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As soon as he was about to be overtaken, Qin Shuang was thinking about whether to expose his strength and fight with the opponent, but suddenly saw a cloud of mist appeared not far away. The place, not even think, rushed in.

"whiz whiz whiz..."

Qin Shuang can perceive that a dozen Monster Race cultivators are also following closely from behind, entering the dense fog. As soon as Qin Shuang entered the thick fog, he realized that he could not see anything three meters away, even within three meters, it was hazy.

"What a thick fog!"

Qin Shuang slowed down, feeling that the more fog he walked in, the thicker the fog. The scope of vision is getting smaller and smaller.

Qin Shuang spread the power of Sea of ​​Consciousness to explore the surrounding environment.


I felt something rolling towards my Sea of ​​Consciousness, and then I found that the Sea of ​​Consciousness that I had spread disappeared. Was swallowed. Then there was a movement like drinking water in the thick fog, which caused the power of Sea of ​​Consciousness that Qin Shuang to spread out to be continuously swallowed.

"What? It can swallow my Sea of ​​Consciousness?"

Qin Shuang was shocked and felt that the thing was following his Sea of ​​Consciousness. The force approached, Qin Shuang hurriedly cut off the power of Sea of ​​Consciousness, his face pale. Suddenly being swallowed by the power of Sea of ​​Consciousness, Qin Shuang was slightly weakened. He hurriedly took out a weak water pill and took it down. He didn't dare to transmit a ray of Sea of ​​Consciousness, and condensed all his breath.

"What the hell is this? It's no way to always stay here."

Qin Shuang visualizes the White Tiger, and the power of Sea of ​​Consciousness is reflected from the eyebrows, turning it into one The White Tiger ran to the side. At this time, Qin Shuang also felt a faint sound of footsteps coming from behind her. She knew that the person who was chasing her was approaching.


A sharp splitting the air sound, and then in Qin Shuang's perception, the White Tiger she released disappeared. Qin Shuang's heart was stunned, and her figure quietly moved to the other side, and then simply squatted on the ground. Not long after she squatted down, she felt the two cultivators walk to where she was.


When the thick fog rolled, I heard a sound of "Ah", then the fog vibrated and saw a silhouette "sou" in the blur , Seemed to be pulled away quickly by something, and then I heard two or two chewing sounds in my ears, and there was no sound.

"Who? Who is it?" The remaining Monster Race cultivator yelled in horror.


Another sharp and rapid splitting the air sound, the Monster Race cultivator was dragged away with a "sou" sound, deep in the fog There was a rush of chewing, and there was no sound.

"It's tentacle monster!"

Someone shouted in horror in the thick fog, and someone screamed: "These thick fog is released by the tentacle monster, we You must leave this thick fog or you will be eaten by the tentacle monster."

"Don't run!" Another Monster Race cultivator shouted: "The tentacle monster searches for food by hearing, as long as we don't move... …"


The Monster Race cultivator was dragged away with a "sou" sound before the words of the Monster Race cultivator were spoken. There was a few chewings in the thick fog. There was no sound again.

The rest of the cultivator was shocked and motionless, and Qin Shuang squatted there still. He didn't dare to release the power of Sea of ​​Consciousness, but just pricked his ears and listened.

Time is lost in silence.

A quarter of an hour.

Two quarters of an hour.

Three quarters of an hour.

It seems that tentacle monster finally couldn't bear it, and the sound of movement rang out in the thick fog. Gradually, Qin Shuang saw a huge monster moving slowly in the thick fog. It was a round thing, about a hundred meters in diameter, with two rows of ears growing on its back, sixteen in total, and a tentacles growing around the round body.

The sixteen animals on the back of the tentacle monster suddenly trembled, and then a tentacle shot out like lightning, rolled up a Monster Race cultivator, and pulled it into the mouth. After two clicks, they chew and eat. This makes the motionless cultivators just relax a little bit and bring them up again.

The ears on the back of the tentacle monster twitched a few more times, and then another tentacle ejected out. The speed was so fast that the Monster Race cultivator couldn't react. With a sound of "sou", It was pulled into the mouth, chewed and eaten.

"This is..."

Qin Shuang locked up frowned, the two Monster Race cultivators did not move, how did the tentacle monster discover them?

"Does its sixteen ears have powers? Can you hear the beating of the heart?"

Qin Shuang immediately started Turtle Breath Art. The Qin Shuang cultivation Black Tortoise book, Turtle Breath Art is just a small secret art. In an instant, Qin Shuang’s heart beats extremely slowly, and even the blood in his body flows abnormally slowly.


Another Monster Race cultivator was eaten, and the tentacle monster is moving quickly towards the other Monster Race cultivator. Those Monster Race cultivators panicked and ran away, attracting tentacle monsters to chase them.

Qin Shuang waited until the tentacle monster had to chase far away, before leaping forward suddenly, like a glimpse of light.

Qin Shuang has been flying frantically, flying from the bright day to the moon-born mid-sky, and then stopped, and the sound of running water came in front of him. Qin Shuang was slowly moving forward in the night. Going forward, I quickly came to the bank of the river, and when I looked up, I saw a big river that was too wide to see the opposite bank flowing swiftly in front of me. The mist is lingering above the big river.

After experiencing the tentacle monster, Qin Shuang did not dare to release the power of Sea of ​​Consciousness to observe the surrounding conditions at will, and the power of Sea of ​​Consciousness to detect, once there is a Monster Race cultivator around, he will be caught by Monster Race. Cultivator alert. Therefore, Qin Shuang can only explore the surrounding conditions with his eyesight and hearing.

After a quarter of an hour, Qin Shuang felt that there was no danger around, and then let out a long breath. Sit cross-legged on the grass on the shore and swallowed a medicine pill. Begin to adjust the interest rate and resume.

Two hours later, Qin Shuang opened his eyes and became exhausted. Standing up, looking towards the other side, a slight thought appeared in his eyes.

Qin Shuang's color of thinking faded, and he walked towards the big river. Before her, the river separated to the sides, and after Qin Shuang passed by, they suddenly merged.

A big fish swam towards Qin Shuang, opened its mouth wide and bite, was struck by Qin Shuang's head, punched a big hole in its head, and then collected it in Monster Suppressing Tower. Another thick water snake hit on the left, Qin Shuang stretched out his hand and pressed it.

The imprisonment of water.

The big snake was stiff. Qin Shuang tapped a finger through its seven inches and waved it into the Monster Suppressing Tower. Along the way, Qin Shuang kept beheading the demonic beasts in the sea. In the end, the demonic beasts fled away, and they never dared to approach Qin Shuang's surroundings.

Qin Shuang sat cross-legged at the deepest part of the river, took out the Spirit Stone and placed a Spirit Gathering Array around, swallowed the medicine pill, and held the Monster Suppressing Tower in his hands and collected Rich spiritual power in Monster Suppressing Tower. Then let go of the suppression of Ruijin Martial Dao.


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