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Gao Xiaoxiao shook his head and said: "Killing you in this Myriad Demons City, I will not be too addicted. I will wait for you to leave Myriad Demons City before chasing you. , Let you taste the stray dog, and then kill you after the desperate situation of nowhere to go. Don’t let you be heartbroken, how can I enjoy it? He he he......"

In the eyes of Gao Xiaoxiao A faint flash of madness, Qin Shuang heart shivered with cold. She keenly perceives that Gao Xiaoxiao is a crazy person. This kind of person is extremely unreasonable. In order to make her own mind accessible, by fair means or foul, similarly, she is also extremely proud.

"I'll wait!" Qin Shuang said calmly.

"Okay!" Gao Xiaoxiao glanced at Qin Shuang's storage ring and said: "Buy more, when the time comes I kill you, these things are all mine. He he he… …"

Gao Xiaoxiao got up and stopped staying in the slightest.

"Fellow Daoist, how do you sell this?" Qin Shuang picked up a herbal medicine.

"Send... for you..." The owner of the booth, sweating through his clothes, watched the conversation between two cultivators who treat demon saints as nothing. It was his A strong heart can't stand it.

Qin Shuang couldn't help but smile, threw out two high grade Spirit Stones, collected the herbal medicine, and continued to scan the goods.

For several days, Qin Shuang was walking around in Myriad Demons City, looking for a chance to change his appearance and leave quietly. However, they did not get the slightest chance. Those cultivators of the Azure Ox clan are almost tracking them personally. And Qin Shuang knew in his heart that this time, impossible, like the last time, severely injured the cultivator of the Azure Ox clan that he was following, threatening them not to follow him in Myriad Demons City. If that is the case, it will attract a higher cultivator to track itself.

"There is no chance at all!" Qin Shuang sighed softly in his heart: "It seems that on the way back to Martial Artist Continent this time, I am destined to be unable to calm down. I need to prepare well."

Qin Shuang glanced at all around again, and sighed again in his heart. In fact, the best result was that Qin Shuang was able to break through before leaving Myriad Demons City, which would provide a little more protection. However, being tracked so closely now, simply did not give her the slightest chance to change her identity breakthrough.

Wei frowned returned to the station and saw Feng Tian standing in his small courtyard. Seeing Qin Shuang, it means saying with a smile:

"In a few days, the Ten Thousand Demons Conference will be over, you should follow me to meet the clan!"

Qin Shuang shook the head said: "I will definitely go to the clan land. However, the Azure Ox clan will always be resolved. Now that Phoenix Clan impossible and the Azure Ox clan are in full battle, should I hide in the clan land for a lifetime? If that's the case, wouldn’t it be right? Being laughed at by clansman? Since the Azure Oxs are going to chase me down, let them come. I want to see if they killed me or I killed them terribly!"

Feng There was a splendid expression in Heavenly Eye: "If this is the case, I will not persuade you. Since you refuse to follow me back to Phoenix Clan, the family has nothing to help you. But you can rest assured, Old Ancestor and Azure. The Old Ancestor of the Ox clan has also reached an agreement. Phoenix Clan will not help you, but the Old Ancestor of the Azure Ox clan will not take action. The rest is up to you."

Qin Shuang's His eyes lit up and said: "many thanks Old Ancestor!"

Feng Tian walked toward the door, passing by Qin Shuang's side, patted Qin Shuang's shoulder and said:

" Live!"

Qin Shuang repeatedly nodded: "When I finish processing the Azure Ox clan, I will definitely take a look at the family."

"I'll wait for you to return!"

Qin Shuang returned to his room, set up a formation in it, and then entered the Monster Suppressing Tower to start making sword charms in the Great Grandmaster realm. She made a lot this time, making a full fifty. Putting up fifty sword talismans, he came to Feng Yan's body and asked:

"Fengyan, what realm is your formation now?"

"Level 8 Great Grandmaster."

"refine for me makes several sets of formidable power large formation flags."


At dusk.

Qin Shuang came out of the room, wearing a red-clothed skirt and carrying a red giant sword behind his back. Stroked the two spirit storage rings on his fingers. He raised his head and glanced at the rising moon, walked away from the clan land, and headed for Myriad Demons City city gate.

Just as her front foot left, at the gate of Phoenix Clan clan, some cultivators left one after another, and some continued to follow. The overwhelming majority of these cultivators belong to the Azure Ox clan, of course, there are also cultivators of other races.

Phoenix Clan family land.

Above the small building.

Phoenix Clan Old Ancestor hands behind ones back, there was a creaking sound from the bamboo ladder behind, and Feng Tian walked up. Phoenix Clan Old Ancestor whispered:

"She finally left."

"Yes!" Feng Tian responded softly.

"It is destined to be a road of foul wind and bloody rain!" Phoenix Clan Old Ancestor sighed lightly.

"As long as I step out of this Myriad Demons City, I am destined to embark on a road of foul wind and bloody rain. Whether I can return to Martial Artist Continent alive is unknown."

She stood at the city gate, turned around, looked at the cultivator who followed him, and smiled brilliantly. Then turned around and stepped out of Myriad Demons City.

The last afterglow of the dusk dissipated, and the darkness swallowed the sky and Qin Shuang who stepped out of the Myriad Demons City city gate.

dark and windy night dark and windy night!

From the moment Qin Shuang steps out of Myriad Demons City, Monster Realm is destined to not be calm!

Qin Shuang did not use the flying phoenix dance, nor did he use the phoenix flying technique, because that would explode fire, which was too conspicuous and became the target of hunters. She used the glimpse of the floating light, pressed against the ground, and rushed in the direction of the Demon Gate.

Countless cultivators flew out of Myriad Demons City. There are cultivators of the Azure Ox family, as well as cultivators of other races. The cultivator of the Azure Ox clan chases and kills Qin Shuang, mainly for revenge. The cultivators of other races have taken a fancy to Qin Shuang's treasure.

They all know that in Monster Realm Secret Realm, it was the demon sword Gao Litian who killed Jia Wudi, and then entered the deepest part of Secret Realm Inheritance Land. However, then in Myriad Demons City, Qin Shuang killed Gao Litian with the demon knife and took away Gao Litian’s storage ring. In this way, the treasure Gao Litian obtained from the depths of Inheritance Land is in the hands of Qin Shuang.

Qin Shuang is flying straight towards the gate of the demon. She knows that at this time she and Monster Realm's cultivator are fighting for speed. As long as she is slightly slow, she is in front of the gate of the demon. On the road, there will be numerous interceptions.


Qin Shuang only flew for two quarters of an hour, and a look of helplessness appeared on his face. She already felt the space fluctuation in the night sky and knew that Monster Race would soon catch up. If you want to keep leading and go straight to the gate of the demon, that is impossible.

Qin Shuang thoughts move, he entered the Monster Suppressing Tower, turned the Monster Suppressing Tower into a dust, and fell on the ground.

"whiz whiz whiz..."

Strips of figures flicked across the sky, accompanied by powerful spiritual consciousness sweeping across the ground.


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