"en!" Shen Chongguang was nodded. He had no surprises when his dísciple entered the Tianziyuan. He knew the strength of his dísciple.

"Brother Ling, our Blu-ray Star Domain had at most 28 cultivators entering Tianziyuan in the past. Although it is not at the bottom of the Star Domain, it is also in the lower middle position. The best result of a single cultivator is to enter the top five thousand. I hope it will be better this time. Now Demon Race is thriving, and resources are too critical for us."

"Yes. Ling Tianhua also sighed: "Only with more resources can we train more cultivators. In the difficult years in the future, we can guard our Star Domain. I hope that both Qin Shuang and Zheng Lun can enter the top five thousand. In this way, even if the number of people joining Tianziyuan in our Star Domain will not exceed 28, the resources will not be low."


There was a sneer. It was Fu Hongguang, the domain owner of the purple light Star Domain next to the Blu-ray Star Domain. The two Star Domains are connected and compete everywhere.

"Old Shen, I am not attacking you. Now Demon Race is arrogant. You and my Star Domain are connected. We should help each other. I also hope that the Blu-ray Star Domain will have an outstanding dísciple, and even the Blu-ray The cultivator that Star Domain passes the assessment can reach 29 or even 30, breaking the record of the Blu-ray Star Domain for tens of thousands of years.


Speaking of which, Hong Fu Guang’s face showed the color of didn’t know whether to cry or laugh:

"You actually entered the top five thousand for your Blu-ray Star Domain cultivator? You...this heart is really big Ah!"

Shen Chongguang's face flushed red, he wanted to refute, but he didn't have the slightest confidence. For tens of thousands of years in Blu-ray Star Domain, the best result of a single cultivator has only entered the top eight thousand.

He knows Fu Hongguang’s old rival very well, sinister and cunning. If he refutes himself at this time, Fu Hongguang will definitely make a bet. At that time, he won't be able to read it unless he doesn't want the face of the domain owner.

As you can imagine, will anyone from your Star Domain be in the top five thousand?

As Fu Hongguang said, if I really think so, my heart is really big!

So, he will definitely lose, and he can't bear the result of losing. Based on his understanding of dealing with Hongguang, he would definitely use the reward of Tianziyuan this time as a bet.

Isn’t that a fool if he knows he will lose and bet with the other party?

So, he dared not refute. But if he didn't refute, he held his breath in his heart again, and the whole person was about to explode.


People around watched the excitement, and it was not too big to be a big deal.

"Old Shen, take a gamble with him!"

"Yes, Old Shen, this is unbearable. If you put it on me, I can't stand him. Bad, bet with him!"

"Oh...Old Shen, the Blu-ray Star Domain really doesn’t work anymore. It doesn’t matter if you are not strong, you can work hard. But you don’t even have the courage, hehe..."

"Old Shen, are you really persuaded?"

"Hey! This is really a raging soldier, it’s a raging nest!"

"...... …"

With the mockery, Shen Chongguang's face changed. At this time, his heart was not angry, but Bing Han. Because the atmosphere above the cloud platform has changed, from ridicule to contempt.

This kind of contempt is fatal to a loose cultivator, because when this kind of contempt is recognized by everyone, everyone wants to come up and bite you. It is fatal for a domain owner.

cultivation is to fight for Heavenly Dao!

It's more for resources!

The most important thing is to compete for luck!

When a domain owner is despised by the surrounding domain owners, they will unite to suppress the Blu-ray Star Domain, because you have no guts and dare not fight for your life!

Such opportunity will be taken away, resources will be taken away, and luck will be taken away in the end.

At this time, the resources rewarded by Tianziyuan are no longer important. If you don't bet, you can keep this resource, but you will lose more resources, more opportunities, and more luck in the future. As a result, the Blu-ray Star Domain will lose more cultivator lives and gradually decline.

At this time, there is only one fight. Tell the domain owners on the cloud platform that my Blu-ray Star Domain does not need resources, but I do have the courage to fight for my life!

Let those domain owners dare not speak easily to the Blu-ray Star Domain, it will not become a joint trend.

It’s just...

Shen Chongguang’s heart aches, and a bet with Fu Hongguang will break the surrounding alliance, but the loss is too great!

But no gambling!

This is a potential, a potential that has a huge impact on the future. Influence his general trend of Shen Chongguang and Blu-ray Star Domain.

Shen Chongguang took a deep breath and said: "How do you want to bet?"

Fu Hongguang's eyes light up. As long as Shen Chongguang dares to gamble, he will win. Up. He doesn't think so. Ask all the domain owners on the gimbal, do anyone think that the Blu-ray Star Domain cultivator will break into the top five thousand?

Don't say it is a Blu-ray Star Domain, there are not many Star Domains outside, right?

The top five thousand ninety-nine Chengdu is the cultivator of the inner Star Domain. With the background of the Blu-ray Star Domain and the tens of thousands of years of evaluation history of the Blu-ray Star Domain, it breaks into the top five thousand?


This is a great fortune!

As long as you win this bet, Purple Light Star Domain will take off for a while, leaving the Blu-ray Star Domain far behind, and then swallowing the Blu-ray Star Domain, maybe in the future the entire Blu-ray Star Domain will be Become a part of Purple Light Star Domain.

"Let’s use five thousand as a bet. This year's five thousandth prize is worth as much as we bet."

"chi..."Shen Chongguang He sneered: "The last name is paid, you know, the rewards of the Tianzi Academy are regulated. No matter who passes the assessment and enters the Tianzi Academy, the reward for that cultivator belongs to the planet, as the domain owner only If 10% can be drawn, the remaining 90% will go to the planet that the cultivator belongs to.

How much is the reward for the fifth thousandth place, and everyone has a budget. Do you think that with the 10% reward, Is it enough for the five thousandth prize?

Even if the Blu-ray Star Domain has 30 cultivators passed the assessment this time, each cultivator draws 10%, which is not enough for the five thousandth prize.

As a domain owner, we must have our own bottom line and character. You let me deprive each star of the rewards. This is a problem with your character. You can pay your surname regardless of character, but Shen Chongguang can’t .

Be aware of the lack of Daoist and few help!"

The various domain masters on the PTZ were nodded, and looked at Fu Hongguang with a look of fear and combing. No one wants to associate more with a person who has no character.

In this brief moment, a trend of repelling Fu Hongguang has faintly formed.

This makes Fu Hongguang heart shivered with cold, and his eyes on Shen Chongguang are full of solemnity.

"As expected, Shen Chongguang, who has been fighting with him all his life, turned the situation upside down with just a few words, instead of isolating him, but letting him isolate himself."


Thank you very much for the rewards of Rainy Night Hope Piaoxue (500), seaphay (100), Bai Zibing (100), Yunwu Feiyangsisi (100)!



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