Immediately laughed and said: "I am also thinking about your Blu-ray Star Domain! The Great Cultivator under your stars, you may not want to gamble! For example, Fellow Daoist Tang!"

Fu Hongguang looked at Looking at Tang Qianshou, he smiled and said, "Isn't he very optimistic about Qin Shuang? He can use the 90% of the reward to bet! Maybe the Fellow Daoist of the stars in your Blu-ray Star Domain are all the same as Brother. Same as Shen, do they think they will win? Are they willing to take out their share of the stars to bet?

If you win, don’t they also get a huge bet?"

"Needless to say!" Shen Chongguang waved his hand and said: "There is only one bet, which is the part that I won. If you bet, let's bet, don't bet down."

" Don't ask what your subordinates mean?" Fu Hongguang asked with a smile.

Shen Chongguang looked at the Immortal Monarch of the various stars in Tang Qianshou. Tang Qianshou immediately shook his head and said:

"We Moxing has just experienced the Great Dao dispute. To be honest, we can't afford to bet. If Qin Shuang can pass the assessment and enter the Tianziyuan, we are still looking forward to it. This part of the rewards will reinvigorate the ink star.

Of course, the owner of the domain is right. If we win, we will win an extra reward. But even if it’s a gambling, no matter if it’s a gambling face, there will be How much you win, but there are also times when you lose your bet. I dare not, and can't put the destiny of Mo Xing tens of billions in one bet. People are poor and short, making you laugh."

Hearing Tang Qianshou's words, the domain masters were nodded. These domain masters all know that Mo Xing has experienced the Great Dao Controversy. For the planet who has just experienced such a tragic war, it is not ashamed to be poor and short-sighted, but rather a way of doing what you can, which is commendable.

Blu-ray Star Domain's other Immortal Monarch also shook their heads, saying that they would not participate in this bet.

Isn't this nonsense?

Five thousand?

This is obviously a loss, so fools will gamble!

Seeing the look of his subordinate Immortal Monarch, Shen Chongguang looked at Fu Hongguang, and said sarcastically:

"Why don't you say that there is a problem with the character of your surname Fu!" Fellow Daoist Tang said it well, all gambling has a level of loss, there is no one hundred percent win. But you have to bet that big, take the entire Tianziyuan reward as a bet. I just want to ask you, if you Did you lose the bet?

You lost the bet. You can only lose to me all the rewards you got this time, depriving you of the 90% of the rewards that should belong to your purple light Star Domain planets, as a bet Lost to me.

I just wanted to ask, why are you?

They are all your subordinates, for the sake of a bet, they ignore the life and death of their hands. You are such a selfish character. I really don’t know how you became a domain master?

I lost Daoist and few help!"

Those domain masters on the cloud platform looked towards Fu Hongguang's eyes became more alienated. Let Fu Hongguang itch the roots of his teeth, and immediately interrupted Shen Chongguang’s long speech:

"Okay, we will take the reward you deserve as a bet, and swear it."

"Okay! Fellow Daoists are all witnesses!"

After Shen Chongguang and Fu Hongguang swear, they both looked peaceful, but Shen Chongguang's heart was full of helplessness and frustration.

"No matter how many Blu-ray Star Domain cultivators enter the Tianzi Academy this time, their rake rewards are gone, and they have to lose to Fu Hongguang."

Shen Sogo was bleeding in pain, and the loss was too great...

He gritted his teeth and transmitted to the Immortal Monarch secret voice of Tang Qianshou:

"After the assessment of the tower is completed , Let all the cultivators return to the palace, I have something to say to them."

At this time, the tower has already begun.

It is still the cultivator of the inner Star Domain who first entered the tower. Qin Shuang and the others were already familiar with the process, so they all raised their heads and picked up a light curtain to watch.

"weng weng weng ……"

Within ten breaths, more than 10,000 light curtains will light up. Qin Shuang chose a light curtain and dived into spiritual consciousness, the light curtain expands continuously.

In the light curtain.

A woman is forging a sword, a famous sword.

The famous sword sounds good, it is actually an ordinary sword, but this is the basis for becoming an Artifact Refinement Master. To become an Artifact Refinement Master, you must reach the Hundred Refinements realm and verify the Hundred Refinements realm. The standard is to forge a famous sword.

"It seems that today's round of assessment will take a lot of time than that of Futa!" Qin Shuang said softly.

"Does that still need to be said?" An Shicong said: "Talisman Dao realm has a time limit. No matter what your Talisman Dao realm is, the big talisman will fall down according to its fixed rhythm, and the time is up. , It will send people out. Today, there is no time limit for this tower. For example, First Layer, it’s just a refining apprentice appraisal, refining a famous sword. No matter how much time you spend, as long as you can forge it A famous sword will do.

This time may be right!"

"Yes, let’s prepare for a hard fight today. Refining tools is not a light job!"

"Yes!" Everyone was nodded.

Sure enough, the speed today is much slower. When Qin Shuang enters the tower, the light curtain of the Second Layer starts to light up, and almost half of the cultivator is still in the First Layer.

After Qin Shuang entered the First Layer, her light curtain quickly zoomed in, making it bigger than any other light curtain. This is not because Tang Qianshou and the others are paying attention to him. Of course, Tang Qianshou and the others will definitely pay attention. Shen Chongguang, including Shen Chongguang, also divided his spiritual consciousness into dozens of threads, and respectively detected dozens of blue-ray Star Domain cultivator light screens that he thought could achieve results. This involved shocking things. The bet!

Of course, Shen Chongguang's main energy is still on Qin Shuang and Zheng Lun.

However, Qin Shuang's performance in the first two rounds is amazing. Both rounds are in the realm of Grandmaster! And now Ranked 1st, naturally attracts too many people’s attention. I don’t know how many people are staring at her, so she was found the light curtain just after she entered the tower, but before ten breaths, the light curtain changed. It was so huge that it covered the sky, and countless people looked at Qin Shuang in the light curtain.

"he he he......" Fu Hongguang above the cloud platform sent out snered: "Such a big light curtain, it will be completely shameful for a while, he he he......"

Shen Chongguang's face turned dark. He knew that Fu Hongguang must have heard the conversation between him and Tang Qianshou, and knew that Qin Shuang was not good at refining tools.

Tang Qianshou's face is also pitch black. I hope that Qin Shuang will know some refining tools, and at least he will be able to reach the realm of Immortal Artifact. Don't be too embarrassed.

Qin Shuang stood in the tower, and in front of him there appeared a mixing table. Below the mixing table were a row of forging hammers. The lightest weight was one thousand jin, and the heaviest One hundred thousand catties.

Usually, Nine Heavens Profound Immortal is a forging hammer that can be used from 10,000 to 50,000 jin, and Immortal Monarch is a forging hammer that can be used from 50,000 to 100,000 jin.

Qin Shuang is the Nine Heavens Profound Immortal Third Layer. According to the strength and physical strength of this realm, it should be a forging hammer from 20,000 jin to 30,000 jin. But Qin Shuang is a forging hammer that can use 50,000 jin, because her body power is already Immortal Monarch First Layer.

Qin Shuang thought for a while, but still did not show the limelight. After all, body refining is also one of his own cards, so he picked up a 30,000 jin forging hammer and set his eyes on the forging table. With five ores. Qin Shuang put an ore in the middle of the forging table, and banged it with a 30,000 jin forging hammer.

Like Swift Wind Rainstorm, the speed is extremely fast, and the forging hammer pulls out a fuzzy afterimage in the light curtain.


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