
As soon as Qin Shuang released the suppression, Qin Shuang successfully broke through from Martial Emperor Eighth Layer to Martial Emperor Ninth Layer. The medicinal power of the medicine pill is transformed into a strong spiritual power in the body, and the aura in the Monster Suppressing Tower is madly extracted by Qin Shuang. The aura of Dahanoi was gathered by the Spirit Gathering Array and absorbed by Qin Shuang.

Gradually, on the surface of a big river, Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi began to converge, like a big river covered by a sea of ​​clouds. On the other side of the big river, a little light was lit, like Ghost Fire. But it is the eyes of Monster Race cultivator, converging in the center of the big river, the spirit cloud formed a huge vortex.

Some Monster Race cultivators be eager to have a try and wanted to explore. Among them, there were a few Azure Ox cultivators, but they were stopped by a Cyan Ox Monster Saint:

"Just stay with me, don’t let Fengming fish in troubled waters and sneak over."

The restlessness on the opposite bank disappeared, and those Monster Race cultivators scanned the sky above the river vigilantly, only occasionally Take a look at that Lingyun vortex.

Sisi Dao Rhyme is flying like a dragon. The Cyan Ox Monster Saint watched for a while and sighed in relief:

"It’s just a metal attribute Monster Emperor junior at the bottom of the river breakthrough, Don’t worry about it."

Qin Shuang’s breath is still rising. She has accumulated too long in the Monster Suppressing Tower. After five years, with the rich spiritual power in the Monster Suppressing Tower, she has accumulated It is extremely compact, and Ruijin's Martial Dao Cultivation Base is low, making her cultivation base hit the Martial Emperor Tenth Layer all the way.


Qin Shuang's Martial Dao Cultivation Base breakthrough reached the Tenth Layer and continued to climb towards the 10th layer Peak. The spiritual cloud vortex on the river buzzed and expanded, and the fog above the river became thicker, not only spreading towards the banks of the river, but also rising towards the sky, reaching a height of several tens of meters.

The demon saints of the Azure Ox clan frowned. This dense spiritual fog completely blocked their sight. Looking at the spiritual power vortex in the center of the river, there was a hostility in his eyes. Shouted to a Martial God next to him:

"Go, kill that junior!"


"peng! "

The Monster God stomped his big feet in the later stage, and his figure walked along the waves, stretched out his hand, broke the water surface, and fell rapidly toward the bottom of the river.

At this time, the aura within the big river is rushing towards Qin Shuang. A slight change in the river will make Qin Shuang perceive, even more how that Monster God unabashedly broke the water?

Qin Shuang's heart was stunned. Thoughts move, Avatar Fengyan appeared beside Qin Shuang from the Monster Suppressing Tower.

"Set up an array!" Qin Shuang communicated heartily.

Feng Yan danced with his arms, throwing a formation flag, but a Great Grandmaster Defensive Array was installed in an instant. Enclose her and Qin Shuang in it.


The Monster God who came to the bottom of the river saw a photomask in the later stage. The photomask was not transparent and blocked the silhouettes of Qin Shuang and Fengyan. However, seeing this mask, the Monster God later confirmed that the junior of the breakthrough must be in this mask.

"I didn't expect to be a junior who knows the formation!"

That Monster God curl one's lip, but I didn't care about it in my heart. A little Monster Emperor, how powerful is the formation even if it is deployed?

Condense spiritual power, punch towards the mask.


The mask didn't even ripple. The Monster God looked surprised, took out a big stick, and blasted towards the mask.

"Boom boom boom..."

But the mask only rippled slightly, which made the Monster God blush, and he couldn't break the mask, so what's the face? ?

So, he sullenly faced the mask and kept struck.

"Boom boom boom..."

In the mask, Feng Yan is still laying layer after layer of formations, while Qin Shuang is improving Cultivation base while thinking.

"Is there just a Monster God outside, or are there many Monster Gods on the river?"

Qin Shuang visualizes the White Tiger in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, from the Sea of ​​Consciousness A sea of ​​Consciousness flowed out, condensed into a double-winged White Tiger, rushed out in the other direction of the formation, and then swiftly broke through the water above the river.

The Monster God who was attacking the formation suddenly looked up and saw the White Tiger, with his big foot stomping on the bottom of the river.


The river became a vortex, and from the center of the vortex, the Monster God skyrocketed.


White Tiger jumped out of the water, flew into the air, and looked towards the other side, and saw the eyes of Monster Race like Ghost Fire.


The Monster God flew out from the bottom of the river, and a strike hit the White Tiger's body, knocking the White Tiger away.

"Niu Ben, what are you doing? Why didn't you kill that junior?" The demon saint of the Azure Ox clan shouted.

The Monster God blushed and said: "That junior set up a formation, I can't break it."

"Useless!" Cyan Ox Monster Saint face sank like water, To the demon saint beside him said: "You go."


The demon saint nodded, with a flick of sleeve, plunged into the water.

The bottom of the river.

Qin Shuang could see clearly through the White Tiger just now. I couldn't help feeling sad again. It seems that this is the second test that Monster Race intercepted itself. Just because their breakthrough caused the fog to lock the river and affected their observation, they wanted to kill themselves.

So, regardless of whether he reveals Fengming's identity, he will be intercepted by these Monster Race cultivators.

"Look at those eyes that look like a piece of Ghost Fire. There are a lot of Monster Race. It is extremely difficult to get through this second test!"

Already noticed by the group of monsters , Can’t advance and cannot retreat, can’t retreat. Now the only solution...

Qin Shuang's eyes become firm!

"It is to make Ruijin Martial Dao breakthrough Martial God!"

Qin Shuang took out a bottle of White Tiger Dan liquid and turned it into spiritual power, opened the lid, and sucked it in suddenly In the mouth. This is not spiritual energy. It needs to run great circulation in the body and turn it into spiritual power. And it is spiritual power directly, or pure spiritual power, which has rapidly improved Qin Shuang's cultivation base.


There was a loud noise, this sound was louder than the previous strikes, and the Defensive Array rippled in circles.

"It's stronger again!"

Qin Shuang took out another bottle of White Tiger spiritual power and drank it with his head up. The rich spiritual power rushed into Qin Shuang’s dantian like a frenzy, but the rich and sharp spiritual power cut a tiny gap in Qin Shuang’s body, allowing Qin Shuang to not only eject blood. His whole body was trembling, and the muscles on his face were twisted because of the pain.

However, her cultivation base is rapidly increasing. After Qin Shuang swallowed six bottles of White Tiger spiritual power in less than a quarter of an hour, the swift spiritual power in Qin Shuang's body finally began to hit the barrier of Martial God.


The barriers of Martial God remain unmoved.


Qin Shuang's nose and mouth spray.


The demon saint outside the formation once again strikes the mask, and a gap is broken in the mask.


The spiritual power in Qin Shuang's body once again strikes on the barrier, which is still completely motionless.


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