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"courting death!"

The tall Azure Ox cultivator gave a violent cry, and fisted at the Qin Shuang strikes that volleyed in the air. .


With a loud cry, as he punched out, a huge Azure Ox illusory shadow suddenly came to life and rushed towards Qin Shuang. Qin Shuang's body shape kept going, and instantly came to the Azure Ox illusory shadow, punched out, instantly burst Azure Ox, and rushed to Pingfeng Mountain, and came to the opposite side of the Monster God late stage. The two silhouettes hovered and entangled very fast, pulling out the blurred silhouettes, so that onlookers could not see the appearance of the two people, but could only hear the intensive collision.

Suddenly, with a scream, I saw a huge silhouette flying upside down and falling towards Pingfeng Mountain.


The Azure Ox cultivator fell heavily under the Pingfeng Mountain, smashing the ground into a big hole. Then he jumped out of the pit with a "peng", stomped on it, and flew up to Pingfeng Mountain again. With a "clang" he drew out a big knife, shouted:

"Come again!"

"Slow!" Qin Shuang raised his hand to stop him and said: "I am here only for Fengming, and I don't want to conflict with the Azure Ox clan."

"But here is The positions are already occupied. If you want to get a position, you have to defeat one of us." The Azure Ox cultivator shouted: "I just despised you just now, now I look at me defeating you."

When the words were over, a big knife spread out endless knives and slashed towards Qin Shuang.

With a sound of "cang", Qin Shuang pulled out the Golden Peng giant sword behind him, and swung it towards the opponent's big sword. The two people were too close to each other. The two weapons actually collided with each other. The cultivator of the Azure Ox clan felt an irresistible force from the big knife, and the big knife in his hand flew out, and then felt it. A cold light fixed on the throat.

"You lost!" Qin Shuang said coldly.

The cultivator of the Azure Ox clan turned pale, and said something absent-minded: "I'm are so powerful."

"Don't be ashamed of standing there I’ve seen it now, come here!"

A voice came, Qin Shuang walked around, and saw that it was a demon saint of the Azure Ox clan. Seeing Qin Shuang’s gaze came over, he nodded and motioned. :

"many thanks Fellow Daoist show mercy!"

Qin Shuang hurriedly put away the Golden Peng sword, cups the hands and said: "Tiger Junior has seen Azure Ox senior. "

"en!" Cyan Ox Monster Saint nodded said: "That position is yours."

The Azure Ox cultivator standing opposite Qin Shuang is already He woke up from his absence, flushed with shame, and flew towards the Azure Ox clan demon saint.

Qin Shuang stands on Pingfeng Mountain, like other Monster Race cultivator, watching the opposite side. It's just that after not very long, I saw some Monster Race cultivator sit cross-legged on the top of the mountain, watching the mountain while cultivation. Qin Shuang also sat down, his eyes lost in thought.

"I can't always sit here, right? What if there is another Monster Race cultivator that takes the position and is strong enough to force me to reveal my cards and reveal my identity?"

Qin Shuang raised an eyebrow, and he had an idea in his mind. Then I began to cultivated, and the day passed quickly.

The night falls!

Qin Shuang stood up suddenly, let go of the suppression of the cultivation base, and the aura on his body suddenly rioted. Attracted the attention of the Monster Race cultivator. Qin Shuang leapt, looking towards behind Pingfeng Mountain, flew away in the direction of Demon Gate, and fell towards a mountain not far away.

All Monster Race looked back when they saw Qin Shuang landed on a mountain and disappeared into a jungle. However, I still pay attention to it from time to time, everyone can see from her rising breath that she is going to break through. At the critical time of intercepting Qin Shuang, the Monster Race cultivator did not leave his position, and while Qin Shuang breakthrough, he killed Qin Shuang. But Qin Shuang also knew very well that waiting for him to be at the critical moment of breakthrough, he could not rule out the possibility that Monster Race cultivator would kill him easily, so he began to take out the formation flag that Feng Yan refined for her and set up a Defensive. Array.

When the big formation was completed, the space fluctuations caused once again attracted the attention of those Monster Race cultivators. When they saw the rays of light completed, they eliminated Qin. Shuang's mind was waiting intently for Qin Shuang's arrival, but he didn't know that Qin Shuang was breaking through behind them.

Qin Shuang was in full view, it was difficult to take out the Monster Suppressing Tower, so he took out a bottle of metal attribute spiritual power diluted with White Tiger pill solution, and set up the Spirit Gathering Array with Spirit Stone, the first choice It is the breakthrough Ruijin Fadao cultivation base.

In the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

The case of the dao chart on the Nascent Soul White Tiger began to grow gradually, and a trace of power is improving.


When Nascent Soul White Tiger's dao chart case has accumulated to a level of extreme, then White Tiger will release rays of light, golden light shines on Sea Of Consciousness, Qin Shuang's body seemed to have become a black hole, and the aura between Heaven and Earth swarmed into Qin Shuang's body frantically. The White Tiger spiritual power in the jade bottle was quickly drawn by Qin Shuang.

Those Monster Race cultivators on Pingfeng Mountain could not help turning their heads and looking around, and they saw a huge spiritual power vortex being generated on Qin Shuang's head. It’s just that these Monster Race cultivators frowned invariably. The Qin Shuang cultivation method is a step higher than Martial Artist Continent’s Martial Artist by 20%, but compared with Monster Race, that’s Twenty percent higher than the same level cultivator. She is really higher than Martial Dao of Monster Race First Rank. Therefore, at this time Qin Shuang breakthrough is Nascent Soul Third Layer, and its imposing manner is equivalent to Monster Race breakthrough Nascent Soul Stage Fourth Layer. Why doesn't this make these Monster Race cultivators strange?

Be aware that Qin Shuang before, even defeated the Azure Ox cultivator in Monster God's later stage. How could it be just a Monster King?

"Could it be that the breakthrough failed?


If it fails, how could there be any trace of Dao Rhyme flying together?"


Three hours later, Qin Shuang completed the breakthrough of the third layer of dao essence infant, the spirit cloud disappeared, and Dao Rhyme disappeared. Qin Shuang put away the formation flag, turned and hiked down towards the mountain facing the direction of the Demon Gate.

"Fellow Daoist, where are you going?" the demon saint of the Azure Ox clan asked in a voice.

Qin Shuang paused, and looked back: "There was a little problem with this breakthrough. I'm going to travel and understand, so I won't participate in the interception of Qin Shuang."

"Sure enough, something went wrong." The Monster Race was nodded, and the demon saint of the Azure Ox clan also stopped paying attention to Qin Shuang. Qin Shuang walked down the mountain, lightly sighed in relief, but then heart shivered with cold, she felt that several cultivators came quietly behind her. It seems that these Monster Race cultivators have not waited until Fengming, so they want to get rid of her cultivator, which has a breakthrough problem, and make a fortune.

Qin Shuang no longer hesitated immediately. With a flick of his sleeves, the glimpse spread out, and he entered the forest and flew away. Behind him came the sound of clothes sweeping the sky, and the breath of Monster Race powerhouse was getting closer and closer.


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