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After two hours, a large number of Monster Race cultivators flew past, and sometimes cultivators flew past. Qin Shuang looked for an opportunity from Monster Suppressing Tower. Come out inward and fly away in the direction of the left. Now she only has to choose a roundabout way to approach the demon gate.

About an hour and a half after the flight, Qin Shuang's heart was suddenly startled, his figure stopped under a big tree, his back leaned against the trunk of the big tree, held his breath, and converged. All breath.

"whiz whiz whiz..."

Silhouettes of silhouettes flew above the sky, and powerful spiritual consciousness swept away from Qin Shuang's spiritual consciousness, but because Qin Shuang converged The other party didn't notice all the breath. The cultivator's conversation came from the air.

"Fengming must not run straight to the Demon Gate, otherwise at our speed, impossible to catch up with her for so long."

"Where will she flee?"

"Who knows this? She will go to the Demon Gate and enter the Martial Artist Continent, which is also our guess. But who knows if she will actually go to the Demon Gate?"

"Anyway, she won't go back to Phoenix Clan, otherwise she will go with them Old Ancestor."

"Yes, she started in the direction of the demon gate, but this Within the range of the direction, as long as we search around, we can always find her."

"Go, search carefully."

"whiz whiz whiz ……"

The silhouettes disappeared in the night sky, and Qin Shuang's closed eyes opened slightly. There was a sigh in his heart.

"Oops, it seems that it is not just the Azure Ox clan participating. Many races are chasing me. But why? I didn't kill their cultivator?"

Qin Shuang frowned and thought, and suddenly his eyes moved: "Yes, it must be so. They all think I got the real inheritance of Monster Realm Secret Realm from the hands of the demon knife Gao Litian. There is Phoenix in Myriad Demons City. Clan Old Ancestor is here, so it’s not easy to attack me. After I left Myriad Demons City, I came to chase me."

"This area of ​​several tens of thousands of li is probably the one who chased me. Range, I must leave here as soon as possible."

Qin Shuang immediately put on a golden dress, put the Fengyu giant sword away, took out the Golden Peng giant sword behind him, and the muscles on his face squirmed , Changed his appearance, and then a glimpse of luck, flew towards the direction of the demon gate.

Along the way, cultivator flew by from time to time, spiritual consciousness swept over her, and then quickly flew away.

Qin Shuang's body shape keeps going, secretly said in one's heart: "Now that Monster Race scatters around searching for me, the power is also scattered, just giving me space to escape."

A round of morning sun slowly rises. Sunlight casts mottled shadows through the even leaves. Qin Shuang lived on the edge of a forest and looked into the distance.

Pingfeng Mountain!

In front is a huge mountain range like a screen, acting as a passage to the gate of the demon. Qin Shuang squinted his eyes and looked towards Pingfeng Mountain. He could see the silhouette of one after another Monster Race cultivator.

Qin Shuang thought quickly in his heart that the Monster Race cultivators on Pingfeng Mountain were undoubtedly the cultivator that blocked him. If you go with your current appearance. Maybe it can be fooled, or maybe it will be killed by Monster Race. This is not surprising. The people who come here to intercept themselves are powerhouses, not powerhouses. It is impossible to occupy a position on Pingfeng Mountain. If the cultivation base is not enough, if you want to get a share of the pie, you will be killed by those powerhouses without hesitation, and then grab the resources from your body.

Qin Shuang will naturally not let them kill like a fool, so he will definitely fight back. Once he fights back, he will inevitably expose his identity. Not only will they be besieged by the powerhouses, but they will also reveal their secrets of illusionism.

However, if Fengming's identity is restored, as long as he is entangled by those Monster Race cultivators, more and more Monster Race cultivators will come.

"What should I do?"

Qin Shuang once again looked at the top of the screen, where tall Monster Race silhouettes stand. One by one exudes a powerful aura.

"The worst is also in the middle of Monster God. The Ruijin cultivation base I show now is only Martial God First Layer. They see me as the weakest, I am afraid they will take action without hesitation?


But, my cultivation is the White Tiger Collection, how can it be compared with the ordinary Monster God? Coupled with the strength and power of my Martial Sage Third Layer, then try it, maybe you can find one Opportunity, let go."

Qin Shuang's gaze was patrolled on Pingfeng Mountain, and he saw that there were about a hundred Monster Race cultivators on Pingfeng Mountain, each occupying one side, blocking the space of Pingfeng Mountain tightly. In fact, it is impossible for anyone to escape their gaze.

On the top of the mountain, there are a total of 38 Azure Ox clan. The highest cultivation base is a demon saint. The distance is too far, and Qin Shuang cannot use the power of Sea of ​​Consciousness to explore it. The specific cultivation base cannot be seen. The lowest cultivation base is a few Monster God mid-terms. Qin Shuang observed for a long time, and finally selected a cultivator of the Azure Ox clan in the later period of Monster God. She chose the Azure Ox family after careful consideration.

The cultivator of the Azure Ox family is different from other races. It is undeniable that they must also want the so-called Secret Realm inheritance. However, what they are doing is more like killing themselves. Therefore, before they see themselves, they will try their best to cause less trouble. As long as they don't kill the Monster God late stage, it is very likely that the Azure Ox clan will choose to give in. Because, after all, these Monster Race cultivators that came to Pingfeng Mountain were all for Fengming. In this regard, they were all here to help the Azure Ox clan. Therefore, as long as Qin Shuang said it was to intercept Fengming, the Azure Ox family has a great probability of choosing to give in and let Qin Shuang join the team to intercept Fengming.

took a deep breath, flew to the left in the forest, came to the side facing the cultivator of the Monster God late Azure Ox clan on Pingfeng Mountain, stopped, and then stepped out of the forest , Walked towards Pingfeng Mountain.

On the Pingfeng Mountain.

A cultivator of the Azure Ox clan who was three feet tall was standing there, and he saw Qin Shuang coming straight forward. Qin Shuang looked up and down, a hint of sarcasm appeared at the corner of his mouth. Turned around and looked at the continuous mountain range behind Pingfeng Mountain, and then volleyed hand grasps. There was a small mountain in the mountain range and he grabbed it, and then he held the small mountain with one hand towards Qin Shuang on the ground. Smashed down.

Qin Shuang looked up and saw that the mountain was no longer just a mountain, but was poured into spiritual power by the cultivator of the Azure Ox family. It was ten times heavier than the mountain itself, with amazing Power, whizzing towards Qin Shuang.


Qin Shuang stomped his feet on the ground, his figure soared into the sky, and he jumped above the hill with his right foot heavy on the hill Once stepped on, the hill fell to the ground at a faster speed. Qin Shuang's figure is like a sharp arrow, shooting towards the Azure Ox cultivator on Pingfeng Mountain.


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