"Little clever!" Fu Hongguang said lightly.

"Little clever is also clever!" Shen Chongguang also said lightly.

"hmph! What's the use of saving time and effort?" Fu Hongguang twitched his lips: "The final comparison is grade, not time!"

"Can't say that. !" Shen Chongguang shook his head and said: "If the Immortal Artifacts refined by two cultivators are of the same grade, it still depends on the time."

Fu Hongguang was taken aback, Shen Chongguang was right, if everyone The refined Immortal Artifacts are of the same grade and quality, and it depends on the time of completion. Qin Shuang will be able to get rid of a cultivator of the same quality as hers with time.

This is definitely the best way to achieve relatively good results when the refiner level is limited.


"Look, Guan Ting, Wei Qingjue and An Shicong are also refining daggers!" Yu Xiao eyes shined.

"hehe..." Tang Qianshou couldn't help laughing: "These four little fellows have a good relationship and seem to have unified thoughts. If Qin Shuang can refine the Immortal Artifact of the Immortal Artifact division ...No!"

Tang Qianshou's face suddenly showed ecstasy and said: "I remember Qin Shuang once took out a lot of immortal swords when she passed through the moat. She would not be proficient in training. Hearing what Tang Qianshou said, Shen Chongguang couldn't help turning his head suddenly, looking at Tang Qianshou with scorching eyes, expecting overbearing in his eyes. Yu Xiao said uncertainly:

"I don’t know, we haven’t asked her, I don’t know if she bought it by herself in order to get through the moat."

Tang Qianshou’s But the eyes are getting brighter and brighter and said: "I think she is likely to be proficient in refining."


Everyone's eyes instantly looked at Qin Shuang's The light curtain, eyes full of expectation.

“dang dang dang ……”

Qin Shuang hits with one hammer and one hammer, and each hammer drop changes the lines in the dagger. Gradually shows one on the dagger. after another Vein pattern.


After one hour, the dagger released a brilliant light.

Qin Shuang’s silhouette disappears in the Second Layer and enters the Third Layer. At this time, Lang Yupiao of Ranked 1st is still in the Third Layer, but the Hundred Refinements have been completed, and more than half of the formation mark has been beaten. .

"dang dang dang..."

In less than a quarter of an hour, Qin Shuang finished a piece of ore and began to refine a dagger.

When Lang Yupiao entered the Fourth Layer and only finished the three ore blocks of Hundred Refinements, Qin Shuang also entered the Third Layer. When Lang Yupiao started the fifth ore of Hundred Refinements, Qin Shuang had already begun to beat the formation mark.

"Lang Yupiao, this fool!" Lang Yumeng couldn't help cursing angrily.

No one responded to Lang Yupiao, but Xu Luoxue and the others looked at Qin Shuang in the light curtain with a strange expression.

Fifth Layer.

Sixth Layer.

At this time, Qin Shuang is already far ahead. Shen Chongguang and other Blu-ray Star Domain’s Immortal Monarch are all nervous. If Qin Shuang is just a refiner Great Grandmaster, after this round, Qin Shuang will definitely drop Out of five thousand people. But if Qin Shuang can refine an Immortal Artifact, at least it can be guaranteed to stay within a thousand.

"dang dang dang..."

As for Qin Shuang's continued Hundred Refinements piece of ore, no one was surprised. At this time, everyone already knew that Qin Shuang wanted to dagger. It's done to the end.


When Qin Shuang started to hit the formation mark, all cultivators who followed Qin Shuang couldn't help but Zhangmu.

At this time, Qin Shuang’s temperament has changed again. It is no longer a trace of Grandmaster tolerance, but full of Grandmaster tolerance, and the hammer method in his hand has also changed, and the sound of beating is no longer pleasing to the ear , But it is intoxicating.

Qin Shuang finally used the nine forms of the sky hammer!


Shen Chongguang suddenly clenched his fist and burst the air in his hand. Suddenly turned his head to look at Fu Hongguang who was aside, and laughed loudly:



Fu Hongguang complexion ashen, she also saw the performance of Qin Shuang in the light curtain. With this kind of tolerance, even if it is not Item Refining Grandmaster, it is also a Artifact Refining Master. Of course, he doesn't believe that Qin Shuang is the Item Refining Grandmaster. There are three Grandmasters in a row. Let me tell you, do you believe it?

But even if it’s just an Immortal Artifact Master, Qin Shuang’s previous double Grandmaster grabbed the spot. After this round of integration, the worst is within the 100th place. If Qin Shuang’s Immortal Artifact Master Realm is better , It is not impossible to stay in the top ten. In this way, it is not impossible for the final assessment results to fall out of the top 5,000, but it is half and half, and Qin Shuang has a half chance of entering the top 5,000.

I originally thought that Qin Shuang might not be even at all, but now it is half-to-half possibility. This has to make Fu Hongguang nervous.

"Qin Shuang must be the Grandmaster!" Tang Qian said excitedly, slapped his thigh with his hand.

"Are you sure?"

Shen Chongguang suddenly turned his head, staring at Tang Qian's hand scorchingly.

This is so important!

If Qin Shuang is the Immortal Artifact Grandmaster, then it is not half-and-half that it may enter the top five thousand, it is 80% likely to enter the top five thousand, so Shen Chongguang looks to Tang Qianshou His eyes are full of expectation and tension.

Tang Qianshou vigorously nodded and said: "I'm sure! Didn't you also see the domain owner when you passed through the moat? Qin Shuang continuously released the fairy sword and built a small circulation sword array. The fairy sword that was released at the beginning was ugly, it was just a low grade fairy sword..."

Shen Chongguang recalled that the fairy sword released by Qin Shuang at the time was indeed ugly. Shen Chongguang in the heart laughed at it, but it was released later. The quality of the fairy sword is getting higher and higher, and later there are already high grade fairy swords of very high quality.

What does this mean?

This shows that the fairy swords are all refined by Qin Shuang, and only those refined by Qin Shuang himself will have such a clear sense of level improvement.

"very good! hahaha..."

Shen Chongguang couldn't help but laughed loudly again, and Tang Qianshou and Yu Xiao couldn't help laughing. The two of them are really excited, what does Mo Xing lack most now?

The most lacking is the resources. A great battle will consume the resources accumulated by Moxing into bits and pieces. If Qin Shuang can break into the top five thousand, Moxing will get massive and high quality. The resources of Mo Xing will not only not stagnate because of resources, but will take off instead.

The patterns of Immortal Artifact are much more complicated and mysterious, and Qin Shuang also took a lot more time. However, none of the cultivators who watched the Qin Shuang refining device were impatient. Not to mention the Immortal Monarchs on the gimbal, but the ordinary cultivators around them, and they all looked intoxicated at this time. In their vision, watching the refining device is no longer a rude and boring scene, but a kind of enjoyment. That Qin Shuang's every move is full of rhythm, a rhythm that coincides with the avenue, it is this rhythm that makes them intoxicated, and even has a hint of inspiration for their Insights Heaven and Earth.

The noise in the square is gone, gradually it becomes silent, even the sound of breathing becomes extremely soft.



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