, with a livid face, and even staring at herself with a trace of killing intent in her eyes. She didn't understand when she had offended that Immortal Monarch. Seeing where he sits should also be a domain master.

However, being hostile by a domain owner made Qin Shuang a little unhappy, but turned towards Tang Qianshou nodded, and then turned to look at the light curtain on the tower.

On the cloud platform, Shen Chongguang stared at Fu Hongguang, and said coldly:

"My name is Fu, don't think I didn't feel your killing intent just now. If Qin Shuang has any accident in Sky Purple City, Blu-ray Star Domain will go to war with your purple light Star Domain."


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