"dang dang dang..."

Any cultivator that penetrates spiritual consciousness into the Qin Shuang light curtain can hear the intensive knocking sound. However, the intensive knocking sound did not feel harsh, on the contrary, it felt like a rhythm. Although it was not good to hear, it was not so bad and harsh. Seeing the silhouette of Qin Shuang swinging the forging hammer, like clouds and flowing water, it turned out to be a kind of beauty.

Qin Shuang is using the Nine Hammer, forging a famous sword, the Nine Hammer is enough!


The ore under the forging hammer flew up, rolled through an arc in the air, and fell to the right side of the forging platform. At the same time, Qin Shuang's left hand had already volleyed, and put the second piece of ore on the left into the center of the forging table. The forging hammer in Qin Shuang's hand fell on the second piece of ore without a pause.

“dang dang dang ……”

Qin Shuang spent one hour to forge five ore into Hundred Refinements iron, and then forged five ore into a handle Famous sword.

Qin Shuang’s Nine Hammers are the top inheritance in the forging inheritance, but they are the lowest among the Heaven, Earth and Human Hammers. In Spirit World, they can be hammered with the Nine Human Hammers. Comparisons abound, and there are even a lot of them that are higher than the Nine Hammer, so in the eyes of everyone, Qin Shuang's performance is quite satisfactory. There is nothing outstanding.

However, even so, it gave Shen Chongguang and Tang Qianshou and other Blu-ray Star Domain Immortal Monarchs a glimmer of hope. We must know that Qin Shuang is now the first in the ranking list. It does not require how high Qin Shuang's realm is. As long as it can pass, Qin Shuang's ranking will not drop too much, and there is a glimmer of hope of keeping the top five thousand.


With a word cry, Qin Shuang in the light curtain raised the forged sword in his hand, like a limpid autumn water.

"It's done!" Tang Qianshou and Yu Xiao couldn't help clenching their fists and whispered.

Fu Hongguang glanced at Tang Qianshou and Yuxiao with a look like a fool. The meaning is clear: Does it take that much excitement to refine a famous sword? In Spirit World, anyone can refine a famous sword, right?

Tang Qianshou and Yu Xiao couldn't help but flushed, and Shen Chongguang also glared at them both with hatred. The two people looked at the light curtain in disbelief. At this look, Yu Xiao was excited again, because Yuguan Court had also entered the Second Layer, but he still held back this time.

Qin Shuang enters the Second Layer, which is another refining room, with a refining table in the middle, a row of forging hammers on the right, and a row of boxes on the left this time, inside the boxes For various attribute ores, Qin Shuang glanced over those ores, and finally chose a fire attribute ore.

Not bad!

She only chose a piece of ore this time, and this time she was going to refine a dagger, so that the time can be shortened a lot, saving time and effort.

I grabbed a 30,000-jin forging hammer and started to forge it, using the 9-type human hammer. First, the ore Hundred Refinements.

It's just a piece of ore. It took less than a quarter of an hour before Qin Shuang completed the Hundred Refinements.

Qin Shuang threw the piece of Hundred Refinements fire attribute metal into the furnace, and the viewers were taken aback. With so many assessment cultivators, there was only one ore of Hundred Refinements before seeing a person.

Some people make a sword, some make a blade, some make long spear, some make long halberd, and some even make a sledgehammer. The ore is gone.

At this time, in a light curtain, there is a strong cultivator. At this time, even his clothes are taken off, shirtless, and he is in the Hundred Refinements ore. On his side, the Hundred Refinements ore is piled up. It became a hill, there were dozens, but he was still there Hundred Refinements ore.

The worst cultivator also refines five ore. How could anyone like Qin Shuang who started refining only one ore for Hundred Refinements?

"Hey..." Tang Qianshou on the gimbal sighed, and said in frustration: "Qin Shuang really doesn't move the refining device!"

"hehe..." Fu Hongguang's laughter came not far away.

Shen Chongguang's expression remained unchanged, only a trace of disappointment passed in his heart, he moved his gaze away from Qin Shuang's light curtain, and looked at his dísciple Zheng Lun's light curtain. But there was no hope in his heart. In his own dísciple, he knew that Zheng Lun was best at pill concocting, but he was able to refine the Grandmaster Level Immortal Pill occasionally. This time he was so lucky in the assessment that he was able to refine a Grandmaster Level Immortal Pill. In other respects, there is no level of Grandmaster's realm.

Especially the mixer!

Zheng Lun was born suave, and he is also the domain master's dísciple, always pursuing elegance. So what he hates most is refining tools. In his opinion, refining tools are the most rude among the eight art of pill talisman, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. So he has been lacking in interest, so he is barely the realm of an Immortal Artifact division.

"Oh...it seems that after this round of assessment, the Blu-ray Star Domain's top ten cultivators will fall out of 100, maybe even a thousand."

Inside the light curtain.

After the metal became red, Qin Shuang grabbed the Hundred Refinements metal onto the mixing table. The imposing manner on his body changed, and the forged hammer wheel in his hand rose.

"dang dang dang..."

Watching the cultivator of Qin Shuang's forging device, I was taken aback. The sound this time was much more pleasant than before.

Not bad!

It is pleasant to the ear, just like beautiful music.

Previously, when Qin Shuang used the Nine Hammer, the sound was just not unpleasant and could be heard. But this time when Qin Shuang started to use the nine-style ground hammer, not only did he show a trace of Grandmaster demeanor on his body, but also the falling knocking sound gave people a pleasant feeling.


The face of the people watching changed. The cultivator who can come here, even if they don’t know how to refining, they have some understanding of refining. They absolutely don’t I would think that Qin Shuang was playing there. This is entirely because he has a certain level of knowledge in refining tools to achieve this realm.

Lang Yupiao has entered the Third Layer at this time and became the number one in the tower. In fact, he was the first one to enter the instrument tower, and he always maintained the number one position. With a grasp of the void, he grabbed a 30,000-jin forging hammer, his eyes full of confidence.

"This time I will definitely regain the number one position on the ranking list. I will enter the Sky Purple Star as the number one. In three years, I will defeat the Heaven's who believe oneself infallible one after another. Chosen, won the first place in the grand competition of Tianzicheng, let them know that the so-called direct line, the so-called Heaven's Chosen, is a pile of shit in front of me."

"When..." Lang Yupiao carried Infinite confidence began to refine.

"dang dang dang..."

Soon, a dagger appeared on Qin Shuang's mixing table. The viewers couldn't help but stunned, and then reacted. Qin Shuang did this to save time and effort.

Even if it takes five ore to refine a sword, Qin Shuang has completed the entire refinement at the time of Hundred Refinements.

"pu..." Tang Qianshou couldn't help laughing: "This Qin Shuang...smart enough!"


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