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"I know that for Fengming, this is the situation of nine deaths and still alive."

"Then...Should we secretly protect?"

Phoenix Clan Old Ancestor curled his eyebrows and groaned for a moment: "No, I will stare at Azure Ox Old Ancestor, as long as he doesn't take action, We don't have to worry about Fengming."

"Huh?" Feng Tian said in surprise: "With Fengming's seniority, Azure Ox Old Ancestor is not the turn to take action, right?"

"Just in case."

"Fengming is not safe without Azure Ox Old Ancestor!"

"It's not unsafe, but nine deaths and still alive. But if Fengming can break free from these nine deaths and still alive, her future is limitless. We Phoenix Clan will have another great power."

Qin Shuang has returned to her own In the room, set up the formation, and then enter the Monster Suppressing Tower. She and Fengming sat facing each other, and both of them instantly came to comprehend.

In the past three days, Phoenix Clan Old Ancestor did not hide any personalities at all. He gave Fengming all-round guidance and pointed out her many shortcomings. It can be said that Old Ancestor is very fond of Qin Shuang and thinks she will be a good seed for Phoenix Clan. Knowing that Qin Shuang refused to meet her in the Phoenix Clan clan, she instilled her experience and some cultivation techniques into Qin Shuang regardless of whether Qin Shuang understood it or not.

At this time, Qin Shuang and Fengming sat opposite each other in the Monster Suppressing Tower. They combed their gains while comprehending, and exchanged opinions from time to time. As the Monster Suppressing Tower passed day by day, the aura of the two people gradually became stronger, and the temperament exuding from their bodies became gradually more restrained. If Qin Shuang before was like a volcano that was erupting, now it is a volcano that is about to erupt. A volcano that is erupting can be seen by anyone, but for a volcano that is about to erupt, no one can see how powerful it is.

Qin Shuang feels all kinds of divine ability and martial skills are coming in abundance. The place where he was puzzled before is suddenly solved. However, this is not what Qin Shuang is most excited about. The most exciting thing is that the aspects that I have never thought about before, the profound mystery that I have never touched, now appear in front of me.

Qin Shuang and Fengming have completely forgotten the time. Everyday is in the process of comprehension and communication, and even the two of them occasionally discuss each other. Unconsciously, Qin Shuang and Fengming spent five years in the Monster Suppressing Tower. It was not until Fengming's breakthrough to the Martial God Second Layer that Qin Shuang woke up from this state.

Fengming is only Qin Shuang’s Avatar, her breakthrough will not lead to Heavenly Dao, but will be superimposed on the body of Qin Shuang. When Qin Shuang breaks through, this Heavenly Dao will be brought down. Qin Shuang checked his own cultivation base and found that all aspects are at the critical point of breakthrough, whether it is Martial Dao or Dharma Dao.

"Five years in the Monster Suppressing Tower, more than four days have passed since the outside world, has the Ten Thousand Demons Conference begun?"

Qin Shuang took a shower in the Monster Suppressing Tower , Changed into dry clothes, and then came out of Monster Suppressing Tower. Withdrew the formation flag, opened the door and walked out. I saw a piece of paper falling from the crack of the door, bending over to pick up the paper and look at it. It turned out that the Ten Thousand Demons Conference had already begun the day before yesterday, and Feng Xiaowu and the others had all gone out to participate in the Ten Thousand Demons Conference.

A ray of flame rose from the palm of his hand, burning the paper to ashes. Qin Shuang walked out of the gate of Phoenix Clan station. As soon as he walked out of the door, a sneer appeared at the corner of Qin Shuang's mouth. She keenly sensed that someone was following herself. However, Qin Shuang also disinclined to pay attention to them, and went shopping in Myriad Demons City.

The entire Myriad Demons City is bustling, with various Auction Houses, various trade fairs, various exchange meetings, various competitions, and there is also an open-air market that sells various resources. The entire Myriad Demons City is filled with noisy sounds.

Qin Shuang refined 50,000 Body Tempering Pill last time. Because he suddenly participated in the pill concocting, there were more than 30,000 left in his body. So Qin Shuang joined the team of sweeping goods. Bargaining, trading resources, Qin Shuang is very busy.

Qin Shuang was squatting in front of a booth, bargaining with a Monster Race cultivator, suddenly raised his eyebrows and looked away. I saw a woman in azure clothes squatting next to me, looking at me with a smile, but the smile was very cold.


"Yes. Are you?"

"Gao Xiaoxiao."



The smile on the corner of Gao Xiaoxiao’s mouth is expanding: "You are very smart, no wonder you can kill Gao Litian."

A smile appeared on the corner of Qin Shuang's mouth and said: "Kill Gao Li God depends not on cleverness, but absolute strength."

"Strength?" Gao Xiaoxiao nodded said: "That kid's strength is really not very good. However, even his strength is not very good. , It’s not what you should kill. The most important thing is that you also killed our Azure Ox cultivator, including our Azure Ox cultivator, 8-Layer Elder. So, you are dead."

"With you?"

"With me!" Gao Xiaoxiao's eyes did not conceal her confidence.

"I remember that Yaodao Gao Litian is the most powerhouse of your Azure Ox family, Azure Ox generation, right? I think you are the same age as him."

"Azure Ox generation is the most powerhouse Gao Xiaoxiao said with a smile: "That's because I have been secluded cultivation for 30 years, everyone has forgotten me." After the words fell, Gao Xiaoxiao revealed a trace of breath, and then immediately convergence. But it was just the fleeting breath that made Qin Shuang solemn.

"Demon Sage!"

"Yes!" Gao Xiaoxiao's face showed strong self-confidence: "I separated cultivation for the breakthrough of the Demon Sage, but I didn't expect it After the customs, the first news I heard was that you killed Gao Litian."

Qin Shuang's expression returned to his indifferent expression: "What if you break through the demon saint? You also said Now, I have killed the Demon Saint 8-Layer of your Azure Ox clan."

Gao Xiaoxiao said with a smile dumbly: "Is it possible to kill a Demon Saint 8-Layer with your true strength? I have already investigated, and you just used a formation method. Coincidentally, I also researched the formation method quite a bit. Therefore, the formation method is not valid for me. Between you and me, you can only use true strength to achieve a higher level. Down. But, without the reliance on the formation, do you think you will be a demon saint’s opponent? Even if my demon saint just broke through?"

"I haven’t killed the demon saint before. , Even the demon sword Gao Litian has killed the demon saint, is the demon saint very strong?"

"hehe......" Gao Xiaoxiao said with a smile indifferently: "The ordinary demon saint is to you In terms of nature, it is not strong. Even against Gao Litian is not strong. But do you think I will be an ordinary demon saint?"

Qin Shuang's eyes shrank. She never thought that she could kill all the demon saints if she was able to kill all the demon saints. She knew that there were always some cultivator aptitude and innate talents, including opportunities that were not weaker than herself. Their strength cannot be viewed with the battle strength of ordinary cultivator.

"Then you are going to challenge me here?"


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